JC P90X Club

Do you know of a way to get it into my iPhone?
why would you use dvdfab to pull it from the DVD first and then use handbrake...when handbrake does it all?? it's a REALLY easy program, just choose the correct title to copy, selection for iphone/itouch and you're set.

if you don't know what title it is, bring it up in VLC...once you're on the main program, look under the playback menu and title selection and you'll see which title you need to copy.

there's no reason you should have to go through that much time and effort
why would you use dvdfab to pull it from the DVD first and then use handbrake...when handbrake does it all??


First paragraph in the guide says...

Windows GUI Usage Guide
First things first. Handbrake on the Windows Platform does NOT decrypt Commercial DVDs. Let me repeat this. It does NOT decrypt commercial DVDs.

Third-party software is required for this part of the process. (e.g. AnyDVD, DVD43 or DVD Decryptor)
(Note: Please note that these applications are not legal in many countries. You should consult the law in your own country before using these applications. We do not provide support for 3rd party applications!)
This guide will talk you through how to use install and use Handbrake. Let's begin: "

It wasn't working for me. I did a search, was referred to this paragraph (that I apparently hadn't read correctly the first time) and it worked flawlessly for me after that. I just had to get something else to yank the video from the DVD.

Hi, I just wanted to say that I have finally taken the plunge. I have had the program since July and tried to get it started a few times, but never really commited to it. I am now onto day 4 and the yoga. My whole body is pretty much sore, but it doesn't bother me because I know I am finally getting back into shape. For those of you that have already done it, does the yoga help stretch out your tight muscles alot? Also, did you feel the pain the first week? Does it ease or go away in subsequent weeks?

As always, BRING IT!
Just re-re-re-started. Life keeps getting in the way. This time, I'm following Kirk's infinite wisdom. "If it's important enough, you make the time."

So...day 1 down. I be tuckered out.


Finished week 1 and I love it. Tony is motivational yet makes you feel ok for taking a quick breather. I figured it was enough with the excuses and I just make time for it. Some quick points about my first week:
- Plyo killed me. I waddled like a penguin for two days :D
- Kenpo is surprisingly fun!
- Yoga is tough and too long...still stuck with it though
- Ab ripper is awesome
- Definitely a real variety of moves, I have worked out regularly for years but these workouts work muscles not usually used

I am loving it so far!
I've decided to sub in Cardio X for Plyo until I get some cardio strength built up. I'm also adding a Cardio workout in the morning anytime we don't have a trip scheduled...where I'll have time for 2 workouts.

We're heading out for an 8-day cruise next week...so that's going to be bad.

okay so im definitely interested in getting in on this. how much does it cost for the dvds/stuff?

what all do you need?

keep in mind, im SUPER mobile and cant lug around weights... is this something i can totally do in my hotel room?
keep in mind, im SUPER mobile and cant lug around weights... is this something i can totally do in my hotel room?

Get resistance bands (I've got two). They roll up and fit into the bottom of a suitcase really well. I put the videos on my ipod, so I no longer lug around the DVDs and dvd drive for my EFB/laptop.

Highly recommend it.

Well, I started. I'm 3/4 of the way through day two as of today. I did chest and back yesterday, and was doing 20 reps of all pullup routines with the strongest bands I could find at the exercise store. I have a pull-up bar on the way. Pushups wise, I started at 15 for all, but only could do 5 on the subsequent run through. AbRipperX was insane. I had to pause 10 minutes in because my hips started to cramp up, but I was able to complete it. I couldn't keep up with them though.

I have 15 minutes left of Plyo to do, which I'll finish tomorrow morning. I am on a short overnight, and my crew is on both sides of my room. I feel bad because I know I was making a lot of noise doing most of the jumps, and I have a lingering headache that was getting worse. I figure if I warmup properly and complete the program tomorrow before doing shoulders and arms, I'm not cheating too bad. :o

What is all of your take on the recovery drink? Right now, I am taking One-a-Day Energy multivitamins, glucosamine/chondroiten, whey protein powder, and Big100 protein bars for a snack. I'm considering the recovery drink, but I also don't want to spend all kinds of money. Once the O-A-D vitamins run out, I am going to GNC for their fish oil and multivitamin package deal. My doctor said it was a good product.

The nutrition part is definitely going to be tough... on the wallet. As of now, I'm going to do my best to load on protein and carbs since I don't need to lose fat. I have like 10% body fat at the moment, which I'm happy with. I'm looking to gain muscle mass (weight), strength, flexibility, balance, and energy. Definitely not doing this as a diet program. I think as long as I'm constantly eating good foods on the road (grazing approach), I'll be better off.

FYI... I was sore today from chest and back, but my increased energy level and better attitude overcame that soreness without a doubt.

88 days to go. :eek:
Wow I'm tired from just previewing a few of these workouts. It has been about 14 years since I was at my peak...just out of the Corps. Ugh I feel old and lazy. I aquired the whole system for a relatively good cost.

Props to all of you who have stuck it out. This is a great thread. We'll see if I can get into this thing. Does anyone have any experience with the Ten Minute Workout? I'm thinkin that might be more my style. FYI- the Iron Gym pull up bar is a pretty good product and I live in a small apt.
1st recovery week.

One word - Awesome!

I am seriously loving this program, keeps me motivated and not bored of any of the workouts.
I'm starting it back up right now. I got a month and a half in and last year and came down with the flu. Wish me luck!

I'm going to be sore tomorrow :D
Just re-re-re-re-re-re-re-started today.

I'm getting good at chest and back. Anyway...

Screw my family, screw my wife, screw my friends. If someone doesn't want to support me, that's fine. I'm doing this for me now. I don't need their support and I don't want it. When I'm looking good from doing 3-4 rounds of P90X, I don't want to hear anything from any of them.

Mini's pissed now. :mad:

Luckily, I was able to channel that pissedoffedness into "bringin it" today. What a great workout!

To those that want to rag on me (friends, family included)...screw you! That's my new motivation. "Screw you". I'm making t-shirts that say "screw you guys" on the front and "I'm bringin it anyway" on the back.


Just re-re-re-re-re-re-re-started today.

I'm getting good at chest and back. Anyway...

Screw my family, screw my wife, screw my friends. If someone doesn't want to support me, that's fine. I'm doing this for me now. I don't need their support and I don't want it. When I'm looking good from doing 3-4 rounds of P90X, I don't want to hear anything from any of them.

Mini's pissed now. :mad:

Luckily, I was able to channel that pissedoffedness into "bringin it" today. What a great workout!

To those that want to rag on me (friends, family included)...screw you! That's my new motivation. "Screw you". I'm making t-shirts that say "screw you guys" on the front and "I'm bringin it anyway" on the back.

Love the Cartman reference! Care to elaborate on who isn't/why they aren't supporting you? My wife thought I was joking around...until I bought it. Then thought I would never start it...until I did. Then thought I would never stick with it. Ha! Now here I am in my last week of the 2nd month and 12 lbs lighter she is digging it. She realized I am dead serious about this and she doens't give me crap when I come home from work and go right in the basement to work out. My kids are always asking me if it's time to exercise, lol, because they try to do it with me.

Anyway, good luck mini, I hope it works out for you this time.
Care to elaborate on who isn't/why they aren't supporting you?
Mostly it's people that just enjoy being dbags and one person that I'm questioning why I slap the label "friend" on him.

I particularly am steamed at the family members that don't think I'm serious when I tell them I don't want to eat sweets or freaking pasta every sunday. Thank God I'm not going to be home for Easter! I seriously eat better on the road...how sick is that? They don't seem to care that they slop down a 1/4 of a cake in front of me when I've said "no" 50 times.

Then it's the guilt trip "you don't like grandma's cooking?". I've just had it. It's not that I don't like the way the wife's grandma makes cake or pasta. I'd just like to be around to watch my (yet to be conceived) child grow up. Some people just don't get it. They might be happy with the way they look...some of us aren't.

So like I said...screw them. I've never been selfish before. I've always been an only child and always tried to watch it to make sure I'm not selfish. Well...now I'm being selfish. They're in big trouble...because who has two thumbs and is going to start speaking his mind? This guy! :)
