Man Dragged off United Flight

Sure they do, if you're bumped off a flight involuntarily, they will oversell the next flight to insure you get on. So you're guaranteed a seat...eventually.

Longest I have been told by an agent at the airport was 2 weeks until the next seat. Twice, actually. Yeah, I'm sure I would have gotten on sooner, eventually. But that is the point where I buy another ticket on another airline.
@Derg, thanks for having such a high opinion of dispatch. So glad to see you keep us in such high regard.

Dispatchers are awesome, but I really don't want to fly through the moderate turbulence that I reported on the inbound leg when I can easily avoid it.

I wish I saved the flight plan where in the remarks it said "MDT-SVR turbulence FL280 and above", the big nasty block of nastiness on FWV and "filed at FL320 for fuel economy"
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Could be initially. But some gathering of facts, along with the initial demeanor of the passenger, should paint a fairly accurate picture of what is going on and why. For the airline, as mentioned already in the thread, perception is indeed reality.
I like that approach. I think most folks would agree.
Unfortunately. People lie. And cops don't always ask questions. (We can verify the latter simply by reading comments some people made earlier in this thread.)
No, but I will admit 3 years of dispatching at Mesa Airlines did sour me.

I was poking at Avgirl actually.

Man, I bet you have some interesting stories about Mesa, ha! Risely-era or the other guy?
Nah. But, it is sucky that a problem happens and the first thought people have here is that it has to be a regional.

Our demographics are certainly strongly tilting in the regional airline category. And dating apps. Not even kidding! Google analytics are fun.
Doesn't matter at all. Once a passenger is asked to deplane, for whatever reason, their refusal to do so now makes them a trespasser. It's not LE's role to determine if the reason is valid or not. The lawful owner of the property has asked for them to be removed.
Uh, er. What? YES. Yes it IS their role to do that. Do you really think LEO is supposed to simply take the calling party's allegation as truth? That would be chaos... or a police state.
Uh, er. What? YES. Yes it IS their role to do that. Do you really think LEO is supposed to simply take the calling party's allegation as truth? That would be chaos.

I concur. I find a squatter in my home, who then calls the police and says I'm trespassing. The cops are supposed to take his word at face value and order me to leave?

I don't think so. Fact gathering pretty much comes with the job.

Here's some more of United's wonderful customer service. A first class passenger who was already seated got threatened with being taken off the plane in cuffs, then placed in a middle seat in economy and had to fight for over a week before United offered to refund the difference in fares (which should've been one of the first things they did and before the flight even departed if it had to come to that). The company as a whole needs an overhaul in the customer service department. Of course the wealthy pension fund manager is refusing to fly on United ever again and rightfully so.

Also here's a video of a disabled vet (traumatic brain injuries) who seems sincere enough in his claims on a nightmarish trip where his service dog was kicked twice and he was called a retard by United employees.

Amazingly I don't take CEO Munoz seriously with his weak apology on his third time through after calling the passenger disruptive and belligerent the day before.
And I'm telling you as someone who's actively avoided flying United before for a lot less that this is certainly going to make me avoid them even more, but apparently you know me better than I do myself and not only that you're capable of mind reading the entire market for airline travel.

Mind reading, common sense? Call it what you will. The reality is that you're in a small minority of folks who will actually follow through. You'll show them.
Our demographics are certainly strongly tilting in the regional airline category. And dating apps. Not even kidding! Google analytics are fun.

Google Analytics can be interesting. Gun owners have to be high up on the list, too!
Mind reading, common sense? Call it what you will. The reality is that you're in a small minority of folks who will actually follow through. You'll show them.

I'm not trying to show them I just don't want anything to do with their business and neither does this wealthy executive that was threatened with handcuffs. You can also ask the vet that was called a retard in my last post what his thoughts are in flying United. My reasons in not flying United are because of the horrible customer service I've experienced and witnessed while flying, the stories my co-workers have shared that seem to mirror my own and these big stories that also seem to indicate that it's a company wide concern. Please go out and rationalize to us again how we'll all forget about how we were mistreated and how like herd animals we'll accept it and come crawling back to them at the first chance of a slightly lower fare.
Longest I have been told by an agent at the airport was 2 weeks until the next seat. Twice, actually. Yeah, I'm sure I would have gotten on sooner, eventually. But that is the point where I buy another ticket on another airline.
As an involuntary denied boarding?! If so, that is a big no no. If you volunteer or get disrupted by IROPS, sure, but if they boot you from a seat you have confirmed on the flight you bought a ticket from, it's supposed to be a re-accommodation on the next flight.

work work work work
As an involuntary denied boarding?! If so, that is a big no no. If you volunteer or get disrupted by IROPS, sure, but if they boot you from a seat you have confirmed on the flight you bought a ticket from, it's supposed to be a re-accommodation on the next flight.

Cancelled flight. But all subsequent flights were oversold for at least the next week, so they weren't willing to confirm a seat on anything. I ended up renting a car on that one.