Any runners out there??????

Soooo. I started trying to run but I've noticed a huuuge problem with shin splints. Anybody dealt with that starting out? I stretch and all that but lately after a while I end up just having to stop because it gets so bad.
Years and years of sitting on ass hasn't done be wonders :p

Like Sky said, the shoe is everything. You might be pronating as well.

Best thing you can do is go into a decent running store and see if they'll film you on the treadmill to see what type of stride you have. I am a HUGE pronator, but if I wear corrective shoes, it does more harm than good. But you are probably different.
The right shoes makes a huge difference, I was killing my knees and ankles when I first started, my shoes just wern't cutting it, I went to the local Fleet Feet store, got new shoes and running inserts and since then zero problems running.

If you're just starting out I would recommend a couch to 5k app, it will help pace you and build up your endurance.
Cool, I'll have to check that out. I'm wanting to really start strength training but it's pretty much impossible bouncing around between hotels for now, so running is the only real consistent workout.
did 3 miles yesterday and 4 today, back feels great, Knees are a bit sore after not running in over 2 weeks, but feels good to be back at it <never thought I would ever say that..:cool:
I'll be starting at a regional sometime in late summer/early fall. Once I'm on the line, how easy is it gonna be to squeeze in a 4-5 mile (30 min) run during overnights?
I'll be starting at a regional sometime in late summer/early fall. Once I'm on the line, how easy is it gonna be to squeeze in a 4-5 mile (30 min) run during overnights?

Thats all going to depend on your line and how that schedule works out for you, And how tired you will be after a long day at the office. Its very possible to fit in a good workout on an overnight, but it all depends on how much time you have, and what time of the day that happens.
I'll be starting at a regional sometime in late summer/early fall. Once I'm on the line, how easy is it gonna be to squeeze in a 4-5 mile (30 min) run during overnights?

I do it all the time. The short overnights are pretty tight but I have no problem getting to sleep right after my run. Some people aren't able to do that. A big issue is food availability right after. I always have an emergency post meal just in case everything is closed.
Soooo. I started trying to run but I've noticed a huuuge problem with shin splints. Anybody dealt with that starting out? I stretch and all that but lately after a while I end up just having to stop because it gets so bad.
Years and years of sitting on ass hasn't done be wonders :p

Right shoes do help but the main reason for Shin Splints is weak calf muscles. I get them when I start building the mileage on my marathon training. (They aren't as bad this time around). I really don't know how to describe the exercises but do a search online and you'll find tons of ways. Also, deep tissue massages to break the scar tissue between the muscle and bone...yes it hurts like a *&^%$#$% but it helps the healing...just don't over do it.
Right shoes do help but the main reason for Shin Splints is weak calf muscles. I get them when I start building the mileage on my marathon training. (They aren't as bad this time around). I really don't know how to describe the exercises but do a search online and you'll find tons of ways. Also, deep tissue massages to break the scar tissue between the muscle and bone...yes it hurts like a *&^%$#$% but it helps the healing...just don't over do it.

I did not know that. My calf muscles are weakER in respect to other muscles, which resulted in more calf pulls until I started doing calf raises with weight, but I've never had a problem with shin splints. I'm very fortunate. I hear they are debilitating for a runner.
They more or less make make fun of the new comers, it's similar to an initiation. That is the best way of describing it.