Looking for New Ventures in Aviation

I'm new to the Forum, trying to sell my company of 28 years and find something to do in Aviation. My background is in the National Equipment Distribution business as well as Consulting and have tried to enter the NEW craze of LSA (Light Sport Aircraft) as a Sales Director or the like but find the majority of them having management "ups n downs".
Therefore I'm trying to find a fit somewhere within my field of expertise. I'm a low time Private Pilot so landing a "fly slot" (other than Pipeline and Survey work) might be a reach although I'd love it!!!! Any suggestions or known opportunities out there would be appreciative. My wife and I are Empty nesters and can go ANYWHERE, although we prefer the warmer climates and currently live in Arizona. Thanks!
I'm new to the Forum, trying to sell my company of 28 years and find something to do in Aviation. My background is in the National Equipment Distribution business as well as Consulting and have tried to enter the NEW craze of LSA (Light Sport Aircraft) as a Sales Director or the like but find the majority of them having management "ups n downs".
Therefore I'm trying to find a fit somewhere within my field of expertise. I'm a low time Private Pilot so landing a "fly slot" (other than Pipeline and Survey work) might be a reach although I'd love it!!!! Any suggestions or known opportunities out there would be appreciative. My wife and I are Empty nesters and can go ANYWHERE, although we prefer the warmer climates and currently live in Arizona. Thanks!

Well, you need a cpl to do most anything in flying in which you get paid. If selling your business is going to net you enough to be very comfortable for a long while, then do what you want. Otherwise you'd probably be looking at a massive cut in salary regardless of what you do, so be prepared for that.
Good luck the the LSA thing, personally I think they're dumb. I'd rather have 5 champs or any number of other airplanes before I bought an LSA.