Announcing the very early arrival of .......

He may be small, but he's a fiesty little guy. An oxygen canula was put on his nose to help increase oxygen flow, and it made him so mad! We watched as he reached up, batted at the thing and then proceeded to grab it and rip it half-way out before a nurse noticed and put it back in.

We'll be going back to see him again later today. I wish so bad we could bring him home, or at least get to hold him. I understand he needs the care they're giving him there at the NICU, but it's still so sad to have to leave him there.

Here's a pic: It's a little blurry, but that's Bill's hand in the picture holding up his wedding ring as size comparison. The baby is so small, he could wear the ring as an armband.


Imagestation appears to be having issues today. Hopefully the picture will start showing up. If it doesn't I'll try to repost it later.
Congrats on the little guy. I am glad everything turned out ok and he is passing all his tests.

you and your family are in our prayers
Congrats on the new addition to your family!

My thoughts and prayers are with your family as well.
CONGRATS! Amber and Bill. Here's to a happy healthy baby!

I was only about a pound bigger than your little guy, and my mom said leaving the hospital w/o me was the hardest thing she ever had to do---it wasn't long before she couldn't wait for me to move out!
Things will brighten up.
Anyway, congrats again.
How do you pronounce "Buchan" - like boo-can or byew-kin?

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His middle name is pronounced byew-can. It's a family name from Bill's side.

We felt so bad, we didn't have a name picked out. We thought we would have a few weeks still to think about it! The secretary came into my room Saturday morning, and Bill hadn't come back yet (I'd sent him home to try to get a decent night's sleep) and so I had to tell the secretary we didn't have a name yet, but that we would by the end of the day. So our little boy spent the first few hours of his life as "Baby Boy".

Our first we'd had named by the time I was 5 months along, we just hadn't found a name that 'stuck' for this little guy yet. But we're happy with Brandon

We'll be seeing him again this afternoon. I'd give anything to bring him back with us, but I know it's going to be a while yet.
Not sure if this is in anyway factual. But on my soap opera Passions...yes I watch daytime soaps. Theresa Lopez-Fitzgerald a character on the show child was born premature.
The doctor said that due to the child being born premature the mother had to touch the baby and talk to it in the NICU to 'bond" with it.
After the baby health was improving and the mother was allowed to hold the baby the doctors still worried bout the babies weight said the mother should breast feed to help the baby pack on the pounds?
Any of this true...incidently my niece was born premature and she is now a fiesty 11 yr. old with an attitude!

But on my soap opera Passions...yes I watch daytime soaps.

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Of course you do - you're gay!!!!!
Winnie and I send along congratulations as we thank god for the miracle of modern medicine.

Continued good fortune for you, Bill and family!
But on my soap opera Passions...yes I watch daytime soaps.

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Of course you do - you're gay!!!!!

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True...however some straight men do as well. They'll just never admit it!

The doctor said that due to the child being born premature the mother had to touch the baby and talk to it in the NICU to 'bond" with it.

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Every child should be touched & talked to. Often. Premature or not!

After the baby health was improving and the mother was allowed to hold the baby the doctors still worried bout the babies weight said the mother should breast feed to help the baby pack on the pounds?

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The baby just needs to eat, forlmula or breast milk, to build up his/her weight.

Any of this true...

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In a way, I guess it was. But really, I wouldn't suggest taking medical advice from Soaps