Delta vs. United

I'm not entirely sure. I've flown with some guys here who were hired at 25, and this was their first time flying an airliner.

These folks absolutely exist right now.

I guess. After all this is the new type of candidate that the airlines (I thought only the regionals) are looking for. After seeing Envoy's new marketing with emoji's an sh-t. But I mean he's liking everything and barely even offering up any details or arguments for his behaviors here. You say that these people exist. I'll defer to your experience. But I think this dude based upon his forum behavior just needs some attention.
I guess. After all this is the new type of candidate that the airlines (I thought only the regionals) are looking for. After seeing Envoy's new marketing with emoji's an sh-t. But I mean he's liking everything and barely even offering up any details or arguments for his behaviors here. You say that these people exist. I'll defer to your experience. But I think this dude based upon his forum behavior just needs some attention.
What does living at home have to do with your hours/qualifications to get hired? I’m not sure what you mean by that.
No you're right. It is a good question to ask IMO. Right up until he asked which one made more money. That's when in my mind he went from legit, to high school nerd. Flight/VATSIM sim dude. Or worst a troll. I mean you went into your interview at your legacy with at least some info on the company and the current contract at the time of your hire, right? This just seems, off to me is all.
I got red flags a little while ago and then saying you live right next to EWR, what kind of question is it? If I live next to EWR or any NYC airport you are living on a land of gold at any airline. Maybe if he's a flight sim pilot, @Dacuj could get him set up early for a very successful career
What does living at home have to do with your hours/qualifications to get hired? I’m not sure what you mean by that.

Because legacies competitive mins I hear are like 4000-6000 tt with some PIC sprinkled in. You claim to have two CJO's. That means that you've been flying something of a decent regional or corporate size and not flying around the patten in a 172 for a good minute, and should be making a decent wage to maybe not be living at home and sleeping in your twin bed from high school. At least one would hope. Yes, the NE is expensive as hell, but still. It is possible that maybe you got your alleged CJO's with less time, 2500-3000 tt. who knows. But even at those times you should be making a decent/livable wage. But on my end there are Aerial survey/pipeline outfits out there right now, wanting 1500 tt. 1500 tt. Let that sink in. There's people out there with more time than the competitive hours I quoted legacies are looking at. Who have several types and Masters degreees that are not getting called and you claim to have two. Your just "sus" af as all the kids are saying, is all.
Because legacies competitive mins I hear are like 4000-6000 tt with some PIC sprinkled in. You claim to have two CJO's. That means that you've been flying something of a decent regional or corporate size and not flying around the patten in a 172 for a good minute, and should be making a decent wage to maybe not be living at home and sleeping in your twin bed from high school. At least one would hope. Yes, the NE is expensive as hell, but still. It is possible that maybe you got your alleged CJO's with less time, 2500-3000 tt. who knows. But even at those times you should be making a decent/livable wage. But on my end there are Aerial survey/pipeline outfits out there right now, wanting 1500 tt. 1500 tt. Let that sink in. There's people out there with more time than the competitive hours I quoted legacies are looking at. Who have several types and Masters degreees that are not getting called and you claim to have two. Your just "sus" af as all the kids are saying, is all.
I never came out the gate saying I have two CJOs. And I don't see what's wrong with living at home in the scenario you're describing. It helps you save money though. You seem like a nice guy man. I enjoy reading your posts, don't want any hard feelings!
If you can't make a ton of money at either you're doing it wrong...

Serious answer, where do or will you live and whichever has the base that's what I would go with - Source - Commuting displaced pilot.
Back in my day, people were lucky to get an interview at Atlas. Now we've got kids asking for advice on which legacy to go to because they're not sure where they want to be once they move out of their parents house.

Honestly, this is • bat • insane after the last 18 months, and I feel like I'm taking crazy pills reading this.

Welcome to the world we all helped create. Let’s all give ourselves some congratulatory harrumphs, some affirming eye contact and trophies for everyone.
I never came out the gate saying I have two CJOs. And I don't see what's wrong with living at home in the scenario you're describing. It helps you save money though. You seem like a nice guy man. I enjoy reading your posts, don't want any hard feelings!

I stand corrected, you did not. But that's how my brain read it. Soooooooooo, gonna go more with H.S. flight/Vatsim type guy. There's nothing wrong with that, I might just remove you from my mental category of being a troll. *Might*.

If you are in fact a high school, junior college type, then there is nothing wrong with living at home. You're right, it saves money. But if you're twenty-eight to thirty-ish. Flying around a CR9/175, or a medium sized biz jet. Then yeah, IMO that's not cool bringing your Tinder dates back home to your childhood bedroom and twin bed. And then panicking and throwing em in the closet to hide, when your parents come home from work early/unexpected. Lol. I kid of course, because I'm a kidder. No static. Just be genuine here is all an me an you and others will all get along fine.
Jokes aside, a buddy of mine with 9000 hrs and 145/175 types (ex XJT) just got a TBNT from Envoy. My assumption is they don't want to spend money just to see him go bye-bye, but who knows.

Incidently with those times, why is your buddy applying to Envoy? And not legacies, or ULCC's/LCC's?

Hey, yeah, you're an Old Yeller foaming at the mouth rabid Trumper, anti-science, anti vaxxer type that needs to be taken out behind the shed. But, I mean at least you're not Three Doors Down, I mean Three Down and Locked. That dude probably has schizoaffective disorder, which is a f-king category 5 hurricane mix of bipolar and schizophrenia. But I mean even your raving paranoid, lunatic post are by and large better received by the group at large than his. So, I mean, there's that.

Heavy, heavy :sarcasm:

Except everything I said about 3DD dude.
Incidently with those times, why is your buddy applying to Envoy? And not legacies, or ULCC's/LCC's?
Some complicated story shrouded in darkness, Aviate CJO has some language re flying for an airline while you wait for the class or some such and he was flying for something other than that since XJT made sad noises. Not particularly up on the deets. Just gave him my 2c on his "wtf they said I'm not qualified", hence an interesting data point
Some complicated story shrouded in darkness, Aviate CJO has some language re flying for an airline while you wait for the class or some such and he was flying for something other than that since XJT made sad noises. Not particularly up on the deets. Just gave him my 2c on his "wtf they said I'm not qualified", hence an interesting data point

Yeah, I just talked to Westwind Academy here in PHX the other day United bought them out. They're called Aviate Academy now and their instructors have only two options Mesa (UA side only) or Commute Air. Totally shocked Skywest isn't part of Aviate.
Totally shocked Skywest isn't part of Aviate.

It's probably because SkyWest does so much flying for other mainline partners. The whole point of Aviate is to keep United's regionals staffed and they don't want to spend money helping their competitors staff their regional feed.
Skywest will never be apart of any of those programs because they want the freedom, as do their shareholders. They could really care less about their pilots career aspirations or pathways to a legacy.
Totally shocked Skywest isn't part of Aviate.
Why would they be? Mesa is clear cut on who flies for who due to different types (and being bought by UAL has been a long standing wet dream over there, cue in timely thrown in 30 mil by AA when Embraer wouldn't sell them parts due to debt and UAL thinking about it at a legacy pace). Skywest and Republic are extremely unlikely to ever be a part of any such program.