ERAU school of engieering


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone,

While searching the fourms I have found everyone does not recomend the flight program at ERAU but I have a question, how about going in AFROTC majoring in Aerospace engineering with a minor in flight? Would that be a good choice? Or would I be able to get a better deal at a different college for a smaller price? How is the ROTC at ERAU? How about their engeering program?
Hello everyone,

While searching the fourms I have found everyone does not recomend the flight program at ERAU but I have a question, how about going in AFROTC majoring in Aerospace engineering with a minor in flight? Would that be a good choice? Or would I be able to get a better deal at a different college for a smaller price? How is the ROTC at ERAU? How about their engeering program?
ROTC at ERAU is a great program, used to be able to get 100% of the guys/gals into flight slots. I saw a few guys do the engineering thing and it's a lot of workload. If you get a flight slot the AF is just going to retrain u anyway (that's what a roomate told me anyhow). Don't bite off more than you can chew.
Enjoy college.
I went to ERAU for the flight program. It was alright. Would I do it again - probably not. It cost a ton of money, and I don't feel any better prepared than my fellow aviators across the field - just told I was better.

The Engineering program at ERAU is top-notch from what I could tell. I had many friends that went through it, and it is said you had "pilot classes" and "engineering classes". The classes we were taking as pilots to round out our 4 year degree were equivilent to the 1st year, first semester stuff that the engineers were going through. I don't know about ERAU DB, but the size of the classes meant that the teachers were VERY accessible. I took computer science there, and had a great time.

If you get into AFROTC I think they may pay a majority of your ERAU tuition if you "do well" as a cadet... so it may be worth it in that aspect.