Lawsuit over scab lists

Look ma I am union


When we picketed Midwest Express HQ back in 1997, the local Teamsters went above and beyond for the pilot group, even though we weren't Teamsters.

It's a common struggle.

You do not meet the requirements of gentleman to engage in fruitful conversation. So your tripe is duly ignored. But the question was addressed to PCL 128. I do not see how cheap ad hominem snipes enhances his status as a "leader". The question still stands.
For those who don't like unions.... it is the people that make the unions. If you don't like how something is being done, volunteer. It's the legacy handed to us by the Founding Fathers; in order to be the catalyst for change you have to bring it.
For those who don't like unions.... it is the people that make the unions. If you don't like how something is being done, volunteer. It's the legacy handed to us by the Founding Fathers; in order to be the catalyst for change you have to bring it.

But uhh, you mean I can't just sit in my basement behind the keyboard?! :)
For those who don't like unions.... it is the people that make the unions. If you don't like how something is being done, volunteer. It's the legacy handed to us by the Founding Fathers; in order to be the catalyst for change you have to bring it.

Would if I could. Will when I can.
Serious question here-do you think that a person in a leadership position, gains credibility by making these little personal ad hominem barbs on an online forum? Does it bring credit to the ALPA or to the profession in general?

I would submit, that in your position as an elected union leader you lose a ton of credibility when you do that.

A lesson I learn as Naval Officer, is that when in a leadership position, you are held to a higher standard. A troop can act like a buffoon and it is soon forgotten.

I think Velo perfectly expressed my feelings on the subject. (as usual)
Come on folks, this isn't a contest.

The ATA loves this stuff anyway. Keep the profession disjointed and fractured.... and cheap.
Just so my position is not misunderstood. ALPA is necessary and positive force in the industry. I don´t badmouth my company or union. I don't even have a problem with "militants". I do have a problem with people who are not in control of their emotions, and can not be taken seriously.
So for the first time I had a Gojets guy jumpseat on a flight I was working the other day. I tell the ramp we have a guy who wants a jump to MFR, they say the captain wants to know who he's with, I ask the guy, guy says he's with TSA. Now, I didn't add him to the list, the other gate agent I was with did, so I just went with that. Get the green light, send him down, then the Brasilia becomes weight restrictied and we go down to yank him off to get the flight out ontime. The guy throws a tantrum that its "Not fair" and goes in the cockpit and begs the pilots to work out new limits. Captain works it out and lets the guy stay. 2 minute delay but they put it as CREW.

So, as I go and put the OMC card in the paperwork's envelope, I notice the "G7" code on it. I think "Wait a second..." and I look it up and sure enough, Gojets. And guess what, it dawned on me, he had his ID backwards too! What an asshat.

So flight comes back in from MFR, I chat with the captain, he tells me "TSA is going thorough some rough stuff right now, I figured I could do something nice for the guy and help him out." Then I bring him upstairs and show him the guy was really with Gojets. He was pretty pissed. I guess this means they didn't verify the guys ID when he boarded, whoopsie, but still. What an asshat.
So for the first time I had a Gojets guy jumpseat on a flight I was working the other day. I tell the ramp we have a guy who wants a jump to MFR, they say the captain wants to know who he's with, I ask the guy, guy says he's with TSA. Now, I didn't add him to the list, the other gate agent I was with did, so I just went with that. Get the green light, send him down, then the Brasilia becomes weight restrictied and we go down to yank him off to get the flight out ontime. The guy throws a tantrum that its "Not fair" and goes in the cockpit and begs the pilots to work out new limits. Captain works it out and lets the guy stay. 2 minute delay but they put it as CREW.

So, as I go and put the OMC card in the paperwork's envelope, I notice the "G7" code on it. I think "Wait a second..." and I look it up and sure enough, Gojets. And guess what, it dawned on me, he had his ID backwards too! What an asshat.

So flight comes back in from MFR, I chat with the captain, he tells me "TSA is going thorough some rough stuff right now, I figured I could do something nice for the guy and help him out." Then I bring him upstairs and show him the guy was really with Gojets. He was pretty pissed. I guess this means they didn't verify the guys ID when he boarded, whoopsie, but still. What an asshat.

Sounds like something a G7'er would do.
Even though I don't work for them, I thought it would be funny if someone said that they work for TSA and they don't. Looks like someone already beat me to it.
I'm sure the union does a lot of good in most circumstances, but it is stuff like THIS that gives me the feeling that the union is "Capone-esque" when it comes to things that occur behind closed doors. Why the gangster mentality when they don't get their way, or in this case, when someone takes a stand of morality?
I'm sure the union does a lot of good in most circumstances, but it is stuff like THIS that gives me the feeling that the union is "Capone-esque" when it comes to things that occur behind closed doors. Why the gangster mentality when they don't get their way, or in this case, when someone takes a stand of morality?

That is unacceptable and should never be tolerated.