***Chicago PEPC 03/23***

Couple questions:

Anyone have a rough idea of how many people attend the PEPC each day? Do they do like 10-20 people per every half hour or something?

And - how does parking work? Is there a parking garage next to the place in Chicago specifically for FAA facility, or is it kind of "kill and every man for his own find a spot" type of parking? (I've heard it's hell to find a spot anywhere in Chicago.)
Couple questions:

Anyone have a rough idea of how many people attend the PEPC each day? Do they do like 10-20 people per every half hour or something?

And - how does parking work? Is there a parking garage next to the place in Chicago specifically for FAA facility, or is it kind of "kill and every man for his own find a spot" type of parking? (I've heard it's hell to find a spot anywhere in Chicago.)

NYC's regional office had its own massive parking lot with plenty of spaces for anyone.

As far as attendees, I think they do about 50 per day, each starting on the hour. So for instance, 10 start at 8:00, the next 10 start at 9, etc. I don't know how many they'll have in each hourly group, but it works pretty well. And if you get Gloria and Terri as your intro folks, you'll feel comfortable when you start the interviews - they're great people.
For anyone interested:

Open invitation to get a beer or two @ the Rosemont Hyatt (just down the street to the east) on the 25th after the wednesday interview. I'll be there until the 26th. PM me if you want to coordinate.
Got a question: I'm leaving after my interview, I want to know what do we do we our bags and crap when we show up at the PEPC. Is there spot that we can leave them for the day? Are most of you spending the night after there interviews?
Check with your hotel (if you're staying in one) - they usually let you do a bag drop at the front desk where you can pick it up later in the day due to an early checkout. I've done it several times.
You didn't see anyone with there bags though? I'd rather just peace out straight from this thing.
Got a question: I'm leaving after my interview, I want to know what do we do we our bags and crap when we show up at the PEPC. Is there spot that we can leave them for the day? Are most of you spending the night after there interviews?

They'll be chillin' in the trunk of my car till I get out of PEPC and head back home. I won't be staying after PEPC, just lodging the night prior so I won't be exhausted.
You didn't see anyone with there bags though? I'd rather just peace out straight from this thing.

I didn't see anyone with luggage, no. You have to go through a security checkpoint when you enter the FAA regional office anyway, much akin to airport security (x-ray scanner, metal detector), so it's kind of a hassle to bring in something bigger than a carry-on bag. I'd recommend just leaving it at the hotel and peacing out from there after the PEPC ends. You'll probably get out earlier than you think, anyway - like, 12:30-1:00 for an 8:00 appointment.

Now, granted, we started out in a large ballroom-sized room to begin with (about 100 chairs), and we each got to just throw our coats and stuff in the back chairs -- those become "your" chairs for the day, and you can keep anything you want back there the whole day for safe-keeping -- so I guess you could feasibly bring your luggage.
Anyone get their "reminder" / final e-mail regarding PEPC yet?

Should we be expecting one of these, all i've gotten in the past couple of days is "you better have your e-qip done before your date or you'll be seeing a 3-4 hour delay"
Finally finished the E-quip email. After a long week of military exercises and using crappy government computers I have given my life history to the FAA.
Should we be expecting one of these, all i've gotten in the past couple of days is "you better have your e-qip done before your date or you'll be seeing a 3-4 hour delay"

I was under the impression we received one.. possibly not.
I Just finished my equip also. Man that was the funniest thing ever!!!!!!:D

You think that was the funniest thing ever, wait for the MMPI, hope you love your mother, don't have a problem with a lump in your throat, and have never had thoughts of killing yourself:laff:
And - how does parking work? Is there a parking garage next to the place in Chicago specifically for FAA facility, or is it kind of "kill and every man for his own find a spot" type of parking? (I've heard it's hell to find a spot anywhere in Chicago.)

The FAA office has it's own parking lot. It's part of a group of white buildings. I went there once and had a bit of a hard time finding it. I'm sure with the quantity of people who will be there that day that aren't familiar, there will be someone offering assistance. I just went to change my name on my Pilot Certificate and had no idea where to go or what to do! There's a guard that watches the lot outside the FAA building itself, but you can park in another lot and walk up to the FAA building.

Hope that helps.
Good luck this week everyone! I'm heading to the airport now. Will be in Chicago around 8pm, ready for my 9am appointment tomorrow.

I'll be the California dude ;)