more Ameriflight....

Never had any Metro FO's, just a few in the 99. I wouldn't have flown with one in the Metro.

Definitely wouldn't want one in the metro. Too many things could go wrong! I'd fly with another experienced captain without a second thought though.
That thread will live on forever in JC lore....I love this place....

PS, I've got 104 hours, and and Instrument rating....My attitude sucks but I fly like Tom Cruise, anyone wanna help me out?...
:eek: WOW, I just read the last AMF thread, took me several hours. I wanted to find out why it was closed. It was like a good suspenseful novel. And at the end of it all, all I can say is WOW... That thread will be referred to for the next 10 years.
Seriously guys? 12 pages of that crap and nobody drops the "The problem's not your flying, its your attitude." line?

What a week for my internet to be down.:(
I don't see why he wouldn't have. I mean its not like you guys will be able to sort his resume out from the other hundreds of pilots from the SDF area applying with no medical or BFR.
I don't see why he wouldn't have. I mean its not like you guys will be able to sort his resume out from the other hundreds of pilots from the SDF area applying with no medical or BFR.

Perhaps... There are a fair amount of AMFers here, not including those who lurk. Someone in the training department see how that all goes down, who knows
Definitely wouldn't want one in the metro. Too many things could go wrong! I'd fly with another experienced captain without a second thought though.

Just curious. What is it about the Metro that gives it this reputation for being a hard airplane to fly, or fly single pilot anyways?
Just curious. What is it about the Metro that gives it this reputation for being a hard airplane to fly, or fly single pilot anyways?

KLB and I were talking about this last night among other things (boobs). The Metro is is a pretty "easy" plane to fly when everything is going alright. I never had any problems when I flew it but in training some of the scenarios its A's and E's if something goes wrong, especially an electrical problem.
id definitely volunteer to go bang around in whatever rustbuckets they have in puerto rico....

sorry, late to the party on this thread, but yeah. ill toss in an app the moment i hit those golden 135 mins.
Just curious. What is it about the Metro that gives it this reputation for being a hard airplane to fly, or fly single pilot anyways?

Two of the big things are:

it's wacky cockpit layout. The engineers desinged a lot of three position switches to reduce the amount of switches in the cockpit. It can be tough at times to tell what position the switch is in. It would be disastorous is some of those switches are put in the wrong position is certain situations. Half of the circuit breakers are located on the captains side and the other half on the FO side. The metro has a pretty big cockpit compared to other aircraft. This makes searching out ciruit breakers to push in or pop out on the other side of the cockpit difficult to find and reach when flying single pilot. It's even worse at night.

it's slow control response. The metro rolls really slowly due to the tip of the ailerons being located 3 feet inbord of the wing tip. It's not so bad at cruise, but it takes a lot of input to make it do what you want it to do at slow airspeeds. Its not uncommon to have to go nearly full aileron deflection (with both hands on the yoke because the controls are heavy) either way while doing approaches in gusty conditions. I've heard pilots compare the metro control inputs at cruise similar to a 727's control inputs configured to land! It also has a small rudder for the size of the aircraft. You have to do everything right to have an successful outcome after losing an engine of takeoff. One mistake and you're likely not to make it.

It also has a skinny wing and cruises at decent airspeeds, but could probably use a few more horses.:)
And too loud. I'm all about airplane noise, but that thing takes the cake.

Ain't you flying a 99 right now?

I've never heard ANYTHING louder than an Amflight Beech 99 with all the sound proofing taken out. I'm fairly certain it's at least 150 db inside the cockpit at takeoff power.

I mean seriously dude it made the Chieftain seem whisper quiet.