It isn't you


Well-Known Member
My buddy has been furloughed and is back home in (Class Bravo primary city). Since before Thanksgiving he has turned over every rock looking for a job.

He's proficient in IT, he has a tech BS degree, he has several years of recent experience in non-aviation fields, and he has his pilot certs with 135 experience.


Not even pizza delivery, not even night clerk at the Grab N Dash.

Several other pilots I know have...just...quit...looking.

A long time ago a friend with an ATP flying heavy transport who had seen it all before told me: When the music stops be sure to have a good seat.

Well, I think we'll just have to delete "good". If you have a seat, keep it.

Best wishes out there.
The best you could do is to work on positioning yourself for when it does open up again. For me, that has always meant going back to school if it comes to that.
Good point. There have been many times in the past 3 months that I've wanted to tell the owners of the airplane I fly to stick the pointy end up their rear ends. I'm in this position right now because the guy before me did just that. Although he is less stressed over the frustrations of the job, the stress from NOT having a job is probably replacing it. With that in mind, I just have to bite my tongue and deal with it until the economy improves and someone that appreciates my knowledge and ability is looking to hire.
I'm just gonna comment in general about the current job market.


They really are, It's taken me almost 2 months since I finished up school, but I have found a few places that are indeed looking for CFI's. It's seems like people who can't seem to find jobs, are looking in the right places, but it's as if they think theyre too good to CFI? I have found people looking for people to work for them in every part of the country it seems. From the East coast to mid country, and even the west coast. It just takes the drive to go out and find those jobs.

just my .02 cents, not trying to start any fighting or anything, that's just how I see it.
I'm just gonna comment in general about the current job market.


They really are, It's taken me almost 2 months since I finished up school, but I have found a few places that are indeed looking for CFI's. It's seems like people who can't seem to find jobs, are looking in the right places, but it's as if they think theyre too good to CFI? I have found people looking for people to work for them in every part of the country it seems. From the East coast to mid country, and even the west coast. It just takes the drive to go out and find those jobs.

just my .02 cents, not trying to start any fighting or anything, that's just how I see it.

I'd hold off on that statement until you've received a few paychecks from those guys.

If you can afford a move cross country, you can probably find what last year would have been considered a mediocre entry level position in some industries - flying included. Best bet otherwise: Accounting or the military (excluding fighter pilot, but including UAVs)
The best you could do is to work on positioning yourself for when it does open up again. For me, that has always meant going back to school if it comes to that.


When things start on the upswing again, Wolf Blitzer isn't going to announce it with "Now Just In...Breaking News", but the people best positioned to take advantage of the turnaround are going to do fabulously, and those who have absolutely lost hope are going to have to play a nasty game of catch up.
I'm just gonna comment in general about the current job market.


They really are, It's taken me almost 2 months since I finished up school, but I have found a few places that are indeed looking for CFI's. It's seems like people who can't seem to find jobs, are looking in the right places, but it's as if they think theyre too good to CFI? I have found people looking for people to work for them in every part of the country it seems. From the East coast to mid country, and even the west coast. It just takes the drive to go out and find those jobs.

just my .02 cents, not trying to start any fighting or anything, that's just how I see it.

True, CFI jobs may be there. However, you can't expect the corporate guy that was making 80 grand before he got laid off to run right back to a 25 grand (or less) CFI job. He has built his lifestyle around an 80k salary, hopefully putting away a bit from every paycheck to cover the unexpected. Some corporate guys like me have let their CFI lapse for one reason or another and can't justify the money it would cost to renew it just so they could go make 25k a year.

Call me crazy, lazy, conceited, or dumb, but I would go find an office job before I went back to instructing.

When things start on the upswing again, Wolf Blitzer isn't going to announce it with "Now Just In...Breaking News", but the people best positioned to take advantage of the turnaround are going to do fabulously, and those who have absolutely lost hope are going to have to play a nasty game of catch up.

Very well put.
True, CFI jobs may be there. However, you can't expect the corporate guy that was making 80 grand before he got laid off to run right back to a 25 grand (or less) CFI job.

I've flown with a few people here who were making good money flying corporate when they showed up for work and the plane was sold. So they came to a regional making <$25k since they had no other local job prospects.

I agree with CFI'ing at this point however if you can do it part time at least you don't have to pay to stay current.

When things start on the upswing again, Wolf Blitzer isn't going to announce it with "Now Just In...Breaking News", but the people best positioned to take advantage of the turnaround are going to do fabulously, and those who have absolutely lost hope are going to have to play a nasty game of catch up.

Even if you haven't lost hope, positioning yourself for the turnaround seems to be rather difficult in the current market. I was able to go back to a job outside aviation, but I am concerned about the lack of ability to build time quick enough to be able to compete for jobs when the market does pick back up. As of now I am happy to have a job that keeps me comfortable and can't justify leaving my current situation to chase jobs experiencing extreme instability. I am hoping I don't fall so far behind I miss the last two booms. I think there is a dichotomy in the current market consisting of a highly credentialed group of pilots and then a batch a pilots like myself who haven't been able to build time simply for the total lack of opportunity. Eventually the airlines will have to start picking from the second group.
I would go find an office job

That is if you could even find that. After this week I will swallow my pride and stand on the side of the freeway with that sign around my neck that says, "almost homeless, 4 year degree, need work". As seen on TV. I need someting to help pay for the little bit of my CFI training. There is nothing wrong with CFIing for the right reasons. Thanks for your uplifting experiences on that. It will only take an amount of time before the corporate pilot swallows his pride if nothing else is out there.

I, as well as the friend you speak of, can't find work in my location. It is frustrating and disgusting. I will not stop looking though. I come across more jobs that are not willing to train anyone but are starving for workers. This is where the frustration really sets it. They would rather pay top dollar for someone that knows how than train anyone. I use to think that a degree means to others that you have the ability to learn.
The only problem with sitting it out is that I've been seeing job positions lately that require xxx amount of time in xx amount of months.

When things start on the upswing again, Wolf Blitzer isn't going to announce it with "Now Just In...Breaking News", but the people best positioned to take advantage of the turnaround are going to do fabulously, and those who have absolutely lost hope are going to have to play a nasty game of catch up.


I can attest to that. Shortly before I was out of work a few years ago, I was looking, but not really paying attention. I just happened to run into a friend one day, 2 weeks after losing my job, and he said "Dude, we have Captains sitting in the right seat just to keep from cancelling for crew shortage!!"

A week later I was interviewing at Skyway. 8 months later, I was a Captain. If I had been paying attention to what was going on around me (in retrospect, ALL the clues were there), I had maybe gotten off reserve before syx shut down. As soon as Skyway announced the shutdown, I started looking and got on with Republic. If I had just turned in my 2 weeks immediately and started the 1st class at Republic I could, I'd be recalled already.

It's all about timing. Like others said, the best you can do is be educated and ready to go! You're starting in the right place by looking here. You need to figure out exactly what you want out of all this, point your radar directly at it and watch the skies 24/7. There's no vacation on unemployment.
Like others on here, I too have been laid off. It is pretty bad when Target turns you down for the overnight stock position! Probably over qualified! Unemployment does not pay squat! Things will get better, I just hope that I am around when they do. It cost a heck of a lot of money to stay current on everything, little on try and build hours. Students around here are scarce, and CFI jobs are even scarcer. Military sounds like a good option, but I have been told that I am too old to do any good. I am only mid 30's! Enough with my raving, good luck everyone in finding a chair!