Read Derg’s and MikeD’s long posts over, and over again, until it clicks. Sooo much knowledge. Everything I wanted to say, but too busy/lazy to say it.
Hell, even CC dropped some wisdom. Who’d a thunk?
I know you said “I don’t want Tough Love”, but where many of us are sitting, that’s EXACTLY what you need.
You may not know this, but you and I have been acquainted for nearly 10 yrs now. We’ve even met a couple of times (I keep a pretty low pro). I’ve been following your progression, professional and otherwise. You’ve had a rough path. Some by circumstance, some by choice. The obstacles in front of us aren’t important, it’s how we choose to deal with them.
The only person you’d find on this site condoning your decision to quit the industry is, thankfully, long gone…
Stay in it and find a way to succeed, or ring the bell. Your call. I (and I think everyone else here) hope you hang in. We’re all cheering for you, and apparently willing to help any way we can.
Preach, brother, PREACH!
Another thing I advocate is “success circles’. Find other people that are facing challenges similar or dissimilar, but are focused on getting ahead.
I have two people in another airline’s indoc class. One is from Asia, the other is from Europe and they feel out of their element because, individually, they’ve said that “it’s like all Americans know one another and I’m just sitting here in the corner”.
“Well, A, meet B, B meet A.” as they had no idea I was their common friend. There’s a success circle, outsiders no more.
If you’re having career challenges and you haven’t surrounded yourself with people who have YOUR professional best interests in mind, you’re not trying hard enough.