Good food choice!

I marked the crew meal "Fresh! 3/16/05 1500Z" and left it for the next guy.

Popeyes rocks.
Though nothing beats Bojangle's! But you have to find yourself in Dixie to snag some of that, and even then they're hard to find now. Thankfully my parents have one not too far from them in is a highlight of every trip!
Trust me if they taken out there will be a big uprising. The crew meals on Delta are a small sandwich, chips, fruit and something like a brownie and a bottle of water. The brownies they use to serve were pretty good.
I LOVED the ghiradelli cookies... miss those babies too!
Small sandwich? Those things are normally obnoxiously huge to the point where you're pulling off meat and cheese just to get it into your mouth.

Not that they're any good, but I've only seen a few 'hockey pucks' over the past few years.

They go away April 1st and I really couldn't be happier because most were sub par and I'd end up going to the airplane, checking the crew meal box, then rushing thru a preflight to go back to the terminal to get something acceptable.

Popeye's chicken is [explicative deleted] awesome...

* using $%*$*@ is fine, anything else... not