more Ameriflight....

Re: Indoc starts in less than a week...

It never hurts to ask, right!!

Just need to focus on preparing for and doing well at indoc first.

Definitely focus on passing indoc, and concentrate even more for that lovely Chieftain sim.

It never hurts with putting bids in once you get on the line. There's a recently new pilot that has only been with the company for around 2 months, and he's already going into the BE-99 in NY.

I alone moved up 6 spots on the seniority list from May 2nd to May 9th.
Re: Indoc starts in less than a week...

Now hiring direct entry Metro pilots to DFW and IAH, apparently. Eeeennnnnteresting.

Hey everyone! I applied for the position out of IAH. I live 25 minutes from the airport, have an ATP-MEL with 4700TT, 3600 multi, 3500 turboprop, 1200 PIC (non turbine) and fly 70-80 hours a month Part 121. What are the chances of getting on with them, being a local to IAH?

As for the DFW position, do they allow commuting? Driving to Dallas or even jumpseating there can't possibly be as bad as going from IAH to NYC.

Thanks everyone =)
Re: Indoc starts in less than a week...

No commuting for AMF. It just doesn't work. They can't stop you, but you would probably kill yourself trying. Considering you will fly early in the morning and get back late at night you will need somewhere to stay during the week. Part 135 cargo is no way like an airline as they only provide shelter while you are at a layover and not back at your base or outstation (IAH is an outstation).

While I was in indoc they mentioned they don't like previous 121 regional FOs all that much. Unless you have recent PIC time I don't think your chances will be all that good. Still doesn't hurt to try.
Re: Indoc starts in less than a week...

Out of my August 09 class, 5 out of the 7 of us were regional FO's. There's only one other person, including myself from my class that are still at AMF that are previous 121. I think they got hit pretty good when Express Jet recalled all of their FO's, at least 6 pilots left to go back. Unfortunately, I think AMF learned their lesson when it came to hiring 121 guys. Some make the change to 135 and like it and stay, but some hate it and want to go back.
Re: Indoc starts in less than a week...

Out of my August 09 class, 5 out of the 7 of us were regional FO's. There's only one other person, including myself from my class that are still at AMF that are previous 121. I think they got hit pretty good when Express Jet recalled all of their FO's, at least 6 pilots left to go back. Unfortunately, I think AMF learned their lesson when it came to hiring 121 guys. Some make the change to 135 and like it and stay, but some hate it and want to go back.

The majority of people are not ameriflifers, hence the reason you have moved up so fast. Amflight has been around for a long time, and knows the deal with these guys.
Re: Indoc starts in less than a week...

Wow that's quite a bit of time, however from what I understand the Metro can snowball into becoming a busy airplane very fast.

Currently sitting around 1650TT, 500ish turbine with 275 jet. I have a class date of June 13 and planning for the 'ho in PDX, but who knows where they decide to send me.

Not really.
"Radar when able" It works like a charm my friend. I've rarely have a controller not give them to me when I request it. In fact the only time they haven't given it to me is because of restricted airspace or having to be on DP's or Arrivals. So the /G wouldn't have gotten me there any faster. Other things ATC has done when I can't fly direct to an intersection is give me a heading to intercept the airway at the intersection. Much of our east coast flying has some long legs. So I take shortcuts anytime I can get them. :)

Good luck with Radar Vectors direct when able, I went out to Pennsylvania yesterday, and had the longest and most ungodly route clearance ever when I left. Then...when it was done...I got a reroute with each and every controller the whole way back only to get direct for about 30 minutes followed by another reroute. Sucky.
Good luck with Radar Vectors direct when able, I went out to Pennsylvania yesterday, and had the longest and most ungodly route clearance ever when I left. Then...when it was done...I got a reroute with each and every controller the whole way back only to get direct for about 30 minutes followed by another reroute. Sucky.

"Cancel IFR."
Good luck with Radar Vectors direct when able, I went out to Pennsylvania yesterday, and had the longest and most ungodly route clearance ever when I left. Then...when it was done...I got a reroute with each and every controller the whole way back only to get direct for about 30 minutes followed by another reroute.

The controllers must not like you because you're flying low. :)
The controllers must not like you because you're flying low. :)

This squares with my'd get a vector for timbuktu in the mitsi whereas in the 99 you'd get 15 victor airways to cross the taxiway. Just another reason to hate the 99.
Re: Indoc starts in less than a week...

Shrug. "A lot" is a relative proposition, I suppose. From what I've read/heard, a metro is not an airplane into which one drops a kid who just climbed out of a Seminole.

Agreed. I've never flown a Metro but have spoken with guys that have and you need to be on your game. At 1200 hours and stepping into one from only instructing would be ridiculous.
Re: Indoc starts in less than a week...

Any Ameriflight guys try to jumpseat with other airlines besides Southwest? Is it possible? I was reading on their site that they are CASS, but that they only jumpseat with SWA? Is it possible to jumpseat on the other airlines?
Re: Indoc starts in less than a week...

Any Ameriflight guys try to jumpseat with other airlines besides Southwest? Is it possible? I was reading on their site that they are CASS, but that they only jumpseat with SWA? Is it possible to jumpseat on the other airlines?

Yes some airlines do allow AMF jumpseaters. Can't actually use the jumpseat though.

US Airways and Horizon have been known to have little to no problems with AMF jumpseaters. I hear ExpressJet will take AMF jumpseaters as well. I have only hopped on SWA. United and AA have strict jumpseating policies so they are impossible to get on.

Basically if you try an airline other than SWA it will be hit or miss for the most part.
I was in a pinch and tried United. The guys worked hard to get me on but the HQ, (or whoever they called), said, No way hose-head.

Sun Country takes us freight-mongers.