more Ameriflight....

I get along well with the maintenance types, provided they walk the requisite ten feet behind me at all times and don't speak until spoken to.
In a month, when I hit minimums, I'm looking at applying to Ameriflight as well as Airnet and any other freight company that will let me shove a letter in their mailbox. (Get you mind out of the gutter Boris) I've got the gouge for Ameriflight from CRJDriver, I know the phone number (800-800-4JET) and who to talk to (Sherri) thanks to this thread. I have free access to a sim where I currently work and I'm trying to get my ATP written out of the way. Is there anything else I can be doing to prepare? My times are going to be right at minimums and I'm willing to relocate anywhere. I'll even let you guys beat me with nerf bats to hammer important ideas into my head.
the reason we walk that far behind you guys is because you need to take a shower. :whatever: seriously, i do appreciate a pilot who will give me a good description of what happened(alt, temp, a/s, weather) to help me troubleshoot. as far as cannot duplicate, sometimes we can't make it broken on the ground. if it's not broken how can we fix it? we can start shotgunning parts but that's frowned upon by people that buy parts. can't we all just get along? knot4u
the only reason i read the cargo part of this site is because the best captains i've worked with all had an ootsk backround. tourqed could be an anomoly. knot4u
Hey knot4u!

I believe all these post are just good natured ribbing for the most part.:)
the only reason i read the cargo part of this site is because the best captains i've worked with all had an ootsk backround. tourqed could be an anomoly. knot4u

It may sound strange, but I think we are all joking around for the most part... at least thats how I have been interpreting this thread :)
Yeah I've been just yanking chains the whole time. In all seriousness you don't where you eat and you don't mess with those that keep you in the air. Some of the nicest and coolest people I know turn wrenches. I always make a point to thank those who do me favors and let them know that I appreciate their hard work.
In a month, when I hit minimums, I'm looking at applying to Ameriflight as well as Airnet and any other freight company that will let me shove a letter in their mailbox. (Get you mind out of the gutter Boris) I've got the gouge for Ameriflight from CRJDriver, I know the phone number (800-800-4JET) and who to talk to (Sherri) thanks to this thread. I have free access to a sim where I currently work and I'm trying to get my ATP written out of the way. Is there anything else I can be doing to prepare? My times are going to be right at minimums and I'm willing to relocate anywhere. I'll even let you guys beat me with nerf bats to hammer important ideas into my head.

Starting to sound like SJS....:insane:

Yeah I've been just yanking chains the whole time. In all seriousness you don't where you eat and you don't mess with those that keep you in the air. Some of the nicest and coolest people I know turn wrenches. I always make a point to thank those who do me favors and let them know that I appreciate their hard work.

Mike, nice way to spin the F-14 Tomcat patch in your avatar.
The avatar is from an actual sticker and patch either Airnet or most likely one of the pilots made. I think there is a clapped out 'jo that has this under the pilots window.
I want to make it into a sticker again for current and former starcheckers but gotta find who made the original.
Starting to sound like SJS....:insane:

Is that the way it came across? Crap! Not intended that way. Just trying to figure out how to be more competitive with what little I can put on a resume. If I'm not competitive the. I keep grinding until I am. I'm not looking for a super short cut, but I am trying to keep reaching for the next rung. Was hoping for some pointers if I was missing anything I should be doing. Thanks guys.
Is that the way it came across? Crap! Not intended that way. Just trying to figure out how to be more competitive with what little I can put on a resume. If I'm not competitive the. I keep grinding until I am. I'm not looking for a super short cut, but I am trying to keep reaching for the next rung. Was hoping for some pointers if I was missing anything I should be doing. Thanks guys.

Looks like Bandit was using a bit of this :sarcasm:. :D

There's not much more you can do from my viewpoint. Maybe make a trip out to the AviationCareerExpo. I hear AMF will be there.;)
Looks like Bandit was using a bit of this :sarcasm:. :D

There's not much more you can do from my viewpoint. Maybe make a trip out to the AviationCareerExpo. I hear AMF will be there.;)

Ah...didn't see the smiley on tapatalk on my phone. Cheers.
Is that the way it came across? Crap! Not intended that way. Just trying to figure out how to be more competitive with what little I can put on a resume. If I'm not competitive the. I keep grinding until I am. I'm not looking for a super short cut, but I am trying to keep reaching for the next rung. Was hoping for some pointers if I was missing anything I should be doing. Thanks guys.

I guess I should have used the :sarcasm: tag instead of the :insane: one. Hang in there and you'll make it. Usually with bare min times you have to know someone on the inside or be lucky. All you can do is be ready for the call when it comes. In the meantime just keep building hours and gaining experience. We've all been there a few times in our careers grasping at the next rung. I remember your frustrations quite well when I was trying for my fist 135 job.

My nerf bat is all warmed up....:D:D
because hiding behind a screen name is lame

I don't work at AMF any more. No base to point to.

I get along well with the maintenance types, provided they walk the requisite ten feet behind me at all times and don't speak until spoken to.

You must be referring to the mech with the pilot several feet behind HIM. You should refocus ahead of you to the mech that is there waiting to tell you what you did wrong. (again) Your spatial orientation skills are wanting. Bad thing for a pilot. Maybe you should look into driving a truck. One less dimension to worry about. You may also get more pay. Sounds win - win to me!
That was me with the beard, trying to fix the sim. I got it working after you guys left.

Haha, well thanks for getting it working for us! I felt like an NFL kicker getting iced by the other team calling time out after time out just before the game winning field goal. It's a pretty nice sim actually, except the trim had a mind of its own and just randomly spun on me, made it hard to hold altitude at first.