Any runners out there??????

Doing just basic maintenance runs(2-4 miles). I'm planning to do like always a 10k on December, let's see how it goes. I'm always on the slow lane..........:oops:

No one is slower than me, but I find if you go a long distance people don't give you as hard of a time about being slow.
Anybody in Vegas tomorrow? I'm planning on going on a leisurely morning run before heading to Honolulu. Anybody can join! (Same for Honolulu. I plan on running there, also!)
Any one here suffering from Achilles Tendonitis???

Band/Belt Stretches are helpful. The other thing you can do (a couple times a day) is get a coke bottle or some other cylinder like object and roll it on the floor while pushing your weight down on the affected foot. Helps stretch the muscle out. Anything beyond that and your looking at the special moon boots my mother wears because its a common injury for Nurses and other on your feet all day type jobs.

Band/Belt Stretches are helpful. The other thing you can do (a couple times a day) is get a coke bottle or some other cylinder like object and roll it on the floor while pushing your weight down on the affected foot. Helps stretch the muscle out. Anything beyond that and your looking at the special moon boots my mother wears because its a common injury for Nurses and other on your feet all day type jobs.
Thanks for the advice. Do I have to stop running or I can continue exercising? I only feel the Achilles when I wake up in the morning, after warming up it usually doesn't bother during the day.............
Well my mother didnt stop working....

Id just give yourself a longer or more often rest period but not stop completely. I developed it during a military training school so there was no stopping for me, but that isnt the way I wanted to go about it. For the most part unless you did something incredibly weird on it theres really not a chance of greater injury, you just increase the amount of time to get rid of it by not giving your muscles that vital repair space they need. We saw the same kind of thing with shin splints and IT band strains, for the most part it would go away on its own you just needed to back off the throttle a little and try to rest it when you could.
Well my mother didnt stop working....

Id just give yourself a longer or more often rest period but not stop completely. I developed it during a military training school so there was no stopping for me, but that isnt the way I wanted to go about it. For the most part unless you did something incredibly weird on it theres really not a chance of greater injury, you just increase the amount of time to get rid of it by not giving your muscles that vital repair space they need. We saw the same kind of thing with shin splints and IT band strains, for the most part it would go away on its own you just needed to back off the throttle a little and try to rest it when you could.

That is what I have noticed with minor running injuries; back off for a few days to week and then ease back into it while figuring out if it is a form problem or a general overuse issue. I have used this method with stretching and mobility exercises to overcome slight injuries. I sprint hills frequently, and had a problem with inside foot pain, so I just stretched, matted it out, and kept my runs at a lower intensity till it healed properly.

I noticed after a longer run, my hip flexor would feel a pinch that would cause some dull pain. It was a simple mobility issue that I fixed with stretches and form exercises on my stride. In that case, I was running "lazy" on LSD runs, forgetting proper form. That meant I had to increase pace to accommodate for my longer stride, which also takes into account mental endurance.

At the end of the day, fixing these issues comes down to knowing your own body, and (while I may get flak) what you can push yourself through. My body recovers quickly and my diet is well balanced. I'm not talking about taking Motrin and running through a possible muscle strain. I also emphasize a warmup to myself, especially when doing sprints or hills, even then I take the first few a bit lighter to make sure the demand on my body isn't going to hurt me. There will be times, at least in my opinion, where it hurts and you will have to push through it. But if you know what you are working with,you know what you can "get away" with.

@jafra98 don't forget to add in pushups, pullups, core work, and squats. You will be amazed how little progress in upper body and core strengths improves your running form, endurance, and overall stamina.

Band/Belt Stretches are helpful. The other thing you can do (a couple times a day) is get a coke bottle or some other cylinder like object and roll it on the floor while pushing your weight down on the affected foot. Helps stretch the muscle out. Anything beyond that and your looking at the special moon boots my mother wears because its a common injury for Nurses and other on your feet all day type jobs.

I've never seen that exercise before. I'll have to try it. I had a very sore Achilles this summer and had to cut my running by about 75%. I actually replaced it with the same amount of time on a bike. The remaining running was only quality stuff. It took about 2 good months, but it's nearly gone and I'm almost back to a full load.
Wife signed us up for the Star Wars half at Disney land in January. They have the "rebel challenge," 10k on Saturday and the half on Sunday, so we're doing that. Should be dorky and fun.

That one sounds fun, the wife and I like Disney races usually really fun and more laid back. She did Dopey at Disney World(5k, 10k, 1/2 and full) I took pics to far for me to run. We were thinking of doing the Star Wars race in 2016, let me know if you liked it!
Any one here suffering from Achilles Tendonitis???
Yes, I injured mine back in August IIRC. I was put on some pain medication because I could hardly walk. I injured it by using the elliptical machine due to not being able to run from another injury (long story). It's November now and still sore in the AM or if I have been laying down for quite a while but other than that it seems to be slowly getting better.

I also suffer from something called Chronic exertional compartment syndrome. I have been experiencing the pain since 2005 with that however I finally went to a sports doctor in July of this year after starting up running again and that is what they told me I had. They said surgery was the only option, or stop running. Well, I did some research and found a study done on some military guys that found heel-striking to be the reason for it. I also happened to be paired up with an ex-mil guy who was getting into the whole forefoot running thing. I changed my running style and instead do fast small strides and bought some more cushy type shoes. It seems to have fixed the issue going forward, knocking on wood. I do 3 miles in around 22 mins (fastest so far is 21:45) in the AM before eating breakfast, not super fast but not super slow either, and am back to my college running times about 10 years later.
That one sounds fun, the wife and I like Disney races usually really fun and more laid back. She did Dopey at Disney World(5k, 10k, 1/2 and full) I took pics to far for me to run. We were thinking of doing the Star Wars race in 2016, let me know if you liked it!

I will. This is the first time I've done a Disney race, I hear they put on good races, so it should be fun.
Running my first half-marathon next week. Moderately hilly course, but I've knocking out the hill repeats for a while now. Tapering is driving me insane.
That one sounds fun, the wife and I like Disney races usually really fun and more laid back. She did Dopey at Disney World(5k, 10k, 1/2 and full) I took pics to far for me to run. We were thinking of doing the Star Wars race in 2016, let me know if you liked it!

Star Wars race was fun. Really well organized, and a good time. 10k had more aid stations than I think most would need, and the 1/2 probably had ten or so.It was hard wrangling kids around the park for ten hours and then having a 0330 alarm clock to go running, but it was a good. Definitely not a pr race if you are also doing the parks, or if you are stopping to take pictures of storm troopers and chewbacca along the way.

Park all day Friday, 10k Saturday. All day in the park Saturday, then 1/2 on Sunday, then all day in the park sunday. My legs have felt better.

They had a 5k on Friday as well. I did find it odd to see people walking around all day and the next few days wearing their participation ribbons (finishers medals).

We plan on doing it again next year.

Storm troopers guarding the merry go round during the half-

I am a runner but I have had some knee injuries lately.

I was training for a marathon in Italy and hurt myself on my 30k run (because of the only hills in Berlin I found). I believe it to be an es band problem and I do not know if I will be able to ever run a marathon. This is very frustrating, every time I get above 25k it seems my knees I injure.

Anyone ever overcome an es band injury?
Airport runs. Lax, starting and ending at the airport marriott-

Palm Springs, from the hilton, with a little extra at the end as I was about a mile short of what I wanted-


Camarillo, starting and ending at the residence inn east of town. Tough to run close to the airport with the way the farm land around it is-


If anyone has any other good airport runs post them up.
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