more Ameriflight....

DME?! What kind of nancy crutch equipment is that?! Real pilots navigate with VOR's and a watch. :rotfl:

VORs? Thats Nancy Jr stuff right there son. Under the scud and the below, is all thats needed.


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So how is seniority rendered out? I heard somewhere that it's in the order that you pass your part 135 checkride?
More Safe? No, not really, but I take exception to the efficiency argument. The GPS makes useful those handy great-circle distances, and a "cleared direct to KABC" beats the hell out of "fly V123, then V456, then Radar Vectors to KABC." If you really want to know just how much more efficient those routes are, plug the airway route into and it'll tell you how much longer your route is than the great circle distance.

Also, even the most basic GPS steps up your SA by a large factor.

"Radar when able" It works like a charm my friend. I've rarely have a controller not give them to me when I request it. In fact the only time they haven't given it to me is because of restricted airspace or having to be on DP's or Arrivals. So the /G wouldn't have gotten me there any faster. Other things ATC has done when I can't fly direct to an intersection is give me a heading to intercept the airway at the intersection. Much of our east coast flying has some long legs. So I take shortcuts anytime I can get them. :)
AMF is big on knowing where you are, knowing where you are going, and where you need to go next. A GPS is nice but you can maintain SA with the equipment in the aircraft.
Re: Indoc starts in less than a week...

Anyone know what the process is at AMF of selecting routes? Do you get to bid on them? Anyone know about how their time off benefits are etc??
Re: Indoc starts in less than a week...

Very true. OAK seems to bid runs very differently then other bases.