Is there light at end of the tunnel for us regional FO's?

Re: Is there light at end of the tunnel for us regional FO's

I'm sure I will.

Wasn't aimed at you Doug, I know you like what you do.

Everyone else, let's flame the new guy! Sound like a plan?
My opinion has been formed, and it will stay for a while, I know what I'm sinking my money into and I know what I want out of it. It's not suburb QOL or money out my butt. I'll take what I can get. I won't settle for crap, but I'm not going to pass up opportunities that may come back to haunt me if I skip out. I'm always looking for ways to get everything I want out of this career, and that's why I came to JC. If you are going to rip apart posts from new guys, then go for it.

I hate to sya it, but re-read your 1st post in this thread, and then see why we all went after you. You came in here and droped bombs, so we all shot back. I think you were the agressor.
Re: Is there light at end of the tunnel for us regional FO's

:banghead: I'm a year or two older than you, I'm telling you to read up JC and recognize the condition OUR industry is in and try to make it better when you get many on here have done.

We sure do.

I do, I lurked here for a while before I started to post... I do truly recognize what the state of the industry is and that's why I posted, I know what I'm sinking my money into. I will continue to buy airline tickets when feasible and I back it 100%. I'll do my best to better it for my pilot class and the ones who will follow. It's sad how they are treated, even up in the majors nowadays. I recognize what others have done on here in the industry and how they've helped each other and themselves. JC is incredible, and I have respect for everyone above me. I just try to stand up for my opinion and it goes down in flames...
Re: Is there light at end of the tunnel for us regional FO's

I do, I lurked here for a while before I started to post... I do truly recognize what the state of the industry is and that's why I posted, I know what I'm sinking my money into. I will continue to buy airline tickets when feasible and I back it 100%. I'll do my best to better it for my pilot class and the ones who will follow. It's sad how they are treated, even up in the majors nowadays. I recognize what others have done on here in the industry and how they've helped each other and themselves. JC is incredible, and I have respect for everyone above me. I just try to stand up for my opinion and it goes down in flames...

Nope. You don't.

But look at it this way. Couple years you'll get done with your training and you'll change your mind and look back and say "God I was such an idiot!".

There's this guy on the forum, Jynxyjoe, he's a dick but he's been in your shoes and is painfully doubling up in pain reading your post. He also is very happy he never posted on these forums until he was in the industry for a year or he might have made a similar mistake.

Sorry man. You are wrong and you're gonna get blasted. Maybe GoJets or JetU has a forum you can get on for a while. Although, even the GoJets guys will eventually wake up.
Re: Is there light at end of the tunnel for us regional FO's

Nope. You don't.

But look at it this way. Couple years you'll get done with your training and you'll change your mind and look back and say "God I was such an idiot!".

There's this guy on the forum, Jynxyjoe, he's a dick but he's been in your shoes and is painfully doubling up in pain reading your post. He also is very happy he never posted on these forums until he was in the industry for a year or he might have made a similar mistake.

Sorry man. You are wrong and you're gonna get blasted. Maybe GoJets or JetU has a forum you can get on for a while. Although, even the GoJets guys will eventually wake up.

Yeah, nice to meet you too. Let me just go send an email to JetU, I'll be right back, NOT.

Anyhow, anyone have anything constructive to say?
Re: Is there light at end of the tunnel for us regional FO's

I read that thread earlier today, thanks for promoting a mill! I see you are vastly improving the industry you work in and were just talking about helping it.

You know I really thought JC wasn't a hostile forum.....
Re: Is there light at end of the tunnel for us regional FO's

I read that thread earlier today, thanks for promoting a mill! I see you are vastly improving the industry you work in and were just talking about helping it.

You know I really thought JC wasn't a hostile forum.....
Eh, I don't know if verbally rolling our eyes at talking to a brick wall is terribly hostile. Either way you've made up your mind, all that is left is the entertainment value of this thread. My next act is juggling.

Where is jhugz anyway, he HAS to be here to help out our G1000 kid. Ok if I just call you G1000 now?

Edit: OHHH OHHH. How about just G?
Re: Is there light at end of the tunnel for us regional FO's

You have a problem with the G1000, I see...

Anyhow, I am just trying to say my opinion, but I see what happens. This is a forum, so we discuss correct? See ya guys in a year.

Thanks Jynxyjoe, have a great evening.

Re: Is there light at end of the tunnel for us regional FO's

You have a problem with the G1000, I see...

Anyhow, I am just trying to say my opinion, but I see what happens. This is a forum, so we discuss correct? See ya guys in a year.

Thanks Jynxyjoe, have a great evening.

Problem with the G1000? ... ur kidding right? I helped certify it, made me lots of money.
Just never seen anyone add that on their signature. I thought it was very original.

Edit: did u just take that off ur signature or am I seeing things?
Edit: now it's back. Weird.
Re: Is there light at end of the tunnel for us regional FO's

Oh no, it's there :rawk:

That's awesome that you were invovled, I'm just used to it getting unwanted negative attention. Usually I get the "G1000 for training blah blah blah" spiel... So I was kind of expecting that. Sorry for jumping on you!
Re: Is there light at end of the tunnel for us regional FO's

Oh no, it's there :rawk:

That's awesome that you were invovled, I'm just used to it getting unwanted negative attention. Usually I get the "G1000 for training blah blah blah" spiel... So I was kind of expecting that. Sorry for jumping on you!
Well you put it out there G... I mean its like putting down my signature as "Saab 340 Rockwell Collins Pro Line v4". .... Ehh. Just weird, unless you have stock in Garmin, then rock on.

anyhoo. Just make sure you turn off the damn thing from time to time. The guys who started garmin first designed the thing on a few cocktail napkins in the 70's (or 80's depending who you talk to). The napkins are still somewhere in the Olatha (i'm spelling that wrong) office. I was helping on one verision that went into the E90's and some of the diamonds and Barons.
Re: Is there light at end of the tunnel for us regional FO's

Then I shall take it out.

Now to find a quote worthy of signature status...
Re: Is there light at end of the tunnel for us regional FO's

I hate to sya it, but re-read your 1st post in this thread, and then see why we all went after you. You came in here and droped bombs, so we all shot back. I think you were the agressor.


I don't think anyone is trying to be mean.. but you stepped into a room full of 121 guys who have been doing this for years and basically told us our Unions are worthless, you would do anything to get ahead, don't expect much as far as pay/qol, and you want to replace us..

You pretty much described the EXACT mentality we are trying to get rid of because it's a cancer to the profession we're trying to protect.

Seriously.. what did you expect? Of course airline pilots aren't gonna be happy about that, doesn't have anything to do with you being a newbie.

The regional's aren't a stepping stone anymore like the old days.. Newbies coming in need to quit looking at them that way and try to help us protect the career (maintain strong unions) and not destroy it. You could very easily spend 10yrs+ at a regional now as many of us are finding out.

Union's at the airlines do far more than just negotiate pay.. things that you may not care about now but you will some day.. Do you want some guy hired off the street into a captain spot above you just because he's buddies with management? How about job protection if you ever make a mistake, without the union you would just be fired with a huge black mark on your record.. Work rules, this can make your life great or miserable.. How about safety? Pay protection.. and the list goes on and on.. ask the JC guys at Colgan how things were without a union.. I can tell you my buddies over at Colgan vs my ALPA airline experience have been drastically different, for the better.. because of MANY things "Union negotiated".
Re: Is there light at end of the tunnel for us regional FO's

I may have gotten over zealous in my first post and I regret that. I just get super irritated with unions in general. After seeing what the teamsters have done to my mothers company (she's not a member, different dept.), what UAW has does to auto, and what the one over at Boeing has destroyed, I just don't agree with them anymore. Granted, I have 0 experience with ALPA, I guess I should not have said anything. I see that it has made your job a lot better, but I just get nervous when unions start pushing for stuff in a volatile industry. I am just sick of seeing good businesses go down in flames because of unions wanting higher wages and degrading the business to where it can't survive...

I admire each and every one of you guys and I want to learn all that I can from you. Again, that's why I came to JC. I usually don't have the attitude you're trying to rid the youngsters of, but tonight it's prevalent for some reason.... Eh, continue

Re: Is there light at end of the tunnel for us regional FO's

Union's at the airlines do far more than just negotiate pay.. things that you may not care about now but you will some day.. Do you want some guy hired off the street into a captain spot above you just because he's buddies with management? How about job protection if you ever make a mistake, without the union you would just be fired with a huge black mark on your record.. Work rules, this can make your life great or miserable.. How about safety? Pay protection.. and the list goes on and on.. ask the JC guys at Colgan how things were without a union.. I can tell you my buddies over at Colgan vs my ALPA airline experience have been drastically different, for the better.. because of MANY things "Union negotiated".

:yeahthat: Exactly... It's no fun when the FAA or the company goes after you for a mistake on the job, or if you have problems with your medical and risk losing your job. It is in these cases (and more) that unions shine.
Re: Is there light at end of the tunnel for us regional FO's

I'm sure I will.

Wasn't aimed at you Doug, I know you like what you do.

Everyone else, let's flame the new guy! Sound like a plan?
My opinion has been formed, and it will stay for a while, I know what I'm sinking my money into and I know what I want out of it. It's not suburb QOL or money out my butt. I'll take what I can get. I won't settle for crap, but I'm not going to pass up opportunities that may come back to haunt me if I skip out. I'm always looking for ways to get everything I want out of this career, and that's why I came to JC. If you are going to rip apart posts from new guys, then go for it.

Let me be completely frank and if you find this insulting, I'm sorry but I'm going to try to be as straight with you as possible.

Either (a) you're very young or (b) you're very new to the business.

Don't think for a moment that, while in college and I knew it all, that I didn't have heated, alcohol-fueled arguments with people about how $120K/year is more than sufficient to fly around a L1011 and those ungracious Eastern pilots need to get back to work. Hell, if I graduated ERAU and the wanted to hire me to fly around an Airbus for $40K, hell yes, WHY NOT?! I was there. That was me. I was full of vim and vigor, light on experience and it was before I learned that I need to pontificate less and listen more to people's perspectives who are where I want to be.

As I got a little older, I learned that I was confusing "conviction" with being obstinate. A lot of those people that were trying to explain to me that I was looking at the situation at Eastern in the wrong light came from backgrounds in professional aviation. Fathers, brothers, uncles, cousins were all involved in professional aviation whereas all I had were a couple of Irv Jasinski books, a dream to fly big jets to far places, and the "Well my dad's doing well on $40K/year at the factory, I'll be kicking some ass at $60K!"

Once I learned that the world that I thought I lived in, in fact, was NOT the world I was actually living in, I turned down the rhetoric and learned to listen, and learned HOW to listen.

Did I go to the professor that was forced out of the airline business because of labor problems and furloughs that was angry? or should I go to the professor that had an overall good career, some ups, some downs, but more ups than downs?

Both, actually.

Trust me, the industry the way I think you're describing it isn't, in fact, the industry that you're getting involved with. There's a vast amount of good (and bad) gouge on the website from a wide range of industry professionals. I'd highly suggest throttling back a bit and leeching all of the information you can possible leech out of them.
Re: Is there light at end of the tunnel for us regional FO's


I understand everything you said, and I didn't find it one bit insulting. I jumped the gun this afternoon, and after rereading what I said, I couldn't believe it was me behind the keyboard. Anyhow, I think I've recanted all that I can and stated my goals here in above posts. I just want to learn from everyone and pick up as much information as humanly possible from the people who are living it first hand.

You've created an incredible community Doug. Having said that, I would like to apologize to those who I've thoroughly pissed off this afternoon and would like to move on from this incident in a positive light knowing that I have no experience in this field and it would be in better judgment to keep my mouth shut about touchy subjects, until I have acquired the necessary experience to form an educated opinion. I think it was blatantly obvious that my opinion is skewed, although not quite as bad as many others in my age group.

Thanks JC,

Re: Is there light at end of the tunnel for us regional FO's

Hey bro, first rounds on me! ;)
Re: Is there light at end of the tunnel for us regional FO's

Once I learned that the world that I thought I lived in, in fact, was NOT the world I was actually living in, I turned down the rhetoric and learned to listen, and learned HOW to listen.

This is absolutely something 99% of the people in the world don't do and really should. I don't understand how people hear one person say something and take that to be an absolute truth and without actually educating themselves or being involved with it first hand they go around spreading the limited knowledge they have. It certainly isn't limited to aviation either.