Lawsuit over scab lists

Home everynight, making $45/hr, free attorney, perdiem if I travel, and I know my boss by first name. Can't really complain. That being said, my wang isn't nearly large enough to drive the Saab ;)
<edit> the saab. Gimme a beech anyday. I just want the pay.
BTW, that isn't a bad deal at all.

I like it, the guys who've been here awhile are making $50 and $55/hr. Its a good gig. I'll do this while I finish college, then try to go to africa in the winter, and floats up here in the summer I think, the only reason I don't stay here forever is we fly to the same couple of places 95% of the time.
Saab is all that except the systems friendly, power, and fast parts. It is fun. Door and a FA back there with some water and LAV if I need it.

That doesn't sound bad, cup of coffee sounds comfy. I remember passing penair Slaabs in the hondo on the way back from Dutch a lot, it seemed like they were burning a lot of fuel up at 200 too according to what my buddy at penair says.
That doesn't sound bad, cup of coffee sounds comfy. I remember passing penair Slaabs in the hondo on the way back from Dutch a lot, it seemed like they were burning a lot of fuel up at 200 too according to what my buddy at penair says.
Nah man.

For about an extra 100lbs an hour a side you are going to carry almost twice the people. As long as both airplanes are full (and all other things being equal) you are making a better margin on the Saab. We probably burn too much on the climb because it takes so long.
Nah man.

For about an extra 100lbs an hour a side you are going to carry almost twice the people. As long as both airplanes are full (and all other things being equal) you are making a better margin on the Saab. We probably burn too much on the climb because it takes so long.

Interesting. I was under the impression that you we're looking at much higher rates of consumption. Cool.
Interesting. I was under the impression that you we're looking at much higher rates of consumption. Cool.
It is higher but not real high when you consider 40% more airplane 40% more passengers. 3 miles to the gallon is what it works out to. You pay on the beech for having a crapload of power at your fingertips.
It is higher but not real high when you consider 40% more airplane 40% more passengers. 3 miles to the gallon is what it works out to. You pay on the beech for having a crapload of power at your fingertips.

At ACE one of the captains had to go missed in dutch pased the MAP, and there are mountains around there, and they pulled something like 4000ft-lbs a side in the beech in the climbout at 80kts to clear the terrain. Amazing. Nuked to motors, but it was comforting to know that if you get in trouble you've got the capability to go lunar.
At ACE one of the captains had to go missed in dutch pased the MAP, and there are mountains around there, and they pulled something like 4000ft-lbs a side in the beech in the climbout at 80kts to clear the terrain. Amazing. Nuked to motors, but it was comforting to know that if you get in trouble you've got the capability to go lunar.
Probably was climbing at 8000ft/min too
Please continue flying your Cessna up in Alaska and stay away from the 121 industry.

Serious question here-do you think that a person in a leadership position, gains credibility by making these little personal ad hominem barbs on an online forum? Does it bring credit to the ALPA or to the profession in general?

I would submit, that in your position as an elected union leader you lose a ton of credibility when you do that.

A lesson I learn as Naval Officer, is that when in a leadership position, you are held to a higher standard. A troop can act like a buffoon and it is soon forgotten.
Please continue flying your Cessna up in Alaska and stay away from the 121 industry.
Look the guy said he makes good money and has a great QoL doing what he does. He doesn't want to come down to the lower 48 for sub standard wages to work at some union regional.
Hey! Heres an idea. Maybe he could buy a job to get a leg up on the pile. Any suggestions?
Nobody else sees this whole concept as pretty unprofessional? Am I the only one?

First off, you really don't have the experience or status to be lecturing any 121 pilot about professionalism. Neither do you have the experience or status to lecture any Union pilot about scabs.

It is childish and immature. Hopefully it is only a minority of 121 pilots that actually think and act this way.

Hopefully, its the MAJORITY of Union pilots who think and ACT this way. Scabs remove any leverage Unions have of improving contracts because they negate the weapons Unions have...self-help. Scabs have PROVEN that they will cross a picket line and therefore have EARNED their place on scab lists.

Wouldn't be nice to know who has your back and and who has management's back.

Its also nice to know who will stab YOU in the back at the first opportunity. Scabs have and would probably do it again.

So is it ok to cross the line. Should the pilots pay any price for crossing the line?

Apparently, Pat thinks it is. And the only penalty should be a lecture while they're getting free transportation on Union jumpseats.

A strike doesn't have much effectiveness if the services of the pilot group continue to be available.

Or if there are pilots ready and willing to fill the gaps, i.e. scabs.

...creating a list of offenders and carrying out your own form of vigilante justice isn't exactly right either.

Its not vigilante justice. No one is getting lynched. We're just denying scabs the right to Union negotiated jumpseats. They want to non-rev, they're welcome to. They want to buy a ticket? We'll take their money. But no one says we have to socialize, aid or comfort anyone who has stabbed Union brothers in the back by crossing their picket lines.

Because really, the jumpseat is the only authority you wield over these guys, you can't really keep them from getting hired (you can try, but I doubt you'll be successful) and for what purpose, so one more pilot has to take a substandard job to pay the mortgage?

Again, Pat, you display your ignorance of 121 operations. EVERY 121 airline has pilots sitting on interview boards. And many of them either consult their scab lists or recognize employment during individual airline strike time frames. And those guys DON'T get hired.

Your opinons reflect that you're really out of your depth on topics like this. Perhaps you should stick to village logistics subjects.

If you really wanted to punish a jumpseater, let him on then from 10,000 to 10,000 lecture him continuously about how much of a bastard he is for scabbing if you have the juevos (which I doubt most of the posters do).

Again, not much knowledge of how real airlines operate. You apparently have never heard of CRM or the stress introduced in the cockpit by unwanted jumpseaters. Lecturing someone ad infinitum is the recipe for a disaster.

You haven't made the profession better by punishing those who are going to act selfishly, you've made the profession worse. You've pushed pilots out of work, and reduced the quality of life for people. The exact things the union is trying to prevent among the non-pariahs in the community.

The profession is made infinitely better if scabs are forced out of it. For one thing it demonstrates to those who may have considered scabbing that the permanent scarlet letter isn't worth the short term gain of crossing a picket line.

And supporting the non-pariahs is exactly what Unions do...promote the interestes of their membership. And if getting one more scab off a seniority list because he can't get to work creates an upgrade opportunity for a Union pilot its well worth it.

Please continue flying your Cessna up in Alaska and stay away from the 121 industry.

Actually, I'd like to see him get a job in 121. Once he has some experience he'll find out how crow tastes. Its sort of like raven, but stringier.

Lecturing someone in a jumpseat is not good CRM....I would say in that case by getting rid of the selfish pilots would make the profession better. I don't care about pilots that don't care about me or this profession.

Well said, Gonzo.

Home everynight, making $45/hr, free attorney, perdiem if I travel, and I know my boss by first name. Can't really complain.

I guess that's a lot friendlier when you kiss his butt.

Serious question here-do you think that a person in a leadership position, gains credibility by making these little personal ad hominem barbs on an online forum? Does it bring credit to the ALPA or to the profession in general?

Actually, part of the job is correcting misinformation. And there's a TON of it floating around out here in Internetspace.

I would submit, that in your position as an elected union leader you lose a ton of credibility when you do that.

I disagree. I think it enhances his credibility, especially if what he says is consistent with ALPA policy and he maintains his consistency over numerous threads. And he has certainly met those criteria.

A lesson I learn as Naval Officer, is that when in a leadership position, you are held to a higher standard. A troop can act like a buffoon and it is soon forgotten.

What you forgot to add is that as a Naval Officer you were charged with correcting (to the point of prosecution under the UCMJ) of erroneous behavior. Yes, the troops can act like buffoons. However, there were always consequences for thos actions. The consequences here are being publicly pilloried when your "opinons" are out to lunch.
Union Nazi's like PCL and Velo do as much to hurt this industry as much as they CLAIM to protect it.

Every time they open their mouths I feel better inside knowing I would gladly help an aviation brother out no matter the circumstances and not play GOD with my FUTURE company's jumpseat or on a hiring board even though I would go work for GoJet.

Call me a scab, try to prevent me from getting a job in this industry I have heard all the threats and enjoy the challenges. But I know when I go lay down my head at night I am a better person then the Union Nazi's out there.

When did two wrongs every make a right?
First off, you really don't have the experience or status to be lecturing any 121 pilot about professionalism. Neither do you have the experience or status to lecture any Union pilot about scabs.

Hopefully, its the MAJORITY of Union pilots who think and ACT this way. Scabs remove any leverage Unions have of improving contracts because they negate the weapons Unions have...self-help. Scabs have PROVEN that they will cross a picket line and therefore have EARNED their place on scab lists.

Its also nice to know who will stab YOU in the back at the first opportunity. Scabs have and would probably do it again.

Apparently, Pat thinks it is. And the only penalty should be a lecture while they're getting free transportation on Union jumpseats.

Or if there are pilots ready and willing to fill the gaps, i.e. scabs.

Its not vigilante justice. No one is getting lynched. We're just denying scabs the right to Union negotiated jumpseats. They want to non-rev, they're welcome to. They want to buy a ticket? We'll take their money. But no one says we have to socialize, aid or comfort anyone who has stabbed Union brothers in the back by crossing their picket lines.

Again, Pat, you display your ignorance of 121 operations. EVERY 121 airline has pilots sitting on interview boards. And many of them either consult their scab lists or recognize employment during individual airline strike time frames. And those guys DON'T get hired.

Your opinons reflect that you're really out of your depth on topics like this. Perhaps you should stick to village logistics subjects.

Again, not much knowledge of how real airlines operate. You apparently have never heard of CRM or the stress introduced in the cockpit by unwanted jumpseaters. Lecturing someone ad infinitum is the recipe for a disaster.

The profession is made infinitely better if scabs are forced out of it. For one thing it demonstrates to those who may have considered scabbing that the permanent scarlet letter isn't worth the short term gain of crossing a picket line.

And supporting the non-pariahs is exactly what Unions do...promote the interestes of their membership. And if getting one more scab off a seniority list because he can't get to work creates an upgrade opportunity for a Union pilot its well worth it.

Actually, I'd like to see him get a job in 121. Once he has some experience he'll find out how crow tastes. Its sort of like raven, but stringier.

Well said, Gonzo.

I guess that's a lot friendlier when you kiss his butt.

Actually, part of the job is correcting misinformation. And there's a TON of it floating around out here in Internetspace.

I disagree. I think it enhances his credibility, especially if what he says is consistent with ALPA policy and he maintains his consistency over numerous threads. And he has certainly met those criteria.

What you forgot to add is that as a Naval Officer you were charged with correcting (to the point of prosecution under the UCMJ) of erroneous behavior. Yes, the troops can act like buffoons. However, there were always consequences for thos actions. The consequences here are being publicly pilloried when your "opinons" are out to lunch.

Hey, when are you coming back up here? I missed you when you met Alec at the Humpy's deal.
Union Nazi's like PCL and Velo do as much to hurt this industry as much as they CLAIM to protect it.

Every time they open their mouths I feel better inside knowing I would gladly help an aviation brother out no matter the circumstances and not play GOD with my FUTURE company's jumpseat or on a hiring board even though I would go work for GoJet.

Call me a scab, try to prevent me from getting a job in this industry I have heard all the threats and enjoy the challenges. But I know when I go lay down my head at night I am a better person then the Union Nazi's out there.

When did two wrongs every make a right?

I disagree with their delivery just as much as the next guy but I read the above twice and i still don't understand it. I mean there are words and thoughts but it doesn't really make a whole lot of sense.

I've said it before and i'll say it again, throwing the term scab around loosely and not when the true definition is at play only reduces the firepower of the term.
One trend I also like seeing is that more and more pilot groups are bringing ALPA on board. If truly one pilot union existed and it was a good and fair union i think a lot could be accomplished.
As a non-union card carrying member I still recognize the need for a union and there definitely is a need. And to the college freshman above, you can be anti-union and thats fine but what are YOU going to do to improve this industry? Unfortunately unions aren't really welcome in my segment of the industry, from both sides. And I'm not going to go into the financial hole by going to first year pay at a regional just to carry a card. If that limits my 121 career in the future so be it, I just can't afford it with the humpty diddle loans.
Holy cow, the "Nazi" word got dropped on page four. Isn't that usually a page five event?

And I'm being serious, I have to look up that "internet law" that states something about the usage of the word "Nazi"