Change of University


Well-Known Member
Ok, reality hit home finally. I intended on going to FIT, BUT i found out it will be $55,000 a year. I just absolutely cannot afford that since my parents are forcing me to pay college on my own.

UND, however, has a base tuition rate of under 10k a year. 20k a year with fees included. They also have a Piper fleet which is what attracted me to FIT in the first place. So now it looks like I am going to UND...

FIT is an amazing school, but their costs are just OUTRAGEOUS. Totally not worth it at all IMO.
State college, non-aviation degree and fly during the summers!
FYI, UND is in the process of replacing the warriors with 172s. What makes a piper so much better than a cessna?
...since my parents are forcing me to pay college on my own.

Entitlement attitude.

At 18 you're an adult. You can decide what you want to do, and how you're going to pay for it. Your parents owe you nothing at that point. Many parents that can afford it do help their children with college costs, but it sure isn't something that they're required to do.
all my time is piper time

That shouldn't matter. I try to fly as many airplanes as I can. There are few things I enjoy more than getting behind the controls of something I haven't flown before.

Entitlement attitude.

At 18 you're an adult. You can decide what you want to do, and how you're going to pay for it. Your parents owe you nothing at that point. Many parents that can afford it do help their children with college costs, but it sure isn't something that they're required to do.

Steve - while your remarks hold water, I'm not sure this is indicative of a negative "entitlement" issue. A lot of parents do pay for their kids to go to school, and whatever his situation, I think maybe it came out wrong the way he said it.

To Steve's point, Kestrel - think about it. You really do have options. Your folks may attach some strings (we'll help you financially if you do what WE think you should do) and they do it because they want what's best for you. I would gently wager - and this is in no way meant to offend you - that you may not be sure yet what's right for you.

And that's fine. You don't have to have your whole life mapped out at 18. Or 20. Or even 30 for that matter. Do what's going to make the most sense for you, and make it happen however you can. If your folks help, that's cool. If they don't, you won't be the first man to put himself through school and you certainly won't be the last.

Final thought - it's good that you want to go to college. Stay focused just on that, make the flying secondary.
Ok, reality hit home finally. I intended on going to FIT, BUT i found out it will be $55,000 a year. I just absolutely cannot afford that since my parents are forcing me to pay college on my own.

UND, however, has a base tuition rate of under 10k a year. 20k a year with fees included. They also have a Piper fleet which is what attracted me to FIT in the first place. So now it looks like I am going to UND...

FIT is an amazing school, but their costs are just OUTRAGEOUS. Totally not worth it at all IMO.

Did you try the financial aid bit or is that still not going to be enough for you?
Entitlement attitude.

At 18 you're an adult. You can decide what you want to do, and how you're going to pay for it. Your parents owe you nothing at that point. Many parents that can afford it do help their children with college costs, but it sure isn't something that they're required to do.

It's more the fact that he promised me 125k towards my education 2 years ago. And now when i decide I want to do aviation he says he is not giving me a dime.
It's more the fact that he promised me 125k towards my education 2 years ago. And now when i decide I want to do aviation he says he is not giving me a dime.
so then for gods sake stop ignoring everyone here and on every other aviation career forum / website out there who tells you to MAJOR IN SOMETHING OTHER THAN AVIATION
so then for gods sake stop ignoring everyone here and on every other aviation career forum / website out there who tells you to MAJOR IN SOMETHING OTHER THAN AVIATION

Whoah calm down there on the throttle there :mad:. Maybe you could use a little Ritalin, but that would stop your flying career :bandit:... Not everyone on this board says that. I did not ask your opinion on whether or not I should major in aviation, I am talking about the planes these colleges fly.
I have to ask--why is having a Piper fleet such a big deal for you? Cessna vs Diamond vs Piper vs whatever has been argued ad nauseum, and the bottom line is this: you'll be flying a forgiving low-performance training aircraft. I got my PPL and IR in Cessnas, and now I'm flying Pipers for the most part. There really isn't much of a difference at all. If I were you, I'd be choosing a college based on how well you fit in. I'm at UND not because of what airplanes they fly, I'm there because the campus was a good fit for me and offered the opportunity to major in music in addition to aviation.
It's more the fact that he promised me 125k towards my education 2 years ago. And now when i decide I want to do aviation he says he is not giving me a dime.

I am guessing that he is not giving you those promised 125K because you are majoring in aviation instead of something he wanted you to major in?

I know, I have some similar experience. Fortunately, my parents will pay for my degree. Not long ago they would not if it was in aviation. At this moment I think I have convinced them enough that this is the career for me, so, they have agreed to pay for any flight training if it is done as part of the major. What this means is that my parents will only help me pay for the hours if I do as a major. If I do what some people say to do (major in something also and do it on the side) I will not get financial help for the flight training.

What I am saying is people have to respect other people's decision. If they want to major in aviation, let them, you don't know why, it might be like my case which is the only option if I want to fly professionally. If they want to fly at a local fbo also let them be. It is there decision, they probably have been advised tons of times (unless asking for suggestions), the most you can do is give them your opinion in a calm way.

Also, remember you have the option of a double major.

BTW, I am also planning to go to UND, double major in aviation and something like business or engineering.
What I am saying is people have to respect other people's decision. If they want to major in aviation, let them, you don't know why, it might be like my case which is the only option if I want to fly professionally.

Also, remember you have the option of a double major.

BTW, I am also planning to go to UND, double major in aviation and something like business or engineering.

what ahmed is getting at is that employers don't give a rats ass on what you majored in, as long as you have enough tt and ratings. a major in "professional flight" doesnt make you any better or qualified than a journalism or business major.

Fly.addict: you don't have to major in aviation to fly profesionally, so why double major in aviation and business when you could just major in business and get all your ratings on the side? An aviation major wont get you anywhere outside of being a pilot, a business major will get you not only a job as a pilot, but many other jobs in the aviation industry and really any other industry. just something to think about....:bandit:

Kestrel452: settle down. Ritalin is for ADD, not anger..... (there's a difference):sitaware: