Lawsuit over scab lists

Holy cow, the "Nazi" word got dropped on page four. Isn't that usually a page five event?

And I'm being serious, I have to look up that "internet law" that states something about the usage of the word "Nazi"

Its a mathematical formula: as the blood pressure of posters approaches 200/100 the use of the word "Nazi" approaches infinity.
Holy cow, the "Nazi" word got dropped on page four. Isn't that usually a page five event?

And I'm being serious, I have to look up that "internet law" that states something about the usage of the word "Nazi"

Yes to avoid cliches, I would appreciate it if they would mix it up a little and maybe use a little creativity by adding modifiers like goosesteppin' or jackbooted... You know for a little variety.
I disagree with their delivery just as much as the next guy but I read the above twice and i still don't understand it. I mean there are words and thoughts but it doesn't really make a whole lot of sense.

I've said it before and i'll say it again, throwing the term scab around loosely and not when the true definition is at play only reduces the firepower of the term.
One trend I also like seeing is that more and more pilot groups are bringing ALPA on board. If truly one pilot union existed and it was a good and fair union i think a lot could be accomplished.
As a non-union card carrying member I still recognize the need for a union and there definitely is a need. And to the college freshman above, you can be anti-union and thats fine but what are YOU going to do to improve this industry? Unfortunately unions aren't really welcome in my segment of the industry, from both sides. And I'm not going to go into the financial hole by going to first year pay at a regional just to carry a card. If that limits my 121 career in the future so be it, I just can't afford it with the humpty diddle loans.

I don't think so, what little I have talk to you leads me to believe you see the big picture.
Every time they open their mouths I feel better inside knowing I would gladly help an aviation brother out no matter the circumstances and not play GOD with my FUTURE company's jumpseat or on a hiring board even though I would go work for GoJet.
A scab is not your aviation brother. I think that is the point you miss. He crossed the line once and will do it again. Maybe this time for your job.
Yes to avoid cliches, I would appreciate it if they would mix it up a little and maybe use a little creativity by adding modifiers like goosesteppin' or jackbooted... You know for a little variety.

I like to use other tyrants from history, e.g. "Pinochet" or a good portmanteau such as "Caligu-like."

Good other d-bags from history

Bolivar --> Bolivarian
Mussolini --> Mussolini-esque

Or, if you're looking for obscure political movements with which to tar-and-feather your opponents, try:

the Iron Guard --> Iron Guardian, which was an anti-Jewish political party in Romania in the 30's and 40's.

Perhaps those were'nt obscure enough. Perhaps you could reference:

Gulags (not metaphorically, but the real gulag)

or perhaps if you're looking for evil on the scale of the Nazi atrocities you could go for:
Democratic Kampuchean, or Rwandan
Or democratic republic of congo. Neither democratic nor a republic.

Congo Freestate (neither free, nor really a state it was owned by an amalgam of companies) --> Belgian congo (At least the name wasn't an outright lie) --> Republic of the Congo (not really a republic) --> Republic of Zaire (what the hell? this isn't even the congo anymore) --> Democratic Republic of Congo (Hey, I was just getting used to Zaire!)
First off, you really don't have the experience or status to be lecturing any 121 pilot about professionalism. Neither do you have the experience or status to lecture any Union pilot about scabs.

Hopefully, its the MAJORITY of Union pilots who think and ACT this way. Scabs remove any leverage Unions have of improving contracts because they negate the weapons Unions have...self-help. Scabs have PROVEN that they will cross a picket line and therefore have EARNED their place on scab lists.

Its also nice to know who will stab YOU in the back at the first opportunity. Scabs have and would probably do it again.

Do you ever have a cognizant thought of your own? Or do you have fun parroting every union poster in town?

And being an elected leader and bringing professionalism to your industry/group has much more to do then just spouting angry rhetoric. You would sway many young-ins to your cause if you spoke diplomatically instead of spewing venom. Goooooooooooo Unions!
You would sway many young-ins to your cause if you spoke diplomatically instead of spewing venom. Goooooooooooo Unions!

Call me a scab, try to prevent me from getting a job in this industry I have heard all the threats and enjoy the challenges. But I know when I go lay down my head at night I am a better person then the Union Nazi's out there.

And as far as two wrongs, ALPA policy allows Captains to ask for a Union card as additional identification for jumpseat access. Look up Sec. 115.E.2 in the ALPA Admin manual.