Bad Horse....

Actual photo of horse:

When I was teen there was one person in our group whose older brother "had lost his way", he'd been arrested a bunch of times for drugs, burglary, assault. He was very unpredictable and occasionally violent, that made him scary to the majority of us. We shunned and avoided him at every opportunity but every once in a while he'd show up at a house party and basically terrify everyone there, if that stupid song came on and he was anywhere within earshot I'd leave. He was absolutely convinced that song was written about him, it wasn't just a reason to start a fight, the dude was off his rocker from some bad drug trip he never really came home from, he actually thought that song was written about him and he'd try to make sure everyone knew it. Like I said if he was around and that song came on I left. The fallacy of his belief was obvious, he was 7 years old when the song was written, inevitably someone would question him and he'd go berserk, I witnessed it twice and heard about it a few times when I was not present. I hate that song.