Dumbest Things You've Heard about the US Airways crash

"...more than 200 people on board! " - Nancy Grace

"Speaking with NTSB investigator Shivo..." --Nancy Grace

(Saying her name wrong-making it the same one as the woman in FL case....i'm sure that went over well with the NTSB rep)

(Along with many more dumb comments)
I was watching the coverage on Fox news with my father, a pilot for 40 years, and the aviation anallist(a single engine private pilot) said that these planes have great power off glide ratios. He mentioned that a 747 could glide for almost 15 miles for every 1000 ft. of altitude. Now I've never flown an Airbus much less a 747, but I seriously doubt that those planes could get 5 miles for every 1000ft in a glide. My father and I both said aloud at the same time. "bull _____"

You'd be suprisedvat the glide ratios of swept wing jets, including transport category. 3-5 miles per 1000 feet is believable. I can easily glide down a glideslope which is 3.3 miles per 1000'. The plane is very clean, although best glide speeds are high.
I was watching the coverage on Fox news with my father, a pilot for 40 years, and the aviation anallist(a single engine private pilot) said that these planes have great power off glide ratios. He mentioned that a 747 could glide for almost 15 miles for every 1000 ft. of altitude. Now I've never flown an Airbus much less a 747, but I seriously doubt that those planes could get 5 miles for every 1000ft in a glide. My father and I both said aloud at the same time. "bull _____"

A 15:1 glide ratio might not be too far off, but you have to keep the units constant, i.e.

15,000 feet of distance per 1,000 feet of drop, or
15 miles of distance per 1 mile of drop.
I think that the big lesson to be learned is not necessarily what to do in the same situation but is just how unrelialbe and ridiculous the media is. Makes me wonder about the other so called "experts" that are brought in to discuss things I'm not too familiar with, but that are very important. i.e. politics, economy, taxes etc.
I think that the big lesson to be learned is not necessarily what to do in the same situation but is just how unrelialbe and ridiculous the media is. Makes me wonder about the other so called "experts" that are brought in to discuss things I'm not too familiar with, but that are very important. i.e. politics, economy, taxes etc.

Remember, these are the same boneheads that crow on and on about how we all work six days a month and make $200G's.

Hmm, makes you second guess all that hubris they were flinging about the average Joe down at the GM plant...
I overheard one reporter, I think it was on CNN. He was going on and on about hypothermia and how all of the passengers were underdressed. Really? You didn't leave your heavy coat, hat, and gloves on when you got on the airplane? Why not?
I heard the birds were wearing TSA uniforms... :p

My wife was asking me about the crash and mentioned how it seems the CA gets all the credit.... It's unfortunate that it takes someone who is "the public" but is SURROUNDED by aviation to pick out that detail. The entire crew did a great job and I would imagine we will see more training on this situation and a book from this CA in the next couple years.
I would imagine we will see more training on this situation and a book from this CA in the next couple years.

I agree about the book part, but I doubt we'll see the training here. Well, we might, but it'll be taught in a "LOFT" situation by a non-seniority list sim instructor during a jeopardy event.....
Ny dailynews :
He was in seat 22-A, just over the left engine. He looked out the window, saw flames and smelled gasoline.
Ny dailynews :
He was in seat 22-A, just over the left engine. He looked out the window, saw flames and smelled gasoline.

LOL - USAir got pissed about the full page USA Today add last summer complaining about being pressured to fly with minimal fuel and that is how they solved the problem - using regular unleaded!
Remember, these are the same boneheads that crow on and on about how we all work six days a month and make $200G's.

Hmm, makes you second guess all that hubris they were flinging about the average Joe down at the GM plant...

You mean all the hubris we fling in the lav about the average Joe down at the GM plant?
Local news here in Portland found an instructor to "demonstrate" a water landing in a simulator. So, they filmed the instructor landing a seminole frasca sim in the water... oh well, seminole and A320 are pretty much the same thing anyway.
Remember, these are the same boneheads that crow on and on about how we all work six days a month and make $200G's.

No man, it's $300Gs!!! And the FO is a gear handle monkey for 10 years before upgrading to Captain - that way when he upgrades he won't know how to land the airplane, since we all know only the Captain lands and takes off! Oh and the stewardesses!!! They make at lease $80,000 a year I hear and work 6 days a month. All those rich pilots get to hang around young hot single women all the time. Must be the life!
No man, it's $300Gs!!! And the FO is a gear handle monkey for 10 years before upgrading to Captain - that way when he upgrades he won't know how to land the airplane, since we all know only the Captain lands and takes off! Oh and the stewardesses!!! They make at lease $80,000 a year I hear and work 6 days a month. All those rich pilots get to hang around young hot single women all the time. Must be the life!

50% or so of the time they won't even let me pull up the gear!!! :bandit:
"The plane didnt break apart and burst into flames like in the movies" :banghead:

Back in LEX in 2005 some guy went down in a single piston in the BFE bonneys of KY. Fox news had a guy on the phone LIVE describing WHAT THE PLANE SOUNDED LIKE.
Foxnews was driving me nuts yesterday with:

'You mean the engines sheared off in flight? How dangerous! There could be a large underwater debris field in the Hudson from those sheared off engines that fell from the aircraft a few hundred feet in the air....They will never find the engines, and therefore, we might never know what REALLY happened"
