Driving in...


Hubschrauber Flieger
Kris and I are planning on driving to Chicago - does anyone have any better ideas at all for parking? I'd like to avoid parking at the hotel for the $20/night or whatever they're charging?

Also, what's going on on the 8th? Are people getting there early?
are you two sitting next to eachother when you do that? that is SO "doug and kristie" ;)
are you two sitting next to eachother when you do that? that is SO "doug and kristie" ;)

Naw... we're both at work.

If we're both posting on a weekend or after 1700 EST on a weekday... then yeah, we're being total internet dorks.
I will look around for you. Are you staying at the hotel that kristie set up? Finding parking in the city for under $20/night is kind of difficult.
Talk to Bandit_Driver.. i know he is also driving into town and a few people had a few good ideas.
I think we might drive up as well. I only have the 8 and 9th off and have to work the 10th. Depending on how the loads look to ORD and MDW around that time, we'll make up our minds.
so how many drivers do we have out there? if we have enough drivers AND volunteers, then we might be able to hold NJC (event) at a fellow JCers house (who has offered to open his/her home to us).

Do I have any volunteers to cart people to/from? I believe the persons house is probably about 10 minutes away or so (not near EL train).
We're on the fence right now. It all depends on the loads for thr 7th or 8th. I might actually have to go solo depending on Nona's work sched. If we/I drive up it will be most likely on the 7th. If we come as a fam, won't have any room other wise I might have room for two or three in my truck or rental car if I nonrev.