That's just, like, your opinion, man
Finished p90x sometime ago, and it worked pretty well. I notice some on here have done Insanity. Is it easier to do on the road? Is there enough room in a hotel room in Manhattan? With P90X, I was always juggling the schedule to do shoulders and arms when I was at home since I preferred to use dumbbells instead of bands. Also, are the Insanity workouts shorter? P90X could end up taking close to an hour and a half on Yoga days, and not much less on Ab Ripper days.
To be honest, I got into week 4 of Insanity and got bored. I went back to CrossFit-style workouts that don't involve lifting (I dislocated my shoulder about 4 months ago). Recently I've been big into the Tabata Protocol, which can be done very easily on the road in your hotel room. A typical Tabata workout for me is:
1 set high-knees (20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest, 8 rounds total)
1 set pushups
1 set mountain climbers
It's a total of 24 rounds of high-intensity work, which takes 14 minutes total (60 second breaks between each set). Seriously, if you don't quit and don't puke, you're doing okay! Get a heart rate monitor to keep your heart rate at a safe level; my heart rate can sometimes top 180 bpm, which is still lower than I could probably go for my age (my resting heart rate is about 55bpm, so I really can't get it much higher than 180).
I use this site for timing each interval: http://www.beach-fitness.com/tabata/
Use the "Tabata This" function for multiple sets (each set is called a "Tabata," so in my case above I'd set it to 3 Tabatas). The above workout is just an example of one that I use; you can do any number of Tabatas using any number of exercises. It takes very little time to complete, but you will work for every second that clock is running. If you don't feel like death at the end, you're doing it wrong.