Any runners out there??????

I happen to enjoy it and started just like that. THe only problem is that in the last couple of months, I've fallen off the "Must Run" to "Ungh, I have to Run" wagon and that's really affected my monthly total distance.

Stay on it!
I'm at 95 miles for sept, pushed my weekly long run to tomorrow, so should be 115 for the month. Marathon oct 20.
Keep running, if you finish a 5K you'll want to finish a 10k and then a half and then a full....................;)

I agree and disagree. First off, I'm not a runner. My wife likes it...I...don't. Anyway, it's something we can do together to be healthy and whatnot. I've done a handful of 5Ks and short obstacle races with her. We're not competitive, just do it for fun. A few years ago she signed up for a half marathon with a friend, but as the race approached, it was clear they were going to run at two different speeds, so I signed up and ran it with her. During the race we swore off of all long distance running. After finishing, she decided that with some better training, it's something we could try again.

Fast forward to the last year or so...

While I was on the road, she ran a couple of outdoor trail races; one of which I did. She decided she wanted to try the local marathon/half-marathon race this year. I told her I wasn't going to do all the training to accomplish something I had already done, so if she wanted me to do it with her it would have to be the full marathon. I completed it last week. I feel a sense of accomplishment, but nothing particularly special. Like I said before, I'm not a runner.

During the training...and the sore knees and legs that followed the longer runs...I decided that this marathon was a one-shot. I'd do it, be able to say I've done it, and be done with long distance running.

My marathon time was pretty slow. My wife injured her foot about a month before the race, so hardly did any running during that period. Then during the race, her foot started to hurt about 8 miles...forced her to really slow around mile 12 and to throw in the towel at mile 21. I stayed with her until she decided to pull out, at times our mile pace around 14:00. I was able to pick it up a bit for the last five miles...but had a pretty slow time.

I honestly don't understand how people can/want to do several of these a year or lifetime. As I said, I felt good for finishing what I set out to do, but I have no desire to do it again. I'll likely end up doing one more, as I know my wife will want to finish one, and will want a partner; but it won't be for me.

For me for the future, I'll stick to short races, a couple of mud runs, and my bike. I'll ride the hell out of my bike!

So to sum it up, the quote is partially true for me. I completed an unplanned half, and thought that if I had trained, I could do better. I did the full....think I could do one about an hour faster than I did, but for me, the challenge ended when I crossed the finish line. For those that really love running, I'm happy for you, but I'll get my cardio on my bike.
Yep, it's a fun one, I did the half last year. I'm also doing the rock and roll Vegas about a month later. I did the full there last year, it was a blast. Up and down the strip at night, it was really fun.

I was hoping to do the Las Vegas one this November. Schedule didn't work out though. Hopefully next year! Good luck on your marathon.
I was hoping to do the Las Vegas one this November. Schedule didn't work out though. Hopefully next year! Good luck on your marathon.

Maybe a group of us can plan for the RRM/Las Vegas one year! Be something good to train for and good CRM building.
Might just be a half for me!

The half is great, you don't get far off the strip. The full goes off into the middle of no where for awhile. This year they are also having a half half. Not sure why they don't call it a quarter.
I happen to enjoy it and started just like that. THe only problem is that in the last couple of months, I've fallen off the "Must Run" to "Ungh, I have to Run" wagon and that's really affected my monthly total distance.

Stay on it!

Do you plan breaks? I take 6 weeks off a year. I just did 2 weeks on a mountain bike. It was fun but I'm ready to get back on my feet. When I finish a break, I take another 2 weeks and build back up so I don't shock my system. Week 1 is 50% of the time I normally spend running. Week 2 is 75%. Some people take more time off.
I agree and disagree. First off, I'm not a runner. My wife likes it...I...don't. Anyway, it's something we can do together to be healthy and whatnot. I've done a handful of 5Ks and short obstacle races with her. We're not competitive, just do it for fun. A few years ago she signed up for a half marathon with a friend, but as the race approached, it was clear they were going to run at two different speeds, so I signed up and ran it with her. During the race we swore off of all long distance running. After finishing, she decided that with some better training, it's something we could try again.

Fast forward to the last year or so...

While I was on the road, she ran a couple of outdoor trail races; one of which I did. She decided she wanted to try the local marathon/half-marathon race this year. I told her I wasn't going to do all the training to accomplish something I had already done, so if she wanted me to do it with her it would have to be the full marathon. I completed it last week. I feel a sense of accomplishment, but nothing particularly special. Like I said before, I'm not a runner.

During the training...and the sore knees and legs that followed the longer runs...I decided that this marathon was a one-shot. I'd do it, be able to say I've done it, and be done with long distance running.

My marathon time was pretty slow. My wife injured her foot about a month before the race, so hardly did any running during that period. Then during the race, her foot started to hurt about 8 miles...forced her to really slow around mile 12 and to throw in the towel at mile 21. I stayed with her until she decided to pull out, at times our mile pace around 14:00. I was able to pick it up a bit for the last five miles...but had a pretty slow time.

I honestly don't understand how people can/want to do several of these a year or lifetime. As I said, I felt good for finishing what I set out to do, but I have no desire to do it again. I'll likely end up doing one more, as I know my wife will want to finish one, and will want a partner; but it won't be for me.

For me for the future, I'll stick to short races, a couple of mud runs, and my bike. I'll ride the hell out of my bike!

So to sum it up, the quote is partially true for me. I completed an unplanned half, and thought that if I had trained, I could do better. I did the full....think I could do one about an hour faster than I did, but for me, the challenge ended when I crossed the finish line. For those that really love running, I'm happy for you, but I'll get my cardio on my bike.

Long distance running is definitely not for everybody. I love 5Ks and being honest with myself, realize I would be better suited to compete in 10Ks at my age, but I have no plans on trying to run 26.2 miles as fast as I possibly can. My focus doesn't last that long! I would do it with some peeps just for fun but for me, it would be 2 consecutive long runs. My long runs aren't normally very long.
I happen to enjoy it and started just like that. THe only problem is that in the last couple of months, I've fallen off the "Must Run" to "Ungh, I have to Run" wagon and that's really affected my monthly total distance.

Stay on it!

You should run like your PBS Bids depend on it...just sayin' I ain't seen much postin' by Nike lately. :)
Last run on saturday I must have stepped wrong and did something to my left ankle as its hurt like hell for days, after lots of icy hot and a brace it felt pretty good today and I just got back from my run 5min warm up, 10 min run, 5 min walk, another 10 min "run" (I was hurting) and a 7 min walk back home. But an 11:53 pace for 3.13 miles (running and walking) according to Map my run, makes me pretty happy, I have NEVER ran a mile this quick in my life, Back in Highschool my fastest mile was around the 15 min mark.
Last run on saturday I must have stepped wrong and did something to my left ankle as its hurt like hell for days, after lots of icy hot and a brace it felt pretty good today and I just got back from my run 5min warm up, 10 min run, 5 min walk, another 10 min "run" (I was hurting) and a 7 min walk back home. But an 11:53 pace for 3.13 miles (running and walking) according to Map my run, makes me pretty happy, I have NEVER ran a mile this quick in my life, Back in Highschool my fastest mile was around the 15 min mark.

Good job.
You're a running machine @gne in prog ! This has been a year of first for me, I did my first 5k, full marathon, triathlon(s) (I'm addicted to these) and I'm training for a 1/2 Iron Man - anyone care to join? The wife thinks I'm crazy and said she'll root me on from the sidelines.

Keep up the good work.
You're a running machine @gne in prog ! This has been a year of first for me, I did my first 5k, full marathon, triathlon(s) (I'm addicted to these) and I'm training for a 1/2 Iron Man - anyone care to join? The wife thinks I'm crazy and said she'll root me on from the sidelines.

Keep up the good work.

I'd like to do a 1/2 iron, but all my training time is occupied with being a terrible runner.