more Ameriflight....

Passed my BE-99 Checkride today. Just in case anyone is wondering, it took me 7 months to get a 99 slot. This is actually a bit long nowadays, there are people here in PDX who are upgrading who don't even have their 6 months. And some other bases are even faster than that. Good luck to all you new guys.

If its like the past PDX will type you but it may be a while to you can hold a run there in the plane you are typed in. But the way things are moving he may be flying a Lear out of PDX in a few months.
If its like the past PDX will type you but it may be a while to you can hold a run there in the plane you are typed in. But the way things are moving he may be flying a Lear out of PDX in a few months.

The Lears have been sold off. Only 3 are remaining but they don't fly.
202 was a real hoot today. Apparently, the Sikhs don't like Inverted. :p

That guy makes me so mad. I can't wait to get to SAC today to hear what random crap he is gonna make up today. Most drivers are awesome, this guy however, is less than awesome...
That guy makes me so mad. I can't wait to get to SAC today to hear what random crap he is gonna make up today. Most drivers are awesome, this guy however, is less than awesome...

Apparently D is Sikh, and he seems to think you're an alright dude. :dunno: On the plus side, at least you didn't have to spend any time in the Visalia apartment today. I'm convinced there's a dead body hidden somewhere in there. Stinks like nothing else. Hiding out in Starbucks right now...
D is legit for sure I like Dil pickle. That dead body smell is the abundance of sticky icky icky that everyone smokes at that apartment complex.
D is legit for sure I like Dil pickle. That dead body smell is the abundance of sticky icky icky that everyone smokes at that apartment complex.

Oh no it ain't. It's straight up FUNK. Probably mold or something somewhere. I have enough card-carrying friends [and family] these days to know the difference.
Good luck trying to get the company to clean it out. They were less then willing to help when I got bed bugs on 214.

I have to be there 2 days next week. I might petition our ACP to let me expense some cleaning supplies and I'll clean the damn place myself. I'm pretty OCD about hygiene, and I can't relax in that place.
I can tell that all of you guys are fairly new! Eventually you will learn what you will and will not put up with. haha
I can tell that all of you guys are fairly new! Eventually you will learn what you will and will not put up with. haha

Well, I get Visalia for 2 days next week and I'm very seriously considering purchasing some carpet deodorizer and making a solid effort to find the source of that god awful smell.

Not unless I'm on 202 :cool:

Oh snap is that the Dil Pickle!?


Let us dance in unison, Bollywood style. Jai Ho!
so, for anybody currently with the company, what's a typical day/week for someone based out of Oakland or Portland like? I'm currently flying for a regional, but commuting all the way to the east coast from the west coast for it. Just wondering what kind of a schedule I would have flying out of either of those places.
Well, I get Visalia for 2 days next week and I'm very seriously considering purchasing some carpet deodorizer and making a solid effort to find the source of that god awful smell.

Don't forget to get a receipt and fill an expense report for any cleaning supplies you buy for the crew apartment. Dish water detergent, paper towels, and etc....
Don't forget to get a receipt and fill an expense report for any cleaning supplies you buy for the crew apartment. Dish water detergent, paper towels, and etc....

Yeah, planning on it. Though I hear we're supposed to get "approval" before we make the purchase.