DOUGSTOCK '03 update

Re: Las Vegas Update 27 October

Red bar= Red Square, oops. That is at Madalay Bay.

I am always up for less noise and a better conversational atmosphere. It is too hard to talk in clubs and then everyone stands around looking at the scene pretending to have fun because they can hear each other.
Re: Las Vegas Update 27 October

What do you all think of meeting in Mandalay Bay? There's at least a good 4 lounges and the coral reef lounge i've been too before cuz they have a big salt water aquarium behind the bar (My favorite thing to do - watch fish cuz you just never know which way they're going next)... then we could lounge hop, stop in at the island lounge there, red square (which i've read sounds pretty awesome - but we'll have to dress the part) and go from there to dinner or what not.. their buffet is about the same price as everywhere else (if i remember correctly) and wasn't too bad (a buffet is a buffet)...and just stick around the 4 corners area since we'll have more opportunity for night light and eye candy...

Re: Las Vegas Update 27 October

proper attire would include: Cocktail to classy club attire or to be more specific...No baggy jeans, shorts, tennis shoes (not even boating shoes), or work boots. Club wear required!

that way, if we decide to hit a "nice" spot later on that has a dress code - everyone will be prepared so that no one doesn't get in...

so - how bout we meet at 4pm for happy hour at the coral reef lounge in Mandalay Bay, then we'll hit the buffet and go from there...
Re: Las Vegas Update 27 October

I'm sorry, did someone say "buffet"? Ahh yes, big ol' plate of mashed 'taters, a little of the green and don't get stingy on the red!

what do you think?

Should we be calling this weekend


pilgramage of sort?


<input type="radio" name="option" value="1" />YES
<input type="radio" name="option" value="2" />NO
<input type="radio" name="option" value="3" />I JUST WANT TO BE ONE WITH DOUG
<INPUT TYPE=Submit NAME=Submit VALUE="Submit vote" class="buttons"></form>

Remember... There is no spoon.


Should I bake cookies for everyone and say wacky stuff like "Don't worry about that vase..."

Have a piece of candy, it'll make you feel better.

Thanks ... that'll be $8.50 for admission ...

Back on topic, however, it looks like the carbs will be here Friday - to go in Monday (and no telling where the TC is ... Wag Aero sucks) so it looks like I'll be sitting out the crawl.

Maybe I can con a friend into flying his Tri-Pacer up for a day ...


Maybe I can con a friend into flying his Tri-Pacer up for a day ...

[/ QUOTE ]

you might want to leave now.

Think C-152 with a bit more room and a couple knots faster.

Edit: Must be thinking of a Colt...
Re: Las Vegas Update 27 October

I'll meet you guys anywhere you want and I'll be dressed decently. My shirt might be a wee bit wrinkled since I'll be coming right from the airport, but I promise it will be tucked in and I won't smell bad.


I will have to go and drop my stuff off at the hotel and maybe had them hold it for me, since you will already be out, but I'll meet you folks anywhere. Maybe I should take the list of phone numbers with me and call to see where you're at before I go anywhere, huh?