Challenger crashed onto highway in Naples FL

The problem I did see was Boeing guys who came to Airbus, on approach, they wanted to disconnect A/T, and would hit the red disconnect buttons on the side like in a Boeing. But! In the Airbus, the thrust levers are in the CL detent. So it goes into climb power. Then they’d realize what they did and manually pull it back.

Match the donut, disconnect. Or just go to idle to disconnect (at some point in the descent/approach).

I haven’t seen confusion for Airbus to Boeing. Boeing TOGA switches are buried in the top base of the throttle handle. You’d have to meaningfully push them.

When I was doing OE on the 320, the previous aircraft they flew was super-important because, under pressure, they'll revert BACK. So they're in the flare, a little nervous and then they'll click the A/THR pbs and BOOF, away we go!

"Come on, next time make a lollipop then clicky!"
Why would one leave NJA (assuming that is NetJets) for HopaJet???

Netjets is a great job, but isn't for everyone. Those pilots work insanely hard. I've done pick up trips for them at past jobs and the passengers aren't always the best. Add in guaranteeing that you'll be away from home for 7 day stretches (I hate week on week off schedules) and that you'll deal with airline travel both directions.

I can see a person getting in to Netjets and deciding a local to them company may be a better fit. We've had threads recently about members changing Majors in order to drive to work. Consider this as a similar situation.
Netjets is a great job, but isn't for everyone. Those pilots work insanely hard. I've done pick up trips for them at past jobs and the passengers aren't always the best. Add in guaranteeing that you'll be away from home for 7 day stretches (I hate week on week off schedules) and that you'll deal with airline travel both directions.

I can see a person getting in to Netjets and deciding a local to them company may be a better fit. We've had threads recently about members changing Majors in order to drive to work. Consider this as a similar situation.
I had an application in at NetJets and received an invitation to interview in 2008. Even though the money was better, and the number of days worked was less (7/7 versus the 6/3 schedule we were working at that time; 183 days/year vs 243), I declined the offer. The benefits didn’t outweigh being gone from home that much, at least for me.
Thanks to those who gave me the background about NetJets vs HopaJet.

I remember NetJets being a great place back in the day.
I’m unfortunately a regular at South Teterhole. I’m sure the “CLOSE THE AIRPORT (just not to our private jet)” crowd will be barking pretty quickly. It’s like Santa Monica with a special touch of Floriduh. Very curious as well what could cause a dual engine out, hopefully the prelim will shed some light.
I had an application in at NetJets and received an invitation to interview in 2008. Even though the money was better, and the number of days worked was less (7/7 versus the 6/3 schedule we were working at that time; 183 days/year vs 243), I declined the offer. The benefits didn’t outweigh being gone from home that much, at least for me.


I literally just turned down a five day “Green Slip” that would have basically paid for a new Honda Accord — money is great but days off and being happy at home is sublime.
Filing an ASAP against your FO for insubordination and noncompliance. Union ERC investigates, finds it a nothing burger. CA decides to pursue it more and emails the union and company, that he is going to the FAA directly.

Rolls downhill from there…

That's not how ASAPs work. An ERC has three groups, the union, the company and the feds. If an ERC found nothing, that means all three groups found nothing. He could go to the Feds, but they'd just point to the ERC and say "nope, our guy was cool".
That's not how ASAPs work. An ERC has three groups, the union, the company and the feds. If an ERC found nothing, that means all three groups found nothing. He could go to the Feds, but they'd just point to the ERC and say "nope, our guy was cool".

Yes. 3 party system. But he threatened to email and call DC Feds, and I can only assume as some kinda whistle blower, it triggers a different FAA party.

Again I don’t know the full details. But sounded like a nothing burger that was pushed more and more, and then a FAFO with a non-union carrier.