JC P90X Club

The first plyo workout had me walking like a penguin for two days after I hurt so bad. After that it was game on. I hate it, but I love it. Now yoga, I just plain hate it. I only did the dynamic portion anyway...never got anything out of the balance poses.

Maybe I'll give plyo another shot today then. It's possible now that I've woken up the muscles that I'll be able to hang a bit more. I think my stubborn resistance to shorting the reps in a set and keeping Tony's pace was probably part of it. The soldier in me refuses to dog out before I hit muscle failure. Probably not the best idea.
Your body mass requires a certain calorie load. If you short it, it'll think you're in a famine scenario and store calories as fat- and potentially metabolize muscle instead of building it. If you feed the muscles and they grow, they'll raise your resting caloric burn rate- which will lower your body fat level overall.

The nutritional science checks. I say just go with it.
It just seems like so many calories.

It just seems like so many calories.


True... but if you look at your resting burn rate... A guy like me burns nearly 2100 calories a day just breathing.

I had a little training in my prior life (fitness, it seems, is a Sergeant's business) and to grow a muscle, you have to microtear it.. then regrow fibers to increase density.

This requires extra nutrients beyond your resting rate. Not to mention, you're spurring your metabolism to burn more just from the fact that your amping up your system. So you've got to exceed your normal levels if you ever want to grow. Phase 1 is about changing body composition by training your body to build muscle at the expense of fat cells.

If you don't feed it, it won't grow. Before I started Basic in the Army, they fed us like we were never going to eat again during Inprocessing. Anything we wanted, as much as we wanted.

Those fat stores? Gone. I dropped weight like crazy the first month.
True... but if you look at your resting burn rate... A guy like me burns nearly 2100 calories a day just breathing.

I had a little training in my prior life (fitness, it seems, is a Sergeant's business) and to grow a muscle, you have to microtear it.. then regrow fibers to increase density.

This requires extra nutrients beyond your resting rate. Not to mention, you're spurring your metabolism to burn more just from the fact that your amping up your system. So you've got to exceed your normal levels if you ever want to grow. Phase 1 is about changing body composition by training your body to build muscle at the expense of fat cells.

If you don't feed it, it won't grow. Before I started Basic in the Army, they fed us like we were never going to eat again during Inprocessing. Anything we wanted, as much as we wanted.

Those fat stores? Gone. I dropped weight like crazy the first month.


Mini, the only time you should worry about eating that many calories is if you're sitting on your ass all day. :D If you're working out on the P90X schedule, 3000 calories per day is just fine and very much needed.

Let me tell you...I'm taking in almost 3000 calories per day, but my metabolism is raging with this workout schedule. I can't go more than a couple hours without eating something. Everyone at work must think I'm a big fatass when I bring a whole grocery bag full of food to work during my long duty days, but it's necessary. You'll eat just about all the time, but trust me, you'll burn it.
Alright, I'm back in it now! Life got in the way this spring and I've noticed some weight gain around my mid-section and I want to reverse that trend! I'm off living in an apartment, so I can cook for myself now and that should help my nutrition side of things.

Mini, the only time you should worry about eating that many calories is if you're sitting on your ass all day. :D If you're working out on the P90X schedule, 3000 calories per day is just fine and very much needed.

Let me tell you...I'm taking in almost 3000 calories per day, but my metabolism is raging with this workout schedule. I can't go more than a couple hours without eating something. Everyone at work must think I'm a big fatass when I bring a whole grocery bag full of food to work during my long duty days, but it's necessary. You'll eat just about all the time, but trust me, you'll burn it.
Maybe that's been the problem then. I'm so worried about making calories out > calories in that I'm not getting enough of the "in" to go with the "out" (someone insert a "giggity" or a "that's what she said" at any time...I teed it up for ya). Well that's good to know...I guess.

Now I need to find me a subway......

I got back into it tonight and I pushed way too hard tonight. So hard, in fact, I got sick afterwards. Oops. Won't push so hard tomorrow. :)
You met Pukey the Clown! Sweet! :D

Never had that happen before! I used to run cross country back in high school and I always just felt exhausted after a long run, but never sick. I guess it's from keeping my core tight (I guess I forgot to mention that I started Insanity, instead of P90X this time around) throughout the whole workout. It's a whole lot easier to manage inside a tiny apartment.
Never had that happen before! I used to run cross country back in high school and I always just felt exhausted after a long run, but never sick. I guess it's from keeping my core tight (I guess I forgot to mention that I started Insanity, instead of P90X this time around) throughout the whole workout. It's a whole lot easier to manage inside a tiny apartment.

Insanity is a pretty hardcore workout. What was your fitness level before starting it?

And yeah, a lot of times the guys who do really well on endurance events (cross-country distance running) do pretty poorly on short, high-intensity workouts like Insanity or CrossFit. Insanity should fix you right up. :D
For what it's worth I just hit day 90 of a modified work out plan, which includes some of the P90x disks while I am on the road.

I'm, 73 in, and started at 208 lbs, and 18%bf

90 Days in I'm at 180lbs, 11.9%bf. My low weight was 175, but as I upped the weights and protein intake The weight came back up with muscle. The body fat kept dropping though :)

My Goal at this point is 185lbs, and 10% ... I will be happy there, and still be able to grab a beer with some friends every now and then.
For what it's worth I just hit day 90 of a modified work out plan, which includes some of the P90x disks while I am on the road.

I'm, 73 in, and started at 208 lbs, and 18%bf

90 Days in I'm at 180lbs, 11.9%bf. My low weight was 175, but as I upped the weights and protein intake The weight came back up with muscle. The body fat kept dropping though :)

My Goal at this point is 185lbs, and 10% ... I will be happy there, and still be able to grab a beer with some friends every now and then.

Hot damn! Great job!!!
For what it's worth I just hit day 90 of a modified work out plan, which includes some of the P90x disks while I am on the road.

I'm, 73 in, and started at 208 lbs, and 18%bf

90 Days in I'm at 180lbs, 11.9%bf. My low weight was 175, but as I upped the weights and protein intake The weight came back up with muscle. The body fat kept dropping though :)

My Goal at this point is 185lbs, and 10% ... I will be happy there, and still be able to grab a beer with some friends every now and then.

Man, those are some awesome results! Great job! :rawk:

Oh, I have a little bragging to do as well: I just posted my first 10k run (6.2 miles) today, done in 49:48. I injured my shoulder doing CrossFit-style dumbbell snatches about 3-1/2 weeks ago, so I've been concentrating more on running. My best distance up until now has been a 5k; even surprised myself that I doubled my PR today. :)
For what it's worth I just hit day 90 of a modified work out plan, which includes some of the P90x disks while I am on the road.

I'm, 73 in, and started at 208 lbs, and 18%bf

90 Days in I'm at 180lbs, 11.9%bf. My low weight was 175, but as I upped the weights and protein intake The weight came back up with muscle. The body fat kept dropping though :)

My Goal at this point is 185lbs, and 10% ... I will be happy there, and still be able to grab a beer with some friends every now and then.


I've unfortunately had no time to exercise in the past 3 months working on this 18-20 hour day job and it really shows (i think).

Anyhoo, does anyone have a P90X they can loan to me or want to sell? :)
This requires extra nutrients beyond your resting rate. Not to mention, you're spurring your metabolism to burn more just from the fact that your amping up your system. So you've got to exceed your normal levels if you ever want to grow. Phase 1 is about changing body composition by training your body to build muscle at the expense of fat cells.

If you don't feed it, it won't grow. Before I started Basic in the Army, they fed us like we were never going to eat again during Inprocessing. Anything we wanted, as much as we wanted.

Those fat stores? Gone.

Firebird's advice is completely correct mini. The only thing I would caution against is the eat "anything you want" part.

I'm a 4000+ calorie a day eater spread over 5-6 meals. When I started out, I was at 8% bf and I wanted to keep my six pack while putting on muscle. It has been possible even while eating all these calories. Eating in large quantity is necessary when you are doing athletic training. How you get to 4,000 calories (or 3,000 or whatever happens to be your number) is equally important as well in my opinion. You should still be eating low fat, good carbs, etc...

I'd definitely recommend the eat "as much as you want" part, but you shouldn't be eating total junk either.
Finished p90x sometime ago, and it worked pretty well. I notice some on here have done Insanity. Is it easier to do on the road? Is there enough room in a hotel room in Manhattan? With P90X, I was always juggling the schedule to do shoulders and arms when I was at home since I preferred to use dumbbells instead of bands. Also, are the Insanity workouts shorter? P90X could end up taking close to an hour and a half on Yoga days, and not much less on Ab Ripper days.