more Ameriflight....

Its fine if you have a reciprocal agreement with those regionals. Basically, no recip, no ride! CASS is irrelevant. I wouldnt say SWA is the "best" to have a recip with, it all depends on where youre at and where youre trying to go! up in Seattle, SWA isnt all that great for example.

Saying that, Us Air, Hawaiian, Jet Blue, and Virgin America will let AMF guys jumpseat (at the discretion of the flight crew of course but the gate agents will let you down to ask). From my experience, thats about it. Ive tried almost everyone else :)

I just find it the best since all locations are mainline no matter what. Unfortunately they don't go to every city, but at least you can get around if you need to without getting stranded because of changing airlines.
50 multi. We had one guy in my class with less but he had previous 135 experience to help his cause.
50?! wow, thats pretty low! I wonder if they are predicting a.. wait for it... wait for it..... PILOT SHORTAGE!!!!! ahhhha!
what is AMF's multi mins today? 50 or 100? thx!

Thanks for the info guys. I have a buddy who I am trying to mentor who has been a CFI forever due to not having enough multi time. I'll nudge him over to AMF, and hopefully he will be able to move on with his career.
One of the biggest allures of AMF in my opinion is that you WILL get twin time...and 6-12 months later you WILL get turbine if you want it.

All PIC, mostly turbine, multi, single pilot, and IFR...the only thing they don't have anymore is a jet transistion.
When applying with AMF online, do you just upload your resume on their site and wait for them to contact you if their interested? Or is it better to fax or send it in by mail?
online process is fine, but if you seriously want to work there, you should follow it up with a phone call...maybe two.
I got lucky when I called. Got Sheri on the first try.

Just be sure to have the big application filled out before calling.
Filled out the form earlier this week, so should I try calling today or possibly one week after filling out the form?
Wait a week from when you submited it.

I say call Sheri on Monday. That's what I did. Submitted Friday - called Monday - phone interview Tuesday.

The earlier you have your interview with an ACP the better the chances are that you get the open base you want. One guy in my class was the first to interview and was guaranteed PDX and got it.