Luxury Crash Pad downtown Chicago with Jazz Singer

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You are a prince. (That's sarcasm, I feel I need to explain as you lack both manners and class, it's safe to presume intellect is lacking as well, given the little but vacuous material you contributed already). Now shoo.

Haaaaa! Got ya! This is the internet. Presume that I'll save the class for people in my same time zone. Gracias.
Haaaaa! Got ya! This is the internet. Presume that I'll save the class for people in my same time zone. Gracias.

ARRRRGGGG! Get outta here you horrible JAZZ hater! How dare you upset our new favorite lurked! Sweet sweet Flapper Girl!
And keep in mind...just to prove my intentions are completely impure...I wrote a thread some time back professing my love of flapper girls and how hot they were. This is like a gift from heaven...

Ok. I changed my position: You actually amuse me. This was the BEST youtube link I've ever heard. HYSTERICAL. I am so the jazz snob he describes... I love it though. True.
Had a really awesome gig tonight. Just me and piano (not the whole rhythm section--with a million solos--hahaha)... and a typically noisy bar (albeit a jazz venue where they usually are prone to listening, some just don;t)... was captivated. Very inspiring.

Sorry; thanks for indulging. But I turned some "I'm from Missouri wtf is jazz and where is the tv" people into "this was the most incredible night outside of sex I can remember, love your singing". ;-)

So, jazz hater, come see me sometime. I might convert ya.
So does the rent include a boiling bunny, or is that extra? What is your policy on firearms?


Firearms? Seriously? No. NEVER.
And... no cops either. Only thing scarier than Glen Close's character in Fatal Attraction is... oh I don't know... a Chicago cop, maybe?
I am going to have a blast with this thread. There isn't much else to do at 4am. Do you ever jazz at the clubs in the West Loop?
I am going to have a blast with this thread. There isn't much else to do at 4am. Do you ever jazz at the clubs in the West Loop?

Seriously. If Nick hadn't done the legwork, I'd have sworn this was a put on. It's too Straight Out of Central Casting to be true ($10 says the psycho married boyfriend looks like Michael Douglas).

I tell you this right now. Whoever winds up rooming with this check gets framed for her murder by the second reel.
Ok. I changed my position: You actually amuse me. This was the BEST youtube link I've ever heard. HYSTERICAL. I am so the jazz snob he describes... I love it though. True.
Had a really awesome gig tonight. Just me and piano (not the whole rhythm section--with a million solos--hahaha)... and a typically noisy bar (albeit a jazz venue where they usually are prone to listening, some just don;t)... was captivated. Very inspiring.

Sorry; thanks for indulging. But I turned some "I'm from Missouri wtf is jazz and where is the tv" people into "this was the most incredible night outside of sex I can remember, love your singing". ;-)

So, jazz hater, come see me sometime. I might convert ya.

Glad to have amused you. My brain has many wrinkles. :)
Well, that'd be Waco...Kreiger and I have already begun passing a hat around JC to raise funds for him.

That rich bastard doesn't deserve any help. Besides, we all know he did it!

PS. Is Harrison Ford really 7 feet tall?
I have an office north of LA. I have an office in Boston. I've got two in KC. I'm thinking that what I'm missing is an office in a major metropolis in the midwest.

Does anyone have a buddy pass...need to do some recon in Chi-town. I mean...I've made business decisions based on far sketchier data, and with less potential upside...
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