Luxury Crash Pad downtown Chicago with Jazz Singer

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Word of advice though - reconnecting with an old relationship can generally be time consuming, lacks the initial fire and passion of a "new" relationship, and after a time of reconnection you generally figure out why it was an "old" relationship.
Or, it can be incredibly passionate and fulfilling for the next number of years (going on 10, so far...). ;)
Sooo... not to bore all of you, but, am I not getting a roommate out of this?

Come on. Help a hot, (newly single-- "to-hell-with-him") jazz singer pay her rent.

And, um... my mom (flight attendant) never told me how HILARIOUS pilots are. Love this thread.
Sooo... not to bore all of you, but, am I not getting a roommate out of this?

Come on. Help a hot, (newly single-- "to-hell-with-him") jazz singer pay her rent.

And, um... my mom (flight attendant) never told me how HILARIOUS pilots are. Love this thread.

Well sweetheart...part of the issue is that many of the pilots here are "regional pilots" and the rent you need exceeds the gross monthly pay for many of them. You could go to a place called AirlinePilotCentral (please don't...that is more of a hypothetical "you could") and they have more major airline pilots there...but those people you will generally find boring...not lively or fun roommates at all. I'm thinking what you need is a business person who likes airplanes/flying for personal use.

On another aviation fetish is vintage/antique airplanes. I'm thinking this would work nicely with a flapper girl. Music from the 20's/30's, girl dressed in flapper gear...getting out of a vintage airplane. It is all too perfect.
Well sweetheart...part of the issue is that many of the pilots here are "regional pilots" and the rent you need exceeds the gross monthly pay for many of them. You could go to a place called AirlinePilotCentral (please don't...that is more of a hypothetical "you could") and they have more major airline pilots there...but those people you will generally find boring...not lively or fun roommates at all. I'm thinking what you need is a business person who likes airplanes/flying for personal use.

On another aviation fetish is vintage/antique airplanes. I'm thinking this would work nicely with a flapper girl. Music from the 20's/30's, girl dressed in flapper gear...getting out of a vintage airplane. It is all too perfect.

Dont hate on the poor regional pilots when you're asking for a buddy pass! Buy your own ticket out there, she'll drop the "lets be friends" line soon enough...;)
Very generally speaking, when a pretty girl is soliciting attention, your spidey-sense should be going Code Red. That said, I anxiously await the inevitably unpleasant results of this. You'll get a Good Story, at the very least! (More to the point, so will I). Presuming you survive.
I am going to have a blast with this thread. There isn't much else to do at 4am. Do you ever jazz at the clubs in the West Loop?

What clubs in the west loop? I "jazz" (funny), aka SING in jazz clubs/concert halls across the country. I currently sing in Evanston every week and downtown Chicago every week. I also work in Wheeling IL at a place called Pete Millers. I gotta fix my website. So far behind with... EVERYTHING. You in Chicago?
Very generally speaking, when a pretty girl is soliciting attention, your spidey-sense should be going Code Red. That said, I anxiously await the inevitably unpleasant results of this. You'll get a Good Story, at the very least! (More to the point, so will I). Presuming you survive.

HEY! That isn't nice.
Boris? I'm not "soliciting attention". I'm looking for a roommate to help me with rent. I was ignorant to the differentiations of commercial airline pilots and reserve pilots for corporate travel etc.. I just thought, having grown up with a mother as a flight attendant: "I need a roommate, haven't lived with anyone (except my boyfriend) for 14 years... so I want someone who will not BE THERE much... travelers... pilots or flight attendants! Pilots typically make more money. They could afford this. Perfect".
See? Very logical.
I didn't realize many of you are even poorer than a jazz musician. ;))
But lay off the darkness, geeze.
She really is gorgeous...

That's it. FlapperGirl - Will you marry me?

and just to be fair, since I've seen your picture, here's a snapshot taken of me earlier:

HEY! That isn't nice.
Boris? I'm not "soliciting attention". I'm looking for a roommate to help me with rent. I was ignorant to the differentiations of commercial airline pilots and reserve pilots for corporate travel etc.. I just thought, having grown up with a mother as a flight attendant: "I need a roommate, haven't lived with anyone (except my boyfriend) for 14 years... so I want someone who will not BE THERE much... travelers... pilots or flight attendants! Pilots typically make more money. They could afford this. Perfect".
See? Very logical.
I didn't realize many of you are even poorer than a jazz musician. ;))
But lay off the darkness, geeze.

The thing is at $1700 a month even a AA/UA 777 CA is looking at about 20% of their pay after taxes for 4-5 nights a month.

In fact I looked at the top hotels in Chicago and the break even point is
6 nights for the Elysian
4 nights for the Trump International
4 nights for the The Ritz-Carlton
3 nights for the Four Seasons
2 nights for the Peninsula

So your best bet is to find someone who stays at a nice 5 star hotel every month for a few days.
I have abandoned any hope to reconcile with the lawyer/boyfriend. After what I thought were great strides towards a healthier, better place in our relationship and future just Sunday and Monday, by Tuesday night, he was back to being... as Boris affectionately calls him, "psycho".

He showed up to my gig and acted like a child. A 6'6", 57 year old child.

Several men in the club (friends and fans) offered to drive me home and ALL of them begged me not to get in psycho-lawyer's car. Most likely because the sight of him makes me tremble these days as I never know if he will be loving or degrading.

So of course I ignored good sense so I could be berated and devalued the entire ride home. Fun.

Anyway, I guess after suffering two months of his psychological cat and mouse game between kindness and cruelty, I am just... bored from this pain and exhaustion. One year together this month. Yes. I am sad. But he is not the man he wants to be, he is the man he detests in others and the resentment of himself just gets projected onto me. So, I am done. He is texting me more now than when we were living together... Figures. It's just not going to work this time, though. He is doing the whole "Give me time to get over the anxiety of our demise and then let's 'hang out' as good friends. Please take care of yourself and be good to yourself". UMMMMMM.... yeah. I am trying to, starting with staying away from people who "love/hate" me and make me insane with grief.

There was a 29 year old (HOT) guy at the gig who heard psycho-lawyer say to me "Erin, I will be waiting by the door for you" (implying 'hurry up I'm waiting'), while I was trying to put away mic cords etc and thank people greeting me on stage at the conclusion of my gig.... The 29 year old said "What the is that? If you even tell me that old dude is your ex... What an ass. He should be ASKING if you even want him to drive you home. Please let me take you downtown... and let me clock him on the way out. I live in China, he can try to find and sue me there." It was kind of awesome. Naturally I declined both offers 29 year old made. But I was nonetheless blushing. 29 year old hottie is some engineer that runs an IT company for a guy that is a longtime fan of mine (whose name I can NEVER remember-- Mike something). The hottie speaks like 3 languages, wants me to go back to China with him to sing at this famous club in Shanghi. Tempting, even though I just met him in the audience that night. I do not care at all about looks typically. But this was the most incredible looking man I have ever seen, maybe it was just how kind his eyes were. Mike Something was there at the gig and said "If you dump [psycho-lawyer] I will personally pay a first class ticket for you and your band to go sing in China. Stay with this young handsome guy, he's like a son to me... you will be safe and China will love you". Again. Tempting. But it's hard enough dealing with the psychos on this side of the ocean. Can you even imagine if 29 year old turned out to be a sex trafficker or something awful. That would so be my luck. I digress.

I was on the China Jazz Project in 2004-- a program sponsored by the Chinese government that selected "jazz ambassadors" to represent the culture to China. It was really an honor to be listed beside Herbie Hancock, Chic Corea, Pat Metheney, Roy Haynes, Joe Lovano, Brad Mehldau and Wayne Shorter. My mom flies there monthly. It would be fun to sing overseas again, but alas, I should get settled in Chicago first, huh?

Um. Tangent. Sorry.

So. Where was I? No more psycho-lawyer. Love him very much but just not into this cycle of his.

That means I am single. So. Female pilots only.

Just kidding.

I am pretty sure I will gouge my own eyes out before I have interest in another guy-- at least for quite a while. Having stated that: Went on a date last night. It was a blind date.
Someone set me up with him and just said "He is really genuine and thoughtful. He is some company owner, I think he works a lot but he might be nice to have a drink with..." Fine. Could he be any worse than what I was dealing with? Famous last words.

Again. UMMMMMMM.... "Company owner"? You could say that. The biggest telecommunications company in America. Met him at the restaurant. Later, he drove me to a jazz club... I was talking away and noticed some neat feature on the dashboard of his car and commented "Oh this is a pretty car, by the way, is it that new luxury Chrysler?"... He laughed and retorted how funny I was. I didn't get it. It was pointed out to me later, by some musicians who were smoking out in front that the nice car was the hottest Bentley on the market. Ooops. Cars... not my thing. Shoot me.

He was trying to impress me and it... just got annoying. He is nice but way too interested, way too fast. He was saying things like "If this works between us, where in the world would you like to live? Do you want to go to Italy with me in a few weeks?" etc etc. NO. I DON'T. I WANT TO NOT FEEL PRESSURED BY A TOTAL STRANGER TO COMMIT TO A RELATIONSHIP 2 HOURS INTO MEETING HIM. But that's just me, I'm strange like that I guess. [Deep breath.] I made the mistake of mentioning, EARLY in the night, as my realtor called, that I need to get a roommate for half the rent... He said he wanted to just buy the place for me so I wouldn't have to live with some "crazy stalker pilot" and he could "stay there when in the city". Yeah. Crazy stalker pilot? As opposed to that normal offer. No thanks. Nice, handsome, very bright, self-educated, very loving dad... but... just not feeling it. He tried to kiss me like 5 times?! I know I've been out of the game, but... is that normal on a first BLIND date? Seems really forward. But I guess that's just a sign. I'm not ready to date. I'm still greatly grieving the trauma of the dissipation of happiness with my recent ex. Psycho lawyer has kinda inoculated me with a general pessimism towards any man claiming to care about me. Waiting for the other shoe to drop.

My mom used to say "Beauty is a curse that will follow you your whole life, protect yourself from it by exposing your intellect and compassion in all things; you can arm yourself with the intuition you have, it will never let you down."
My beautiful Russian friend (Nadya) said to me, though... so funny, so true... so Russian "You are too nice. What goes around comes around? Ever notice the bad comes at you A LOT DAMN FASTER than any of the good. Beauty is a weapon". SO DARK.
Not how I think. I think beauty is fleeting. But it is hard to escape when you have other things to offer the world and it's the first thing people are interested in. Judgments abound. Usually false assumptions follow. It will be interesting being single. It has been many years. A roommate might be a blessing afterall. As long as the roommate isn't... crazy. Only room for one of us. Just kidding.

Thanks for indulging.

I have never written blogs/posts about my life before this silly situation. I am very private online due to my career. But hey... how many pilots could be reading this... err... uh... um...
Whatever. Just be nice. Had enough "mean" lately.

Serious thought here...If you're actually looking for someone for a pilot roommate, you've probably priced yourself out of the market...1.7k for 6 nights is almost $300 a night, and since pilots are cheap (understatement), and poor (understatement), and hotels are available for quite a bit less...well, you might have a tough time.
The thing is at $1700 a month even a AA/UA 777 CA is looking at about 20% of their pay after taxes for 4-5 nights a month.

In fact I looked at the top hotels in Chicago and the break even point is
6 nights for the Elysian
4 nights for the Trump International
4 nights for the The Ritz-Carlton
3 nights for the Four Seasons
2 nights for the Peninsula

So your best bet is to find someone who stays at a nice 5 star hotel every month for a few days.

Exactly. I thought reserve pilots needed a place 15 days a month??? In which case... nice deal. But yes, my condo is nicer than the Peninsula ROOM you'd get at that breakdown price. If you compared the size etc it is a deal. Plus... jazz singer roommate... hello?! LOL.

But thanks for educating me because I really didn't know what pilots make and this puts it in perspective. Sowwwwwwy. My mistake.
It's an honest, legit offer, and that's what this particular sub-forum is for (thank you for posting in the appropriate category, btw). But yes, I do have to agree that as nice as your place is (I spent 10 years in Chicago, and YES where you are is a VERY nice area that would be a LOT of fun) it is a bit pricey for a 'crash pad'. If someone were looking to live there, it would be a reasonable price. The price you're asking isn't out of line for what it is, just a bit more than what a pilot would probably pay for a crash pad situation. :)
It's an honest, legit offer, and that's what this particular sub-forum is for (thank you for posting in the appropriate category, btw). But yes, I do have to agree that as nice as your place is (I spent 10 years in Chicago, and YES where you are is a VERY nice area that would be a LOT of fun) it is a bit pricey for a 'crash pad'. If someone were looking to live there, it would be a reasonable price. The price you're asking isn't out of line for what it is, just a bit more than what a pilot would probably pay for a crash pad situation. :)

Would it be better to price it out by days instead of month? I would be willing to price it out to a few different pilots every month for a way cheaper rate.

Like... $100 a night? Educate me: When you are on reserve, do you have ANY kind of a set schedule in terms of at least knowing which days you could get called? There is a pilot that wants to pay me $1200 to be there 15 days a month but he is a corp jet pilot so he NEVER knows when he is flying, gets little more than 24 hrs notice. How do I make this work? Ideas?

Help! Thanks.
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