more Ameriflight....

When I was talking to Sheri she said they were "scouring the earth" for E-120's to buy.. I guess their expanding capacity or getting more routes that they need the E-120 to operate on.

The polished metal on those is probably the most attractive scheme I've seen on an EMB-120.
Considering when and why this thread started I am impressed it took that long.

Nope, not me. I have been offered a class date in June and have read this entire thread for gauge. Figured I would speak up and join the camaraderie with you fellas rather than being and ominous lurker.

My bad if the thread drifted away from the original conversation.
6 nights a week!? Ouch. I guess that's what happens when checks are replaced by boxes. :/

Error on my part as most guys are five days a week, and some have runs that span in to six days of the week, but a few are honest six days a week. This next week will be an honest six day-er.

Godzilla, do you know how many people are classing up? I wanna know when to start expecting being on standby reserve haha!
How many were in the class total? I'm assuming the rest went to PDX?

I think it was ~20ish total but 1/3 of that was FOs and an intern. Among the captains, we seemed to get split pretty evenly between PDX, BUR and OAK. They said it was one of the larger classes they had in a while.
Nobody for PHX?

Nope. As far as I'm aware, it wasn't even an option for us.

Where are you headed? How was the first week?

I got OAK as I requested since I live near by. Indoc was actually fun. I enjoyed it except for the test at the end which I thought had a couple of cheap questions with vague answers to them. For instance: is it actually policy to secure the O2 bottle to the FO's seat? I didn't see it anywhere in the ops manual or other documentation so I answered "Wherever the PIC deems it to be safe and secure" which was apparently wrong. I passed, but I felt slightly miffed about some of the questions I got wrong. Anyway, on to the Navajo and sim which I'm guessing will be slightly more stressful than indoc. :p