Any runners out there??????

I'd like to do a 1/2 iron, but all my training time is occupied with being a terrible runner.

1/2 Iron was my favorite distance for tri's when I did them (now about 10 years out). I liked them because they were long enough you needed at least some sort of a plan, you went through a series of emotions, and needed the fortitude to get through.... yet a full Ironman is just obnoxiously long and the preparation required is really like another job, I just found the full IM is simply not fun (to me). Sprint/Oly tri's are certainly fun, though like a 5k run, if you're really doing it for performance it's just a pain fest of going hard all the way through.

I'm doing a 10k trail run in Spokane this weekend, first organized run/race I've done in years. I'm not competitive, but am really looking forward to it.
I'm doing a 10k trail run in Spokane this weekend, first organized run/race I've done in years. I'm not competitive, but am really looking forward to it.

10K trail run yesterday was very fun, but steep climb, rocky, and some sandy trails. I eastimate 700' climb out the first 3 miles. Had to keep a close eye on the HRM to keep my ambition in check. Then the run down was fast but easy to get out of control and hard on the knees. Great views of KSFF as the run went right above it on the hills to the north. Overall a fun run, and the swag was a pumpkin!
So today I started the Advocare 24 Day Challenge, Which I did earlier this year and lost 14 pounds in 24 days. This time im more motivated and have a better plan so im expecting better results.

Anyways I started out the day with a Crossfit workout at the local MMA gym, and after coming back home a resting a little I decided to go for a mile run, just to see what I could do. I was shooting for a 10 min mile and I blew that away with a 9:29 mile! I know its not a long distance but it is by far the best I have ever done. 5k here I come!
Doing Couch25K again after a serious setback last summer. Running gave me a butt you could bounce a quarter off of.... I can't wait to get it back!

I'd be happy to test your progress for you as you work back into your stride. :D

Paleo Diet. Hard to stick with, but you'll feel better and perform better.

Basics of Paleo are no starches and dairies, and a whole lot of fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, and proteins, and broken up into 5-7 meals a day.

Try it for a week, along with plenty of water.

I live in a hangar and I'm writing a book about that diet right now, except I call it the Hangar Diet. Then again, I may be biased. I chased down a deer one time and ate it. :cool:
I live in a hangar and I'm writing a book about that diet right now, except I call it the Hangar Diet. Then again, I may be biased. I chased down a deer one time and ate it. :cool:

Thhhwap! I've chased a few with an arrow before! Seeing this reminds how far off I have strayed from Paleo, I need to get back on it, I felt and performed better.
Seeing this reminds how far off I have strayed from Paleo, I need to get back on it, I felt and performed better.

We use this meal planning service. Great recipes, affordable, and saves a bunch of time and cash. They send you a grocery list each week and then you just prepare the meal for that day with the recipe they send you. Most are easy to prepare and have great complex flavors. Well worth the small fee.
I just had to start my day with a run, keep getting better did 3.38 miles with an 11:04 pace, that with 14 min of walking, at the point in my 5k app where the next run has no breaks, looking forward to that tomorrow or monday. Its also been a kickass week with the 24 Day Challenge, down 6 pounds so far! Pumped!

Also am I the only one that feels like Rocky when running? lol
Anyone have any advice for 'runners knee'? My left knee keeps getting a sharp pain recently and googled has not helped. I'm assuming it's runners knee. It's a terrible pain when there is an decline or going down stairs; this is only after I run. I have to run every other day. The only remedy I read was to stay off it. Well, I did that for a couple days and it's the same story. Any advice or guidance?
With anything painful, you have to determine a few things.

Is this an overuse injury?
Is this a form problem?
Too much too soon?
Just an unfortunate injury that needs to heal?

The good thing is that you can fix this the same way after answering yes to any of those questions. The first thing you need to do is allow it to heal. Different runners approach different injuries in different ways. A runner who runs 100 miles a week might approach this by just replacing a hill day with another speed day on the track or they might cut the miles for a week or 2. A runner who doesn't run more than 20 miles a week might benefit from not running at all for a couple weeks and then maybe slowly adding the miles back over the following 2-4 weeks. Everybody is different.

Ask yourself this: is there anything that you changed recently (last 2 weeks or so) that might be a contributor to the soreness? If nothing comes to mind, it could be that your body has reached it's limit (well of course). There are so many factors that can lead to injury that it could take months or years to reach a conclusion. But 9 times out of 10, getting more rest and supplementing with a good strength program will help tremendously. Runners knee is generally the knee cap and thigh bone irritating each other. I imagine the reason the pain manifests itself between workouts is inflammation. It's repairing damage. Runners knee is fairy common, although I can't say I'm an expert on it. I've never had it myself but logic tells me the most common causes are too many miles in a short period of time (inadequate rest), bad form and/or specific workout wearing on ya, and/or perhaps the type of shoe you wear or even the terrain you run on. The most successful runners (by successful I mean injury avoidance), do these things:

1. Get appropriate rest for their personal needs
2. Get the right foods to fuel and maintain themselves
3. Wear the proper gear- shoes should have less than 500 miles on them. Some say under 300 miles. Seems like a lot but they can sneak up on ya.
4. Continuously monitor their flexibility
5. Strength train

Long winded response. If anything there helps, I'm glad I posted it. If you need more specific answers, maybe I or someone else could answer those questions, also.
Ice! Ice your knee for 30 min on 30 min off when you can, I did this a few weeks ago with my ankle, I went from barely being able to walk to feeling normal in a few days and back to running in about 5 days.

I was told the same thing than falconvalley said about shoes 500 miles, and that when my shoes got worn I would feel it in my knees, so might be time for a new pair. Also I am new to running and didn't know I was running wrong, some special insoles have my feet running straighter and feeling much better, made a huge difference for me.
Thank you @falconvalley and @skypilot6.

Is this an overuse injury? doubtful
Is this a form problem? no
Too much too soon? no
Just an unfortunate injury that needs to heal? I'm thinking so. I Last weekend I twisted my left knee and didn't think anything of it. Well, now after 15 miles the last week, it's starting to swell and cramp up. I'll ice it and stay off it for a bit.
while we're discussing injuries...
I've developed some arch pain. It started about 10 days ago give or take, and I took some time off it. Ran yesterday morning and it's been bothering me ever since. I accidentally to ice it yesterday, but I've been icing today and put a compression sock on it as well. luckily, there was a good one page discussion in this month's runner's world magazine, which I've consequently taped to my mirror and have been doing some of the stretches on and off over the last couple days (mostly just doing the "dome" stretch and some calf raises).

Has anyone found that this kind of pain has gone away with a regimen of icing and stretching, or should I go the next step of getting arch supports? I've been training for a half marathon, so the pain is likely due to the rapid increase in mileage. I really don't want to stop training; Last year I got injured and ended up going months without running.

Sidenote: I live in St. Croix and wear a crappy pair of old navy $2 flip flops when i'm not wearing sneakers for work or running. If you have a suggestion for more stable flip flops/sandals with some kind of arch to them, i'd love your suggestions.

Good luck to everyone in your upcoming races!
while we're discussing injuries...
I've developed some arch pain. It started about 10 days ago give or take, and I took some time off it. Ran yesterday morning and it's been bothering me ever since. I accidentally to ice it yesterday, but I've been icing today and put a compression sock on it as well. luckily, there was a good one page discussion in this month's runner's world magazine, which I've consequently taped to my mirror and have been doing some of the stretches on and off over the last couple days (mostly just doing the "dome" stretch and some calf raises).

Has anyone found that this kind of pain has gone away with a regimen of icing and stretching, or should I go the next step of getting arch supports? I've been training for a half marathon, so the pain is likely due to the rapid increase in mileage. I really don't want to stop training; Last year I got injured and ended up going months without running.

Sidenote: I live in St. Croix and wear a crappy pair of old navy $2 flip flops when i'm not wearing sneakers for work or running. If you have a suggestion for more stable flip flops/sandals with some kind of arch to them, i'd love your suggestions.

Good luck to everyone in your upcoming races!

If you have arch problems, you will always have arch problems, no matter how you limit your miles. If you can, see your doctor and get an opinion- diagnosis or referral. You may end up getting special shoes and/or insoles. It will pay off big time in the long run with lack of related injuries you will never get.
Anyone have any advice for 'runners knee'? My left knee keeps getting a sharp pain recently and googled has not helped. I'm assuming it's runners knee. It's a terrible pain when there is an decline or going down stairs; this is only after I run. I have to run every other day. The only remedy I read was to stay off it. Well, I did that for a couple days and it's the same story. Any advice or guidance?

Sometimes the simplest explanation for these type of injuries is shoes. I'm doing a 1/2 marathon in a few weeks and a crazy 48 miler in January, and about 2 weeks ago when I was running my left knee started killing me, I took a few days off, did not do me any good. I started thinking about how many miles were on my shoes and realized I had not gotten new shoes since February when I ran my last 1/2. Went to the store, new shoes, no problems now at all! Not sure if this would help you, but don't underestimate the power of new shoes!
IT's not the shoes. I was fitted at a running store and have completed a marathon, a couple 10ks, a handful or triathlons and a lot of joy runs.
I live in a hangar and I'm writing a book about that diet right now, except I call it the Hangar Diet. Then again, I may be biased. I chased down a deer one time and ate it. :cool:

When I lived in a hangar, my diet consisted of alcohol, fast food, and cigarettes. I still ran around the hangars at 0300 before my courier arrived with my work, though! How I miss my youth!