Lawsuit over scab lists

Read the Dunn litigation ruling. It's available on the net. The courts use very broad criteria for determining whether the term fits a situation. The "actually crossed a picket line" standard is not widely recognized in the labor movement, as most unions refer even to non-union employees as scabs, even if they aren't replacements like the guys at GoJet are.

Which is why the word is almost meaningless and really loses its sting. I think in certain circles around here scab could even be construed as "anti-labor" which could in turn be construed as not toeing the party line of the more militant.

Sorry just a pet peeve. When people start throwing terms around indiscriminately, for example : facist, nazi or communist yada yada yada, they turn them into caricatures.

I hate to be a word usage nazi...
I've JSed with a number of pilots (about 5 times, 3 or so of which were mainline united captains) who checked my name on a Freedom list, even though I'm way too young (well not technically but it made me smile) to have been a Freedom A lister. Speaking of which, I have a copy of that list if anyone is interested.
Lots of regional pilots get offended if you use the word "commuter" for them nowadays.

I'm kind of the opposite. There is respect in flying a commuter route. Considering a "regional" route could be a transcon these days there is little respect in calling yourself a regional pilot.
Now, terms like "legacies" and "regionals" are tossed around like other marketing terms "Regional Jet" and "Low Cost Carrier" that don't have a strict definition.

He shoots....

There was an improper scab list published on another webboard that led to a lawsuit. And a judgement adjudicating the named parties.

That being said, the Master Scab List, is a very interesting document. (I lost mine...hint, hint .pdf).

Did you ever get a copy?

Send me a PM with an e-mail I can send it to.
ALPA has essentially done neither.


Yeah man, that 23G5 recovery in our contract really sucks.

I mean, whenever I got released from a trip for IOE, before I had to more or less sit short call for six hours AFTER my original sign in time, but now the company agreed with ALPA to release me from any obligation if they haven't assigned recovery flying within 12 hours of my original sign in time.

Yep, having a union is terrible.

(Heavy amounts of :sarcasm: -- mostly about all of the broad strokes of the brush I'm seeing in this thread).
GoJets pilots aren't scabs because they haven't crossed a picket line to do struck work. Unless I've been really out of touch.

Now if you cross a picket line to do struck work, indeed you are a scab.

The word is commonly misunderstood and waaaaay overused.

Unless a person is flying struck work, they're technically not a scab. Engaging in scab-esque actions, but without crossing the line into the definition of struck work, technically not a scab.

You can do something idiotic, deleterious to the profession, yourself out to burn Jet A, you can be absolute abhorrent, but technically not an official scab. A guy who needs to be kicked in the crotch repeatedly with a jackboot, but technically not a scab.
GoJets pilots aren't scabs because they haven't crossed a picket line to do struck work. Unless I've been really out of touch.

Now if you cross a picket line to do struck work, indeed you are a scab.

The word is commonly misunderstood and waaaaay overused.

Unless a person is flying struck work, they're technically not a scab. Engaging in scab-esque actions, but without crossing the line into the definition of struck work, technically not a scab.

You can do something idiotic, deleterious to the profession, yourself out to burn Jet A, you can be absolute abhorrent, but technically not an official scab. A guy who needs to be kicked in the crotch repeatedly with a jackboot, but technically not a scab.

Completely honest question here. Would Freedom A people be scabs? If not by the technical definition then, shouldn't they be on a separate list rather than a master scab list, if only to make an accurate listing? Or is it already somehow divided or otherwise noted that way?
Has it been updated recently?

Well, since you asked. . .

I thought I had the list on my phone on the storage card and now it's not there. Or maybe I'm just not looking hard enough.

That said, I can't recall when the list was last updated. But I don't recall any instances recently that would have required it to get updated.
Abhorrent behavior during Mesa's negotiations, indeed, but technically, without crossing a picket line to fly struck work, they do not belong on the list.

If there, uhh, was a list... ;)
Disgusting. Interesting, but disgusting. As though I needed another reason not to attempt to enter the wonderful world of 121.

Thank-you. I'm feeling much better now that I have that piece of info.

How so? I've worked at an IBT carrier, an ALPA carrier (soon to become two ALPA carriers), and an independent union carrier. Where was the non-union carrier in that list?

Where do these guys come up with this stuff?

That's cool. I just thought I remember (think it was Capt Caucasian) writing that ALPA didn't maintain it, or something to that effect. But interesting info nonetheless, esp about the history.

ALPA took care of the "list" problem by adding a caveat to the jumpseat section of the Admin manual. It encourages Captains to require a union card as additional identification for jumpseat access. No Union card, no free ride.

Essentially, the problem is you cannot assume all Union carrier's pilots are Union members. WE have two scabs on our CAL and one EAL. Unfortunately, about 90% of ALPA Captains don't even know the Admin Manual EXISTS much less what's in it.

BTW, Alaska operates flights all over the country. I see them quite often east of the Mississippi.

All those BOS, EWR, DCA, MCO, MIA, ORD, DEN and DFW layovers confused me. I thought those cities were in the Pacific NW.
From what i understand from my Aviation Law class i'm taking, is that it is Illegal to blacklist any one. If someone was a poor employee and you let them go, you can only tell the truth about someone's performance to their future employer and only if they request it. The real question is can you prove that you were blacklisted? It would be hard to prove. So can you sue them? you bet! Can you prove they did it? Better hire a good lawyer!

Is this thread still going? Pilots hold grudges a long time and go through extreme means to make sure they can exact some sort of justice. Move along. Nothing more to see here.