ATP Jacksonville - Your experience

Has anyone done the MEI-I at Craig field? Any advice or tips? Thanks.
Yes, I did the II, MEI at CRG a few years ago. There are a few small write-ups I did afterwards. It was an okay deal. I made it through, but just be warned of the DPE they have there (Ernie, I believe it is). He's a unique individual. I'll leave it at that for now.

I'll write more tomorrow as it's time for bed now, if nobody else writes anything. I need to prime myself with a few beers for that story though.:panic::D
Hahahaha, if you can work it, try to go to FLL and do it with Pinkston. Probably save you 12 hours.
Yes, I did the II, MEI at CRG a few years ago. There are a few small write-ups I did afterwards. It was an okay deal. I made it through, but just be warned of the DPE they have there (Ernie, I believe it is). He's a unique individual. I'll leave it at that for now.

I'll write more tomorrow as it's time for bed now, if nobody else writes anything. I need to prime myself with a few beers for that story though.:panic::D

Ha, WAKE UP!, WAKE UP!, Tell us the story.:D
I too went through it a few years ago. Hopefully Walt S. is still teaching it, he's a Master CFI.

It was a very good and intensive experience. Out of 8 of us, one non-ACPP student pulled out on their own after day 3, and of the rest of us... we all passed on the first attempt.

None of us had Ernie... we all went to Fort Lauderdale, Stuart, or Tampa. I went to Tampa... I had Dave somebody. He started of by letting me know that he didn't like ATP guys... and so it began. 9 or so hours later, I'm back at the hotel, exhausted, with my temp cert. in hand, and the last comment from Dave on my mind... "You'll make a good instructor... Congratulations."

Hahahaha, if you can work it, try to go to FLL and do it with Pinkston. Probably save you 12 hours.

Ha, Pinkston. I didn't think I'd hear that name anytime soon. He gave me my initial CFI ticket at FXE. He's a man of few words.
If you do it at JAX ernie or Walt will be your DE if they are still around. They wont fly you south to pinkston or the others. At least I dont think they will. Because it sounds like you already have your initial CFI ticket. You are just trying to get your MEI and CFII, correct?

Ernie is a character, He will ride you hard, and he rides the instructors even harder. I think his intentions are good. He wants to make sure ATP instructors and pumping out great students. and for the Students/applicants he is trying to let them know they can still improve and should continue to do so, no matter how great of a stick you are. However, the manner in which he goes about it, is where everyone has their issues.

His intentions are good, but no matter how you slice he is an ass in the plane. But they make for good stories afterwards. haha. Some of the stuff he used to say to me and my friends crack me up to this day.

Good luck!
Yes, I did the II, MEI at CRG a few years ago. There are a few small write-ups I did afterwards. It was an okay deal. I made it through, but just be warned of the DPE they have there (Ernie, I believe it is). He's a unique individual. I'll leave it at that for now.

I'll write more tomorrow as it's time for bed now, if nobody else writes anything. I need to prime myself with a few beers for that story though.:panic::D
Well when I get to Jax on the 26th you can tell me over the beers I buy you! :D

I already have my MEI, just need the instrument add on for my work.
. I went to Tampa... I had Dave somebody. He started of by letting me know that he didn't like ATP guys... and so it began. 9 or so hours later, I'm back at the hotel, exhausted, with my temp cert. in hand, and the last comment from Dave on my mind... "You'll make a good instructor... Congratulations."
Dave Garner? I had him too. At first he seemed bored with the whole process, then we had a good discussion on the FOI. I still think of some of the things we discussed when I am instructing.
That's him... Dave Garner. He really was a nice guy and he even gave me his card at the end and told me to give him a call anytime I had any questions as an instructor... and that he'd be happy to help.

I too flew with Dave and had no problems at all. Though a classmate who had a good reputation double busted with him. I'd say the key with Dave is to show him respect and express your dedication to the certificate you are applying for. Treat him and the CFI innitial like a stepping stone... BUST! That should be common sense though, if you don't really want to be a CFI you shouldn't go through the ACPP program.
From what I have heard, the CFI school in Jax is really a great place to go if you want the ticket and it to have meant something. They have added an instructor who has a lot of experience and also flew in the airlines. I have heard (and I stress heard) that the national average for first time CFI applicants is around a 40% first time pass rate. With the current cadre (Walt S., Matt B., Dave S. and John A.) at ATP Jax I have also been told that the current 1st time pass rate is over 80%- and the FAA is now picking the DPE's for the applicant, not ATP.

Any current students out there?
and the FAA is now picking the DPE's for the applicant, not ATP.

Not saying you are wrong, but if the FAA does not take the ride. They do not assigned a DPE to it. Back into the CFI world and when I was in DAB that was not the case either. That would be a nation wide thing and I am not aware of that happening at all. Just had a guy do it with a DPE here in Indy. FAA did not want it, we picked his DPE.
You mean "pink-slip Pinkston"?

Is Lumley still doing rides out of FLL? That guy was something else.
From what I last heard, ATP does not use him anymore.
I did however see him down in Miami doing some rides here and there. Not with any of my students though.
No- I checked. When an applicant comes through Jax his name is given to the FAA. Then the FAA assigns a DPE for the checkride- this just recently changed. Sounds like a mess to me.

Anyone in the class that can clarify?
No- I checked. When an applicant comes through Jax his name is given to the FAA. Then the FAA assigns a DPE for the checkride- this just recently changed. Sounds like a mess to me.

Anyone in the class that can clarify?

This is through ORLANDO FSDO? I am wondering, because I am going to call in the morning and find out if this actually is a change or just something being told to people.
The FSDO's in the past conducted intial flight instructor checkrides. Due to demand and the workload of the FSDO the FSDO has the option to give the checkride to select DPE's.... Only a handful of DPE's in every district can give a Instructor Initial checkride. I know in Richmond, there were Instructor canidates, their names were given to the FSDO and the FSDO decided who was going with them and who was going with the DPE.