Is there light at end of the tunnel for us regional FO's?

Re: Is there light at end of the tunnel for us regional FO's


I understand everything you said, and I didn't find it one bit insulting. I jumped the gun this afternoon, and after rereading what I said, I couldn't believe it was me behind the keyboard. Anyhow, I think I've recanted all that I can and stated my goals here in above posts. I just want to learn from everyone and pick up as much information as humanly possible from the people who are living it first hand.

You've created an incredible community Doug. Having said that, I would like to apologize to those who I've thoroughly pissed off this afternoon and would like to move on from this incident in a positive light knowing that I have no experience in this field and it would be in better judgment to keep my mouth shut about touchy subjects, until I have acquired the necessary experience to form an educated opinion. I think it was blatantly obvious that my opinion is skewed, although not quite as bad as many others in my age group.

Thanks JC,

Hey man, I'm pretty much in the same position as you right now. First year of college about to get my PPL, and that is exactly why in a debate like this I sit back and watch rather than jump in. Just read the posts and learn from these guys, then form an opinion later when you actually have a total understanding. Otherwise, you might shoot yourself in the foot and owe some people an appology. Just some advice that may do you well.
Re: Is there light at end of the tunnel for us regional FO's

I may have gotten over zealous in my first post and I regret that. I just get super irritated with unions in general. After seeing what the teamsters have done to my mothers company (she's not a member, different dept.), what UAW has does to auto, and what the one over at Boeing has destroyed, I just don't agree with them anymore. Granted, I have 0 experience with ALPA, I guess I should not have said anything. I see that it has made your job a lot better, but I just get nervous when unions start pushing for stuff in a volatile industry. I am just sick of seeing good businesses go down in flames because of unions wanting higher wages and degrading the business to where it can't survive...

I admire each and every one of you guys and I want to learn all that I can from you. Again, that's why I came to JC. I usually don't have the attitude you're trying to rid the youngsters of, but tonight it's prevalent for some reason.... Eh, continue


Ei Yi the unions are solely to blame for the troubles of industry? Glad I have that straight now! I'll remind all the people at 'the union' class I'm attending today.....while everyone in attendance is 'volunteering' our time to help make the profession a better place for current (and future) professional aviators.

The unions are destroying these industries by demanding livable wages and decent work rules for their employees? Guess executive compensation doesn't have anything to do w/ the problem? What about golden parachutes for burning a company to the ground and then being terminated with a ridiculous severance package? Or, and this one's my favorite, asking for employee concessions (supposedly required to keep company in business) while paying executive bonuses to retain incompetent mgmt for killing the company through shoddy business practices? What about executive payscales that have grown in excess of HUNDREDS of percents in the past few decades while labor groups have taken large paycuts or, IF THEY'RE LUCKY, managed to eek out meager raises of several percent; unfortunately still not keeping pace w/ inflation???

You come on here, spout off about something you clearly have no idea what you're talking about. Suggest we're (those of us actually in the industry) all clueless for trying to improve our collective lives through wage gains and QOL improvements. Then, when your faulty thoughts get crushed, you get bent out of shape. Please, don't get defensive. Although you might see our replies as attacks, they're actually just you clearly need. So welcome to JC! It's ok to have an opinion on subject matter; but it's also more important to listen to those who are actually working in the industry. Ever here the phase, "close your mouth and open your ears?" They're words to live by. ;)

Again, welcome! I hope you enjoy your stay and learn. I know I've learned tons (and continue to learn....lots of very knowledgeable people 'round these parts) since I've been here.

Edit: I see you've come around a bit in recent posts. Kudos for that!
Re: Is there light at end of the tunnel for us regional FO's

Hey man, I'm pretty much in the same position as you right now. First year of college about to get my PPL, and that is exactly why in a debate like this I sit back and watch rather than jump in. Just read the posts and learn from these guys, then form an opinion later when you actually have a total understanding. Otherwise, you might shoot yourself in the foot and owe some people an appology. Just some advice that may do you well.

Yes, I'm in the same place, those lost few weeks are rough when you know the ride is looming, isn't it?. I got it all straightened out in my last few posts. I sat back and watched for little bit, but I thought I'd post and see. I apologized for it and everyone's back on track :)


As stated before, we got it straightened out. That was my first true post and it went horribly awry. I apologized to those I pissed off, got back on track with Doug, and I'm taking a backseat for a while...well, maybe I'll post, but I'm not going to go anywhere near touchy subjects.

Nice to meet all of you and sorry about yesterday,

Re: Is there light at end of the tunnel for us regional FO's

Yes, I'm in the same place, those lost few weeks are rough when you know the ride is looming, isn't it?. I got it all straightened out in my last few posts. I sat back and watched for little bit, but I thought I'd post and see. I apologized for it and everyone's back on track :)


As stated before, we got it straightened out. That was my first true post and it went horribly awry. I apologized to those I pissed off, got back on track with Doug, and I'm taking a backseat for a while...well, maybe I'll post, but I'm not going to go anywhere near touchy subjects.

Nice to meet all of you and sorry about yesterday,


What makes you think your heresy has been forgiven?


Re: Is there light at end of the tunnel for us regional FO's

I recant. :nana2:

Grrreeaattttt -- I just got myself off the TSA's...


Well that makes one of us. My damn shoes beep every time I go through security.... which really isn't often anymore...
Re: Is there light at end of the tunnel for us regional FO's

What good is sacrificing for your own good when you won't even get to bear the fruits of the labor? In this situation, wouldn't the people going to prison be sacrificing for everyone else's own good?

I agree things need to change, but going off the reservation on some kind of wildcat strike is gonna do nothing but get union leaders tossed in jail and a big ole gag order slapped on the union. The RLA is pretty clear about the legal ramifications. Might as well be saying go out and beat down the guy that beat up your kid brother. Yeah, it might make a bigger impact, but in the end you just go to jail for assault.

What im saying is, for things to change, something drastic has to happen, 1 or 2 resignations will not do anything but what if the entire pilot staff all resign on the same day? It's employment at will, u r not breaking any laws here by resigning, but it has to be a massive number of pilot (both senior and junior), together with the mechanics and flight attendants since they prolly also want things to change as well. I bet the management will wanna talk if THAT happens.
Re: Is there light at end of the tunnel for us regional FO's

What im saying is, for things to change, something drastic has to happen, 1 or 2 resignations will not do anything but what if the entire pilot staff all resign on the same day? It's employment at will, u r not breaking any laws here by resigning, but it has to be a massive number of pilot (both senior and junior), together with the mechanics and flight attendants since they prolly also want things to change as well. I bet the management will wanna talk if THAT happens.

"Resigning" and "striking" are different. Phrasing it that way, you wouldn't be breaking laws. That didn't seem like what you were implying, however. Difference is, sure management would want to talk, but those that resigned wouldn't be getting their jobs back. If they did, I can guarantee you they'd be at the bottom of the seniority list.
Re: Is there light at end of the tunnel for us regional FO's

Definitely no light for Pinnacle FOs.... specifically Atlanta-based. Not even VLOAs help....

Reference attachment 1: Memphis May Bid.... #1117 is the line I would get if I were still in Memphis.....

Attachment 2: Beginning of reserve for Atlanta pilots

Attachment 3: Where I sit.... no weekends off this month because I tried to unsuccessfully get my bday off including the weekends (mock), or the first weekend off of 3 days (final).....

Attachment 4: I *love* how a high speed that would have fit my schedule, and no doubt, others above me, slips all the way down there....

Our PBS team, supposedly on our side, will give the BS excuse that it fit in his schedule better, but I know at least one FO who bid for a CDO whose options SHOULD NOT have prevented getting him the CDO.

Woo hoo, love this crap.

PBS sucks, we need to negotiate it out or get it changed. I would at least like to see a final schedule more than 5 days prior to the end of the month. :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:

P.S. Anyone know how to actually get the pix to show up in the post rather than just as attachments?

My bid:

Reserve Medium Desire Weekends Off Medium Avoid Ready Reserve High Desire Date Off May 1


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Re: Is there light at end of the tunnel for us regional FO's

For those Regional FOs wondering-

I've been proven correct in my predictions about your present seat, airplane, company, etc, likely being where you'll wind up, at best, for quite some time.

Even the fastest upgrading Regionals have seen list movement stagnate... at best. Most have seen retrograde action.

If you can't stomach the fact that your industry is a commodity where movement parallels the economy as a whole, get out now.

Especially if you're above me on my particular seniority list.

If you're not in it in the first place, don't bother coming. There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch (TANSTAAFL) is in full effect. Go back to your floundering real estate firms and financial management jobs.

Thanks for playing!

We can close this thread now, as the obvious has been stated, observed, clubbed over the head, then mounted on my wall.


Firebird, FTW! :)
Re: Is there light at end of the tunnel for us regional FO's

For those Regional FOs wondering-

I've been proven correct in my predictions about your present seat, airplane, company, etc, likely being where you'll wind up, at best, for quite some time.

Even the fastest upgrading Regionals have seen list movement stagnate... at best. Most have seen retrograde action.

If you can't stomach the fact that your industry is a commodity where movement parallels the economy as a whole, get out now.

Especially if you're above me on my particular seniority list.

If you're not in it in the first place, don't bother coming. There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch (TANSTAAFL) is in full effect. Go back to your floundering real estate firms and financial management jobs.

Thanks for playing!

We can close this thread now, as the obvious has been stated, observed, clubbed over the head, then mounted on my wall.


Firebird, FTW! :)

Why are we so eager to close a thread "just because".... there are no TOS violations here.
Re: Is there light at end of the tunnel for us regional FO's

It's not because there's a TOS violation.

It's because there's nothing left to be said. :)

There's always something to be said. To let it go by the wayside since we've whined 6-ways from Sunday about QOL would be doing a disservice... unless the thread were stickied....
Re: Is there light at end of the tunnel for us regional FO's

Rex, don't get me started on how PBS will "accidentally" award high speed lines to guys junior. That's a problem that needs to be fixed rather than rationalized every month. Hell, I've got a sim next month and two days of recurrent ground this month. I didn't win the "high speed line lotto," but some guy junior that's unavailable for two days for some reason does. And you're right, the answer is "the computer thought it fit into his schedule better." Honestly, that line shouldn't even be LEFT by the time it gets to the guy on the bottom.
Re: Is there light at end of the tunnel for us regional FO's

Rex, don't get me started on how PBS will "accidentally" award high speed lines to guys junior. That's a problem that needs to be fixed rather than rationalized every month. Hell, I've got a sim next month and two days of recurrent ground this month. I didn't win the "high speed line lotto," but some guy junior that's unavailable for two days for some reason does. And you're right, the answer is "the computer thought it fit into his schedule better." Honestly, that line shouldn't even be LEFT by the time it gets to the guy on the bottom.

The only thing that is making me semi-happy about that is that I'm going to sit on my ass for the month and make guarantee, while he has to go to the airport and he's down guarantee by 1 week.:laff: