Dumbest Things You've Heard about the US Airways crash

I like how after they hit the water she says "Continue." Yeah I guess it might be a bad decision to try to go-around at that point. :panic:

Face palm for my alma mater.

And NOOOOOO one wears uniforms to the sim.
That video is hilarious and really does sum up the lameness of the media and even Johnny and Jenny Aviation in the sim.
Also, that female instructor they had talking on there was scary looking!
I saw embry riddle try and simulate the crash in a crj. I couldn't stop laughing.
he he he
saw that too. i especially liked the long winded apology given by the ERiddle student in the right seat before they went in the drink. My ten year old saw it too, I let it ride as he walked off thinking "so my dad is such a bad a$$ CRJ piloto."
Face palm for my alma mater.

And NOOOOOO one wears uniforms to the sim.

C'mon Dough, we all know you wear the whole thing including buttoned blazer and especially the hat into the sim. Of course the aviator sunglasses are the key.

machnumber wrote said:
And people wonder why I hate Riddle guys....

He HATES you Dough.....HATES YOU!!!!!!
I wonder do British carriers wear that uniform with the long shorts like they do in the military? :) Right O, mate!
I heard someone on CNN talking about the picture that they were showing displayed the first few boats pulling up to the doors to let people on...

They were the rafts that were just deployed from the plane...

I should get a job as an "aviation expert."
CNN Headline News had a guy call in saying they should put mesh nets over the engines to prevent this...

Cant say I didnt do a LOL WUT?! :banghead:
It works on ships, so why cant it work on airplanes?:sarcasm:

Well actually not mesh, but rebar. Gotta please those PETA people and not suck up any baby seals.:banghead:
Pan sear it, slice it on the bias and serve it over a fresh salad of field greens.

It works on ships, so why cant it work on airplanes?:sarcasm:

Well actually not mesh, but rebar. Gotta please those PETA people and not suck up any baby seals.:banghead:

And now, a musical number:

Up in the land of the ice and snow,
Way up north where the grass don't grow,
That's where I earn my liviing,
Killing the baby seals.

Beat 'em bash 'em club 'em shoot 'em,
Any way you wanna do 'em
That's how I earn my liv-ing,
Killing the baby seals.

My wife and kids they hate me,
Jane Fonda wants to rape me,
Because I earn my liv-ing,
Killing the baby seals.

Sing to yourself while exercising, or sing each line at a time while a platoon of soldiers repeats it back to you on a nice easy four mile run.

Repeat as necessary.
Here is what I have to say about the media.

Think about how ignorant, and often inaccurate they are, when talking about aviation. Think about the so called aviation "experts" and "analysts", they have on, that are just as, if not more so, ignorant, and inaccurate.

Now think about the media's reporting on politics, war, economy, and the various other subjects they typically talk about. What makes you think they have half a clue on those subjects, or those so called "experts" have any clue what they are talking about, either. Yet, day, after day, we all tune in, and get our news about what is going on in the world, from these people, and buy what they say - whether it be about the war in Iraq, the economy, Obama, McCain, Palin, and everybody, and everything else.
Now think about the media's reporting on politics, war, economy, and the various other subjects they typically talk about. What makes you think they have half a clue on those subjects, or those so called "experts" have any clue what they are talking about, either. Yet, day, after day, we all tune in, and get our news about what is going on in the world, from these people, and buy what they say - whether it be about the war in Iraq, the economy, Obama, McCain, Palin, and everybody, and everything else.

Which is why I tend to get my info from multiple sources and (gasp) decide for myself.
Ok, I dont want to sound like the dumb azz that I sometimes can be,,,,Would one of you airline guys tell me why they couldn't come up with a stainless mesh screen to put on the intakes of these engines. I used to run some Garrett's on a few ag planes and they all had a little screens in front of the intake. I dug several birds out of that thing. Be easy on me.