more Ameriflight....

UPS doesn't seem to like it when a contractor gets comfortable.

As it should be. Contractors should be under constant threat of losing said contract to to service failures and/or cost issues. It's one of the ways we maintain our profitability.
Our company has some issues, for example, no support from the "mothership" to let us buy airplanes. UPS has made it pretty clear that they want to start dumping metro's for 1900's. However "mothership" won't let us buy, only lease, so when other companies can buy, they win. UPS wants that airplane on the route (RAP), someone with a 1900 wins it, understandable. However when we're losing METRO routes to 1900's because Martinaire pays their pilots over 10k less then ours, that's were the issue comes into play.

And btw this post made my day, I guess the grass isn't always greener.

Do you honestly think that pilot pay is a huge factor in the contracts between UPS and your company? Blame management. Your company probably spends 10k operating ONE Metro for a 5 day work week. Your attitude to "better" the career is toxic, and I can only hope people just starting off in this industry look elsewhere for a mentor... To quote yourself.. "You must be an absolute joy to fly with". You are in the first year of your first real flying job. Chill out.
Inverted :

Sorry to ask so many questions but what is a typical day like for you?

Show up around 7am, fly to outstation. Get there by 11 or before. Hotel until 5ish, then fly home, be home by 8ish. That's most of the navajo routes. There's a few ups piston routes and that's more of at 5am-6pm thing.
Inverted :

Sorry to ask so many questions but what is a typical day like for you?

No worries man. Ya thats pretty much a typical day. Most of the PA31 runs leave OAK at 7-8am, and get back anywhere from 7-10pm. There are a few exceptions to that, we have a couple runs that have no layover ,leave at 3 and get home at 7 or so.
Sounds cool is your out station pretty cool? Could you do any fun activities? Do you have plans after ameriflight?
At AMF the only real time you have a set run is if you bid an outstation run. Otherwise, especially in OAK, you float which is what I like because it mixes it up. I would say half of the layovers are pretty cool. I do have plans after AMF, to go to a big boy airline.
Sounds cool is the flying pretty challenging? every one always says the learn way more at ameriflight in the first few months then all the time they did instructing
AMF has a 1900 run that i think flys purple boxes. It is based in Kalispel and flys to Great Falls (short flight) I think. Last guy was there two years, current guy grew up there, so I don't think he is going anywhere soon.
I have never heard of stuck work in the feader freight world.

You hear rumors then one week you show up and an Alpine Air, Ameriflight, or Martinair airplane is parked where your plane should be.
Right, and before your company flew the route, what company's run did your company take? Like I said, it is well above all of our pay grades, and it just creates contempt. I don't remember the exact quote, but something along the lines of "don't worry about the things you can't change." If it was not struck work, then it was not "your run". Purple, brown, the banks, the labs, whomever made the decision. Why fight amongst each other? It solves nothing.

Having said that, if somebody goes to your non-union company and says...I'll do FlyingScot's job for 1/2 of his pay, then by all means let them have it.
We all gain and lose runs. Thats how bidding works, and thats how the freight industry works. Are we to expect all freight pilots to quit because our companies might bid another out?
Along the same lines as the point I was trying to make. Stuck freight has to do with a company who's pilots have a union or some type of leverage, never the case with feeders. Big Brown or Purple just does what i can to keep the freight moving reliably as cheap as it can, the feeder company management keeps doing what it can to keep the planes under contract and if possible to the grow the fleet. The pilots just need to show up, shut up and fly the airplane.
In all honestly the thing I like best about this job is that it is the quickest way to build multi turbine PIC time.