Colgan March Bids...


Well-Known Member
Are the Bids really due tomorrow, or are we still expecting the "secondary" set of bids to come out? I'm confused about whats currently posted on Should we bid those, or wait for Dot to provide new bid forms?
Glad you brought that up, B. I saw the memo from DC and have been waiting for the new bids. As of a few minutes ago, nothing new appears. Hopefully, something will be on CrewTrac in the morning about it. Otherwise, I guess I'll just bid from the old one.
I think you're right Q, maybe she's running a bit late with them due to everything thats been going on. She said they'd be out over the weekend. I'm going to be on the safe side and put in the original numbers, just in case!
An update for my Colgan friends. Bids are still being worked on...should be out later today or tomorrow, along with a new due date.
Well, for some reason, I can tell ya the PCL lines suck. Or at least mine does. I got ZERO of the days off in March I requested And it looks like unless we have a plague hit the seniority list or people decide "F it, I'm gone" I'll be on RSV until I find a new job.....I went from being 16 away from holding a line to 22.
There's a reason CAL likes 5 crews per plane. We have only 14 planes now and we went from 42 or 43 down to 38 lines. The math pretty much works out. For me at least, I wont ever see a line again until/unless we (still?) get more planes. In all honesty, what were you expecting?
Didn't a Dash have a pushback incident? I'm not sure if it was a Commutair or Colgan flight, I just remember hearing that Dash got smashed with a towbar or tug. If it's a Colgan aircraft maybe that one additionally affected lines for March. least summer flying is around the corner and that means more lines. Hopefully that will improve things a bit.
Didn't a Dash have a pushback incident? I'm not sure if it was a Commutair or Colgan flight, I just remember hearing that Dash got smashed with a towbar or tug. If it's a Colgan aircraft maybe that one additionally affected lines for March. least summer flying is around the corner and that means more lines. Hopefully that will improve things a bit. of ours.....:banghead:
Oh no worries.....this is exactly what I was expecting. You know, "hoping for the best, expecting the worst." Instead of giving everyone a couple extra days off and spreading the love around, by building guarantee lines, everyone has minimal days off (RSV's 10) The lines we have are mostly around the mid-80's block time. Could have easily built an extra line or several and helped the entire pilot group. You know, in light of recent events, it would be VERY beneficial for the pilot group to get a couple extra days at home w/ their loved ones to facilitate the healing process. But hey, why help us no extra expense to the company. :(

I know what you mean Kellwolf. When I transitioned over to the Q, I actually held a line for the first three months. Each month I got closer to RSV though. Now, I'm sooo deep into the RSV, I seriously have no idea when I'll ever hold a line again. We're down 16 lines since Oct. Went from 54 to 38. :(

Yes, that was a Colgan Q that did battle w/ a towbar....and LOST. Apparently that airframe is going to be down for a lengthy period of time. :(
Yes, that was a Colgan Q that did battle w/ a towbar....and LOST. Apparently that airframe is going to be down for a lengthy period of time. :(

MX said last week they hope not much more than another 3-5 weeks. As of Thursday they had removed everything to the RADAR bulkhead, and were making good headway. The frame is crumpled all the way back to the battery sump jar on the left side, the RADAR dish is bent at about a 10 or 15 degree angle, and the RADAR receiver (the most expensive thing up there) was bent too. If you haven't seen the pictures, go ask the mechanics, they have them on the computer in there; it's something to see!
Man....I have to start reevaluating the hazards of the tow bar. I've seen and heard way to many towbar related stories now!! It's the one's you don't think about that get you!
Lol.. we had a super tug induced nose tire failure... not allowed to be pushed by them either. Soon we may just power back :)

Guess hitting the brakes while under push is a bad thing (j/k j/k)
I wish the reserve lines had 11 or 12 days off... they're not commutable with 10, and I've talked to some that have families and commute- its depressing to see everyone sitting around not being utilized for flying, then trying to scrape together some time with family. Really puts this career choice in perspective!