Challenger crashed onto highway in Naples FL

I wonder if it’s possible to have fuel starvation and still have lots of fuel on board?
Could be. Lots of corporate jets have a "trunk" for fuel. I always appreciated the simplicity of the G200, as it burns all of the fuel the pilots don't need to lift a finger because it's just all gravity fed and the CG isn't going to change until the feeder tanks run dry. I don't know much about Challlengers.
I see from that rubbernecker photo that they landed on the side of a highway counter to the flow of traffic 🙁
All it takes is fuel vapors to cause a fire. Not to mention there is a car underneath that Challenger (so I am told) so it could be fuel from that. Can you accidentally shut both engines off accidentally in a Challenger? Its either birds, bad fuel or no fuel, I can't think of much else...
Wouldn’t bad fuel show itself pretty early in the flight? Genuinely asking, not trying to be argumentative.
It doesn’t look to be out of fuel….?

It’s too soon to comment, so I’ll hold the commentary. But a dual engine failure is a fairly limited amount of things that could cause it. Fuel exhaustion (doubtful based on that fireball), bird strikes into both engines, some pilot input/error. I hope this doesn't end up being a Corpie gonna Corp accident.

I’ll let blank coloring book or Dan Grindr figure it out.
It’s too soon to comment, so I’ll hold the commentary. But a dual engine failure is a fairly limited amount of things that could cause it. Fuel exhaustion (doubtful based on that fireball), bird strikes into both engines, some pilot input/error. I hope this doesn't end up being a Corpie gonna Corp accident.

I’ll let blank coloring book or Dan Grindr figure it out.

I don't mean to sound racist, but [insert racist stuff here].

I don't want to come off like a jerk, but [makes a jerk move].

I hope this doesn't cause trouble, but [requests something that causes trouble].

It's too soon to comment, so [here's a bunch of commentary].
It’s too soon to comment, so I’ll hold the commentary. But a dual engine failure is a fairly limited amount of things that could cause it. Fuel exhaustion (doubtful based on that fireball), bird strikes into both engines, some pilot input/error. I hope this doesn't end up being a Corpie gonna Corp accident.

I’ll let blank coloring book or Dan Grindr figure it out.
If you continue with this corpie nonsense don't be surprised if you find me ridiculing you at every opportunity. You're nothing other than an airline captain, you're not an aviator. I used too belittle Todd for denigrating anyone who was bold enough to fly upside down, have you ever flown upside down on purpose? Have you ever flown a taildragger? You are not a pilot, you're a prototypical airline captain. I'd imagine even the thought of going for a ride in a Pitts S2-B would make you quake in your sneakers.
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If you continue with this corpie nonsense don't be surprised if you find me ridiculing you at every opportunity. You're nothing other than an airline captain, you're not an aviator. I used too belittle Todd for denigrating anyone who was bold enough to fly upside down, have you ever flown upside down on purpose? Have you ever flown a taildragger? You are not a pilot, you're a prototypical airline captain. I'd imagine even the thought of going for a ride in a Pitts S2-B would make you quake in your sneakers.

Answer the questions. I know deep down in your heart you know every crop duster is a better aviator and it tightens some weird knot that you'll never get rid of. Fighter pilots, aerobatic pilots, bush pilots, you know they're better stick and rudder than you are and despite any proclamations you might make it does hurt you. I have a suggestion, stop trying to talk down to everyone, we all know you're an airline captain. No one cares, you're a dime a dozen on this board. You've never stepped out and done anything special in an airplane. I think that's fantastic but I'm not going to celebrate your achievement and neither will anyone else. You've done a great job of being squarely in the middle of the pack. Keep it up, I'm sure it'll work out just fine.
Answer the questions. I know deep down in your heart you know every crop duster is a better aviator and it tightens some weird knot that you'll never get rid of. Fighter pilots, aerobatic pilots, bush pilots, you know they're better stick and rudder than you are and despite any proclamations you might make it does hurt you. I have a suggestion, stop trying to talk down to everyone, we all know you're an airline captain. No one cares, you're a dime a dozen on this board. You've never stepped out and done anything special in an airplane. I think that's fantastic but I'm not going to celebrate your achievement and neither will anyone else. You've done a great job of being squarely in the middle of the pack. Keep it up, I'm sure it'll work out just fine.

Can you accidentally shut off any engine in any airplane? Probably not, they tend to engineer these contraptions so that that's a deliberate action.

I know someone who shut em both down on accident and lived to tell about it. Fortunately he was at about 15k when it happened. Engines spooled up again at about 8k. Ejection seats not tested, fortunately.
I saw somewhere else they landed with the flow but the wing struck the retaining wall and spun the aircraft around.
That is what I thought from the videos, the debris field from the stricken SUV visualizes it sliding against the wall (burn marks) and the tail facing away from the initial damage. One hell of a scary accident, but at least they saved their passengers, that counts for a lot too. Poor guys.
That is what I thought from the videos, the debris field from the stricken SUV visualizes it sliding against the wall (burn marks) and the tail facing away from the initial damage. One hell of a scary accident, but at least they saved their passengers, that counts for a lot too. Poor guys.
I drove RSW to Naples a few years back. Scary stuff
On the other side of that wall is the Wyndemere Country Club golf course. Not that the outcome would’ve been significantly different, but one wonders “what if” they came down there instead of an interstate highway with traffic.
I think that challenger is similar to the CRJ. Basic notes from that standpoint are; center tank gas is auto fed to the wing tanks which is pumped via low pressure pump to the engines. You can fail the low pressure pumps and nothing will happen. High pressure pumps on the motors you need or the engine will quit. Doubt both failed simultaneously. You could shut down both motors on purpose but it would really have to be intentional. I have seen the stops between idle and cutoff on the throttles fail but that was in airline flying with 10 bazillion cycles and it only happened once and only to one throttle so unlikely you shut down both motors if you went to idle on a corporate jet. Birds, sure, but again highly unlikely it took out both motors and the pilots not give any indication of that. As someone above pointed out, the pilot seemed remarkably calm when claiming they weren’t making the runway. Calmest I have ever heard anyone who knows they are putting their plane off airport on short notice.
I know someone who shut em both down on accident and lived to tell about it. Fortunately he was at about 15k when it happened. Engines spooled up again at about 8k. Ejection seats not tested, fortunately.

I remember how easy it was to shut the engines down on the Hornet, but never flew it so I don't know this. Were the cutoff levers locked out with weight off wheels?
Diesel exhaust fluid has been known to recrystallize out of kerosene. It will clog fuel filters lickety split if it does. What I'm not sure is if the Challenger will bypass a clogged fuel filter.