***Chicago PEPC 03/23***

one thing that is nice about the equip is if you have ever filled it out before it will automaticaly plug in all your info so that all you have to do is update as nesasary
Just finished the E-QIP, took about 2-2 1/2 hours for those who are curious.

It wasn't as painful as most people described. The hardest part is getting addresses of people who knew you at all the addresses you've lived at.
Hello all.

I currently live in CHICAGO, so if you have any questions, let me know. My question to anyone is, Since I work for the Dept of Homeland Security, will I have to fill out another e-Qip?

Other than that,

GOOD LUCK TO ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And see you all on the 25th
Hello all.

I currently live in CHICAGO, so if you have any questions, let me know. My question to anyone is, Since I work for the Dept of Homeland Security, will I have to fill out another e-Qip?

Other than that,

GOOD LUCK TO ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And see you all on the 25th

Yes you do. Most of your info should pop up automatically if you used E-QIP for your previous clearance with DHS. Once you fill it out again, I'd respond to the security email (the one who sent you the E-QIP link) and let them know that you filled it out and that you have a clearance currently.

It won't excuse you from the background process but it may speed it up significantly.
No eQip for me either. I have a friend who went to the NYC PEPC. He told me he didnt get his eQip email til less than 2 weeks before the PEPC.
Same here, i've got nuttin, i'm not too worried yet, but if i don't have anything by friday, i'll start making some calls.
If you hadn't noticed... Seems like a lot of the NYC PEPC people are already getting OKC class dates. I'm jealous :drool:. I hope they don't all fill up by the time they get to processing us Chi guys.

I could have went to NYC, but Chicago is closer and I didn't think it mattered. I am really second guessing that choice now. I want/need to get to OKC ASAP. I'm expecting mid/late June at this point but the more I see from the NYC people, the more afraid I am. I really hope it isn't later than that.

Just had to vent. :banghead:
Did anybody get an email from Darlene? Does anybody know which form she wanted u to fill out? Was it the DOT Form 1630?
Due to a change in email address i just got my E-qip email with the forms yesterday (Friday). I faxed the forms in as soon as I got them but as of this morning (Saturday) I am still unable to access E-Qip. Is it reasonable to believe that I'll be waiting until at least Monday to be able to start this?
Hey guys - do we get a reminder e-mail on what to bring for the PEPC?

Figured the E-QIP release papers, two forms of ID, can't think of what else.. anyone been through already that can let me know what to bring?
Your PEPC final e-mail with your date/time on it will tell you what you need to bring, and even then, you may not need everything. I brought my e-QIP signature pages, but they already had a set printed out for me to sign. Then I got an e-mail a week later that said my e-QIP had expired, and I had to fill out the yes/no questions again and print/sign/scan/e-mail the signature pages again.

If you have any edical condition for which you are being treated, or if you have any papers that can prove you no longer have a condition you once had, BRING THEM. I had a kidney stone in 2004, but because I didn't have an x-ray or official doctor's paperwork stating that I no longer had it 5 years later, I had to arrange a follow-up doctor's appointment to get x-ray proof. That delayed my application by about a week. I had a copy of every other medical record with me just as a precaution, though.
I received an email from Darlene today stating that I didn't have to fill out the e-qip. A lil nervous about that since everyone else has to do one. But it is what it is.
I received an email from Darlene today stating that I didn't have to fill out the e-qip. A lil nervous about that since everyone else has to do one. But it is what it is.

Yeah if the security people contact you (Darlene is security if I recall), you are all set. In general though, fill it out unless otherwise told not to.