Dumbest Things You've Heard about the US Airways crash

Local news here in Portland found an instructor to "demonstrate" a water landing in a simulator. So, they filmed the instructor landing a seminole frasca sim in the water... oh well, seminole and A320 are pretty much the same thing anyway.

WHAT???:confused: Heck I'm suprised they didn't film someone doing it on Microsoft Flight Sim.
"A crane is lifting the million pound jet a foot per hour to let the water drain".
Might the thing actually weigh that much with all the water in it?

Nope, even with my horrible math, and if the entire fuselage was 100% filled with water the thing would only top out around 298,000 lbs. That's with water weighing 64.42 pounds per cubic foot and assuming 2000 cubic feet within' the aircraft (Pi x radius squared x height, or 3.14 x 49 x 13).
Why don’t the airlines place sturdy aluminum netting at the front of their jet engines? Trains had cow-catchers. Planes need bird-catchers.

Paul Marx
Towson, Md., Jan. 16, 2009
A 911 call that CNN keeps reporting:
"A US Air big DC-9 or -10 has crashed into the Hudson River. ... Oh, my gosh!"
This discussion right here is the dumbest thing I heard about the crash.

Oh come on man, we're pilots!

The intellectual equivalent of three house cats, a single unopened can of Fancy Feast and a can opener! :)
Why don’t the airlines place sturdy aluminum netting at the front of their jet engines? Trains had cow-catchers. Planes need bird-catchers.

Paul Marx
Towson, Md., Jan. 16, 2009

Hey! This could make a good episode of Mythbusters!

They could start off with footage that shows what a bird attack does to a pressure bulkhead. Then look into that microwave thing they're making up for "inter-stage engine anti-ice", but with the power turned up even more. :)