JC P90X Club

Mostly it's people that just enjoy being dbags and one person that I'm questioning why I slap the label "friend" on him.

I particularly am steamed at the family members that don't think I'm serious when I tell them I don't want to eat sweets or freaking pasta every sunday. Thank God I'm not going to be home for Easter! I seriously eat better on the road...how sick is that? They don't seem to care that they slop down a 1/4 of a cake in front of me when I've said "no" 50 times.

Then it's the guilt trip "you don't like grandma's cooking?". I've just had it. It's not that I don't like the way the wife's grandma makes cake or pasta. I'd just like to be around to watch my (yet to be conceived) child grow up. Some people just don't get it. They might be happy with the way they look...some of us aren't.

So like I said...screw them. I've never been selfish before. I've always been an only child and always tried to watch it to make sure I'm not selfish. Well...now I'm being selfish. They're in big trouble...because who has two thumbs and is going to start speaking his mind? This guy! :)


My problem has been the time commitment. People actually give me the "You can't be serious!?" look when I say I'm not free "I have to go work out." What about taking time out for one's body don't they understand? This is extreme-health!
My problem has been the time commitment. People actually give me the "You can't be serious!?" look when I say I'm not free "I have to go work out." What about taking time out for one's body don't they understand? This is extreme-health!

What finally did it for me was realizing that if I can find an hour + for video games then I can find an hour for my body. I am never looking back!
What finally did it for me was realizing that if I can find an hour + for video games then I can find an hour for my body. I am never looking back!

Exactly. A lot of people say they don't have an hour and then proceed to plop their fat self in front of the tv for 3 hours.
Exactly. A lot of people say they don't have an hour and then proceed to plop their fat self in front of the tv for 3 hours.

I've been studying for my CFI and ended up taking breaks to watch ESPN and play video games. Now my breaks are P90x based. Doing week 2 now :rawk:
I'm in my first recovery week, doing the 2nd exercise today- Core Synergistics.

Anyone else still going strong?
I'm in my first recovery week, doing the 2nd exercise today- Core Synergistics.

Anyone else still going strong?
I finished the first time, and still work out intermittantly, but am going to do it again starting May 1 on the tanker contract. Keep it up !
I finished the first time, and still work out intermittantly, but am going to do it again starting May 1 on the tanker contract. Keep it up !

Awesome. I did my first work out with my new heart rate monitor. It indicated 812 calories burned, which seems unrealistically high so I'm going to make it a point to decrease it by about 25% from here on out. 600 calories for core synergistics isn't bad.
3 weeks left in my first go-round. I have re-aggravated a shoulder injury but I am trying to finish up. I have been eying either P90X Extreme or Insanity for my next project. Thoughts?
3 weeks left in my first go-round. I have re-aggravated a shoulder injury but I am trying to finish up. I have been eying either P90X Extreme or Insanity for my next project. Thoughts?
Insanity. I have a friend doing it and.....wow. Just amazing results in almost zero time.

I have been leaning that route. It is more cardio based so it seems to really hit the fat hard. Thanks for the input!
She's only been at it for like 2 weeks and last time I saw her she looked amazing!!!!!

I'm not one that has ever been interested in nailing friends....but if I were single right now! Wowwie!

Haven't been in this part of the forums in a while, but I've been doing p90x for about a month now and holy . This program
has kicked my ass into shape. I thought it would be some gimmick workout program, but quickly realized how tough it
is. I scanned through some of your guys posts. Keep
up the great work! For those who are thinking about
quiting or giving up.... Don't, or you"ll sound like one of my roomates ;)
Haven't been in this part of the forums in a while, but I've been doing p90x for about a month now and holy . This program
has kicked my ass into shape. I thought it would be some gimmick workout program, but quickly realized how tough it
is. I scanned through some of your guys posts. Keep
up the great work! For those who are thinking about
quiting or giving up.... Don't, or you"ll sound like one of my roomates ;)

I don't plan on quitting anytime soon. I started because the Seneca was supposed to be down for 2 weeks (that was a more than month ago and it's still not up yet) and I wanted something other than studying for the MEI to occupy my time. I found myself wasting too much time on video games, and decided if I was going to waste time I might as well make it something productive. Good luck to you in your exercises, it sure is tough but it is WELL worth it.
It is WELL worth it, I have never had so much motivation and will to see an exercise program through.

Unfortunately I went to the doctors today and he thinks I have a torn labum (sp?) in the shoulder. I have an ortho appt. May 20th but I am not supposed to do any lifting at all. Guess it will be all cardio from here until May 20th. :(
It is WELL worth it, I have never had so much motivation and will to see an exercise program through.

Unfortunately I went to the doctors today and he thinks I have a torn labum (sp?) in the shoulder. I have an ortho appt. May 20th but I am not supposed to do any lifting at all. Guess it will be all cardio from here until May 20th. :(

Better than nothing at all right? Right on man:rawk:
I've been keeping up on this; has anybody tried both P90X and Insanity? I am thinking about doing one or the other, but I can't decide. Mini, you said that you have seen the Insanity results and that they are amazing. Was this girl already in shape? I lifted and ran in high school, but have been pretty docile for about a year.......... I really want to get back on it this summer.
I've been keeping up on this; has anybody tried both P90X and Insanity? I am thinking about doing one or the other, but I can't decide. Mini, you said that you have seen the Insanity results and that they are amazing. Was this girl already in shape? I lifted and ran in high school, but have been pretty docile for about a year.......... I really want to get back on it this summer.
Yeah, she's always been pretty fit. Not necessarily "in shape", but wasn't carrying around an extra person around her gut.

I'm not sure how long she's been doing insanity, honestly (2-3 weeks I'd guess...that's how long she's been talking about it)...but she looks incredible. I'd let her crack my head between her thighs like a walnut.

From what I understand Insanity is really intense but is predominately cardio. I'm doing P90X because I wanted to develop some strength, specifically in the upper body. I played soccer so I was used to lower body strength but I never really worked out my upper body.
I have a P90X question for you guys and girls,

I honestly haven't done very much research into the program, but I was going to ask what kind of weight equipment is really required? I like to workout of the home and I wanted to see how much stuff I would need to get rounded up.

I would really appreciate any input, right now I really just have a nice treadmill and some dumbbells. I am interested in what P90X requires.

Thanks a lot for the input.
I have a P90X question for you guys and girls,

I honestly haven't done very much research into the program, but I was going to ask what kind of weight equipment is really required? I like to workout of the home and I wanted to see how much stuff I would need to get rounded up.

I would really appreciate any input, right now I really just have a nice treadmill and some dumbbells. I am interested in what P90X requires.

Thanks a lot for the input.

You need a pull up bar, and weights or resistance bands. A few others are otional, like push up bars (which I picked up for only $4). I use resistance bands in lieu of weights because it was cheaper and easier. If I need more tension I just add a loop and step on it. However, I am going to buy another heavier resistance band because I'm starting to have to do 20+ reps to feel the burn.

Another optional thing is a heart rate monitor. I told myself I would get one after a month if it was going well, so I picked up a Polar F6 on eBay. It retails for around $120 but got a new one in the original box for $40 +shipping. It helps because I can make sure my heart rate is in my target zone during my workouts, and it can also approximate the calories I burn during a session. The first time I wore it I burned 812 calories, even if that number is off by 25% I'm still burning 600+ calories in an hour.