Cathay Cadet Program

CX probably took one look at public high schools in the US and ran the other way as fast as they could. :D
Just be patient guys. CX moves pretty slow in these cases. If you get discouraged after two months then you are in for a long career. Patience is a virtue.
Just be patient guys. CX moves pretty slow in these cases. If you get discouraged after two months then you are in for a long career. Patience is a virtue.

I WANT IT NOW!!!!!:)

There was one guy on pprune who lives in LAX who went up to Vancouver to interview. I believe he was originally from HK or had some sort of family roots there.

I know plenty of currently -flying 121 FOs and even Captains who applied fwiw none were called. Myself and another guy who interviewed at AHK (owned partially by Cx) didn't get calls either...guess I'll wait and try for DEFO (or So if it ever exists again!!!)....
Well, finally got around to applying, only took me about an hour altogether. Like I had said, I wanted to wait until I was closer to graduating college just in case against all odds they did call me. I doubt anything will come of it, but you never know!
Bottom line is it certainly can't hurt. So you don't get a call. Where are you then? Same place you are now. You get a call, where are you then? A much better place, right? I see no bad in that. Best of luck old boy. :beer:
Well I added my name to the list :) Will let you guys know if something pops up. Here's to keeping the fingers crossed!
Was that a one time thing or are our applications still valid? I honestly haven't been expecting anything to come out of it.
Was that a one time thing or are our applications still valid? I honestly haven't been expecting anything to come out of it.
Just out of curiosity I tried to start another application and it recognized my data and said that my previous submission was still being considered... Probably doesn't mean anything, though.
Just out of curiosity I tried to start another application and it recognized my data and said that my previous submission was still being considered... Probably doesn't mean anything, though.

I have vague memory of them saying it wouldn't be considered after 8 weeks. I checked mine out like you did and it says the same thing though.:dunno:

Edit: Checked out some info on another forum and there are people that were called months after applying.
I have vague memory of them saying it wouldn't be considered after 8 weeks. I checked mine out like you did and it says the same thing though.:dunno:

Edit: Checked out some info on another forum and there are people that were called months after applying.
Were any from the US? I think I applied in January, so if what you heard is the case, I might still get called (although I doubt it).
Physically fit! I think Cathay is on the right track here. Not just with the physically fit statement, but their training process. It is very demanding! Every airline in the country should learn from them. Very, very few loose wires slip through the cracks over there. Not to say that it doesn't happen, but US carriers always look at training and think about dollar signs and how they can save a few bucks.

I would imagine if they would ramp up their training departments and make them worth a hoot, they would notice a decrease in cost of fighting hideous grievances and training expenditures from failed check-rides, ATC violations and much much more. Not to mention that their insurance costs would probably go down.