more Ameriflight....

I do appreciate it. I thought the indoc course was great. Especially with the rumors about the old days. That said, it would have been nice to talk out a couple of the questions from the test. I don't want to complain, but the pressure to score high marks here is high. I'm my own worst critic, so getting some of those questions wrong really stung. Anyway, indoc was really enjoyable.

In other news, just finished in the sim. That was a pain. Please tell me the real Navajo can be trimmed fairly easily in all phases of flight. :p

When do they hand out airplane specific materials and checklists? During indoc or just after the first week ?
Bob's indoc is a right of passage. Pass that segment in your career and any job is yours. He is a legend. Did my indoc and I enjoyed myself. I would probably enjoy Sams indoc the same. But on more then one occasion Ive talked to other pilots who haven't worked at AMF that knew of Bob. Too bad those in the future will miss the experience, as I've missed the experience of the 99 vids.
Bob's indoc is a right of passage. Pass that segment in your career and any job is yours. He is a legend. Did my indoc and I enjoyed myself. I would probably enjoy Sams indoc the same. But on more then one occasion Ive talked to other pilots who haven't worked at AMF that knew of Bob. Too bad those in the future will miss the experience, as I've missed the experience of the 99 vids.

The old 99 vids were fantastic! Very entertaining!
If you've never watched the 99 videos, you're missing out!

"Now if you manage to accomplish this **** up, you're gonna get yourself killed!"
The old 99 vids were fantastic! Very entertaining!

Yes they are!

I do appreciate it. I thought the indoc course was great. Especially with the rumors about the old days. That said, it would have been nice to talk out a couple of the questions from the test. I don't want to complain, but the pressure to score high marks here is high. I'm my own worst critic, so getting some of those questions wrong really stung. Anyway, indoc was really enjoyable.

In other news, just finished in the sim. That was a pain. Please tell me the real Navajo can be trimmed fairly easily in all phases of flight. :p

Sucks we didn't have time to meet up while I was out there. Good luck in flight training!
I do appreciate it. I thought the indoc course was great. Especially with the rumors about the old days. That said, it would have been nice to talk out a couple of the questions from the test. I don't want to complain, but the pressure to score high marks here is high. I'm my own worst critic, so getting some of those questions wrong really stung. Anyway, indoc was really enjoyable.

In other news, just finished in the sim. That was a pain. Please tell me the real Navajo can be trimmed fairly easily in all phases of flight. :p

Congrats. When do you show up in OAK?
Sucks we didn't have time to meet up while I was out there. Good luck in flight training!

Thanks, man! BTW, I got 98 on my PA31 test. The only question I missed was a performance chart where I was apparently about a mm off for figuring out single-engine climb rate.

Congrats. When do you show up in OAK?

Thanks. I have my VCC Tuesday, so if that goes smoothly I suppose I'll be in Oakland by Thursday.
ooh! those 99 vids are still out and about! must say, theyre classic! almost better than Bobs indoc. Almost...

Nothing will ever match Bob's indoc.

"Ok, so you're going to do a procedure turn, how do you do it?"

"As depicted."

"NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!! YOU DO A 90/270!!!!!!!!"


The only man that can yell at you via a pre-indoc packet without even meeting you. haha. "Why is this guy shouting?"

"Oh FAA!"
I saw an edited and more "P.C." version of the 99 tapes and I was still busting a gut. I can only imagine.
The only man that can yell at you via a pre-indoc packet without even meeting you. haha. "Why is this guy shouting?"

"Oh FAA!"
I saw an edited and more "P.C." version of the 99 tapes and I was still busting a gut. I can only imagine.

Ahhhh..... managed to get a Bob moment before leaving Burbank.

BTW, skatergeek, I'm doing my VCC with Wendall from PHX. Really cool guy. Looking forward to flying with him.
Ahhhh..... managed to get a Bob moment before leaving Burbank.

BTW, skatergeek, I'm doing my VCC with Wendall from PHX. Really cool guy. Looking forward to flying with him.

Nice! Haha he was saying that he had to do like 7 VCC's in a couple days or something like that.
The only man that can yell at you via a pre-indoc packet without even meeting you. haha. "Why is this guy shouting?"

"Oh FAA!"
I saw an edited and more "P.C." version of the 99 tapes and I was still busting a gut. I can only imagine.

"How do you know you have the required visibility for takeoff?.............If you see the Golden Arches at the end of the runway!". Okay Bob. LOL