JC P90X Club

Finished p90x sometime ago, and it worked pretty well. I notice some on here have done Insanity. Is it easier to do on the road? Is there enough room in a hotel room in Manhattan? With P90X, I was always juggling the schedule to do shoulders and arms when I was at home since I preferred to use dumbbells instead of bands. Also, are the Insanity workouts shorter? P90X could end up taking close to an hour and a half on Yoga days, and not much less on Ab Ripper days.

To be honest, I got into week 4 of Insanity and got bored. I went back to CrossFit-style workouts that don't involve lifting (I dislocated my shoulder about 4 months ago). Recently I've been big into the Tabata Protocol, which can be done very easily on the road in your hotel room. A typical Tabata workout for me is:

1 set high-knees (20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest, 8 rounds total)
1 set pushups
1 set mountain climbers

It's a total of 24 rounds of high-intensity work, which takes 14 minutes total (60 second breaks between each set). Seriously, if you don't quit and don't puke, you're doing okay! Get a heart rate monitor to keep your heart rate at a safe level; my heart rate can sometimes top 180 bpm, which is still lower than I could probably go for my age (my resting heart rate is about 55bpm, so I really can't get it much higher than 180).

I use this site for timing each interval: http://www.beach-fitness.com/tabata/

Use the "Tabata This" function for multiple sets (each set is called a "Tabata," so in my case above I'd set it to 3 Tabatas). The above workout is just an example of one that I use; you can do any number of Tabatas using any number of exercises. It takes very little time to complete, but you will work for every second that clock is running. If you don't feel like death at the end, you're doing it wrong. :)
I gave up on P90X. It wasn't going to give me the gains that I wanted. I'd look good, but I wouldn't gain muscle mass like I would doing barbell lifting. So I'm following the Starting Strength program by Mark Rippetoe. Tonight, I start CrossFit. :) I've found that many of the CrossFit exercises can be done in a hotel room or hotel gym, which is huge. I'm going to supplement my CrossFitting with two days each week of barbell lifting... Back squats, bench press, overhead press, deadlifts, power cleans. Good total-body lifts to keep building muscle mass.
I just started this the other day. I'm currently doing the P90X classic program but I'm hitting a few snags along the way. As it stands weights are no factor. Unfortunately I only got through about half of the Plyometrics DVD and a quarter of the way with the Yoga X DVD. Is this normal? Will the affect the overall outcome? Should I prolong phase 1 by a week so everything sinks in?
I just started this the other day. I'm currently doing the P90X classic program but I'm hitting a few snags along the way. As it stands weights are no factor. Unfortunately I only got through about half of the Plyometrics DVD and a quarter of the way with the Yoga X DVD. Is this normal? Will the affect the overall outcome? Should I prolong phase 1 by a week so everything sinks in?

Completely normal, although try not to give up but do as much as you can so you can at least learn the exercises. Don't delay week 1 but just dig in our heels harder for week two and keep building.
Heh week 1 is now no factor. And I have been able to get through the DVDs with no real issues.

Sadly I kind of look forward to my fun with P90X. Not sure if this is a good thing or if I'm a sucker or pain. :)
Heh week 1 is now no factor. And I have been able to get through the DVDs with no real issues.

Sadly I kind of look forward to my fun with P90X. Not sure if this is a good thing or if I'm a sucker or pain. :)

Pain is weakness leaving the body. :) I gotta admit, I fell off this wagon a while back... I gotta get back on it.
Pain is weakness leaving the body. :) I gotta admit, I fell off this wagon a while back... I gotta get back on it.

Amen to that!

Heh week 1 is now no factor. And I have been able to get through the DVDs with no real issues.

Sadly I kind of look forward to my fun with P90X. Not sure if this is a good thing or if I'm a sucker or pain. :)

Doh scratch that I guess there were some factors. Unfortunately my ego kind of got to me when I made that post :). Weight stuff is fine and I can endure the Cardio X Ploymetrics better than when I posted about it earlier.

The huge stumbling block for me is Yoga X. I know that going in you will not be flexible and for the most part I can accept that. My issue is that I had a "minor" back surgery (read I had two rods placed in my spine). Now in the past this hasn't affected a lot. I mean I was able to get a first class medical. And I did get through my SE Pvt and Comm fine and I did some martial arts in the past. I guess my question is whether or not the two rods will affect whether or not I can go through Yoga X or if it's because I'm really stiff? Should I step this up (work on it every three days instead of once a week)? Or should I swallow my pride and back down on the Yoga aspect (I'm really hoping that this is not an option here)?
The huge stumbling block for me is Yoga X. I know that going in you will not be flexible and for the most part I can accept that. My issue is that I had a "minor" back surgery (read I had two rods placed in my spine). Now in the past this hasn't affected a lot. I mean I was able to get a first class medical. And I did get through my SE Pvt and Comm fine and I did some martial arts in the past. I guess my question is whether or not the two rods will affect whether or not I can go through Yoga X or if it's because I'm really stiff? Should I step this up (work on it every three days instead of once a week)? Or should I swallow my pride and back down on the Yoga aspect (I'm really hoping that this is not an option here)?

My .02 is I would only go as far as comfortable, don't hurt yourself. I only did the dynamic yoga poses and hated every minute of it. If yoga really bothers you then I would do as much as I could and then supplement it with another cardio workout.
My .02 is I would only go as far as comfortable, don't hurt yourself. I only did the dynamic yoga poses and hated every minute of it. If yoga really bothers you then I would do as much as I could and then supplement it with another cardio workout.

Ya know, the Yoga was a reasonable challenge.. but it bored the heck out of me. Maybe I'll try it again. Might be good for building my patience as well as my muscles.
Ok here is my game plan with Yoga X. I'm going to try to do what I can and slowly build off of that. I'm also going to supplement the Yoga X with 20 minutes on a cycling machine and 45 on a elliptical. I'll see how this works and modify that further if needed.
Haven't had a post on this one in over a month, but I'm eagerly waiting for my p90X to arrive in the mail. I'm going to spend some time in the sandbox, so I can't wait to jump on the p90X bandwagon while I'm out.
It's interesting I'll say that. I'm in the middle of week 6 and I still get very sore from some of the weight exercises. Be sure to read the manuals before you start too.
My shoulder has healed up nicely after the surgery and I am slowly building the strength back up...can't wait to get back into it.
It's interesting I'll say that. I'm in the middle of week 6 and I still get very sore from some of the weight exercises. Be sure to read the manuals before you start too.

I'll be sure to do that. I'm starting it on a deployment, so I'll have plenty of time to fit in exercise every day. How has it worked for you 6 weeks in?
Rough, I had to back out for a week or so because of some injuries. Elbows and knees were both shot. It also felt like I hit some sort of wall. I'm picking it up again Saturday just because I'm too far into it.
I replaced Yoga with the stretch disc when I did P90X. Yoga was just too boring.

Then again I was really bored with the entire thing after 2 months but that is my track record with any type of exercising. Exercising is boring in general for me.
I replaced Yoga with the stretch disc when I did P90X. Yoga was just too boring.

Then again I was really bored with the entire thing after 2 months but that is my track record with any type of exercising. Exercising is boring in general for me.

I think that's the problem with any exercise program. You can only shake things up so many times.
True, but like many other things, people enjoy exercising and some to the point of getting addicted.
True, but like many other things, people enjoy exercising and some to the point of getting addicted.

I'm not addicted but I enjoy the challenge.

Speaking of challenge I lost my P90X DVDs and I was in the final stretch. I'm sure I can get back in the game here pretty soon.