Alaska Hawaiian Merger?

But you are. You've been Captain Chicken Little on here and APC since you upgraded. Be more resilient and dont try to read between the lines on company emails.

Nobody on here or there has echoed your sentiment of impending doom. Have you ever taken pause and considered why that is?

That's easy: Because no one here cares about anyone but themselves and no one else is 5th from the bottom in their base. It won't affect you so you don't care. I don't expect you to care. Only to acknowledge that we get these threats regularly. The only positive is that they didn't offer reduced lines in Seattle for September. That's the best indication I've seen this year for job security. Really the only one.

I work at an airline where one of the only positive qualities is job security and I get an email every quarter describing why my job is redundant and how it should be reduced.

So I should read between the lines?

My employer doesn't care about anything but the bottom line. All the reasoning I read here why we are going to 737/787 only is ruthless cost cutting but I should read between the lines on direct statements why my job is going away?

It would only be better if the MEC and management signed off their emails with "Have you tried being more senior?"
There's a difference between "pulling out your hair and stress" and mentioning that senior management sends out emails at nearly a monthly rate describing why they will downgrade you back to FO.

Having empathy for someone starts with acknowledging that these emails are in fact real and management is not pro pilot at our place of employment.

I wish I was being dramatic and making stuff up. I'm not. How this is compared to someone who probably doesn't even have a college degree and is from the mainland, without a single shred of roots to Hawaii talking about the market dynamics of selling tickets inter island in Hawaii is possibly the most JC thing ever.

Have you been downgraded? Have you received a WARN notice?

There is a big difference between rational fear and paranoia. And you are lying when you are saying that you have received monthly emails about downgrades. There have been a couple of talks with the context of "people aren't where they need to be on reserve and if this doesn't clean up we will have to downsize the operation which we don't wanna do" which is nothing more than a posturing email to get the rank and file in line. The next position bid could very well be a downgrade bid and you could receive NO prior notice or warning that it is happening.

You are making this akin to Spirit and what they are going through and giving no context. There has been no legitimate forecast to downgrade and/or furlough what so ever.
Alaska is the most overrated state in the Nation. Have ANC/FAI on my avoid list and it will stay there until I retire.

That’s fine, stay away. We have plenty of tourists as it is.

As far as the rest of this, if you’re just in here to act like an arrogant nozzle and talk • about a fellow ALPA airline that employs a bunch of longtime contributing members on here, kindly go stuff it.

I just watched one of them carry a map and a smart phone to the front desk at my hotel and ask for directions to the nearest Walgreens. Nice lady told her that there aren’t any in walking distance. Boomer waves her map of downtown ANC and says “ok, but where is it on this map?”

I almost publicly shamed her for having this conversation while holding a smartphone but I was in uniform.
Have you been downgraded? Have you received a WARN notice?

There is a big difference between rational fear and paranoia. And you are lying when you are saying that you have received monthly emails about downgrades. There have been a couple of talks with the context of "people aren't where they need to be on reserve and if this doesn't clean up we will have to downsize the operation which we don't wanna do" which is nothing more than a posturing email to get the rank and file in line. The next position bid could very well be a downgrade bid and you could receive NO prior notice or warning that it is happening.

You are making this akin to Spirit and what they are going through and giving no context. There has been no legitimate forecast to downgrade and/or furlough what so ever.

3 credible threats on downgrades from the MEC and MGMT since February. Also, I'm not stressing about being downgraded. I'm pointing out this is a factual thing that happens at a place of employment where one of the only perks is supposed to be job security. Credible or not it's what MGMT keeps doing. You and two other posters are putting words in my mouth and saying I'm stressed about it. I'm just pointing out that it is happening. But you care so much about junior pilots you'd rather gaslight them and tell them to read between the lines. OK.

So hypocritical to talk about no context. I'm bringing this up because you and a few other posters compare it to pathetic posturing in regards to market dynamics and ticket sales. Zero messaging or factual public statements from anyone at AS about that at all. Exactly the opposite of how this MGMT team messages about staffing.

Pro tip: if you guys were good at that you wouldn't be heavy equipment operators.
3 credible threats on downgrades from the MEC and MGMT since February. Also, I'm not stressing about being downgraded. I'm pointing out this is a factual thing that happens at a place of employment where one of the only perks is supposed to be job security. Credible or not it's what MGMT keeps doing. You and two other posters are putting words in my mouth and saying I'm stressed about it. I'm just pointing out that it is happening. But you care so much about junior pilots you'd rather gaslight them and tell them to read between the lines. OK.

So hypocritical to talk about no context. I'm bringing this up because you and a few other posters compare it to pathetic posturing in regards to market dynamics and ticket sales. Zero messaging or factual public statements from anyone at AS about that at all. Exactly the opposite of how this MGMT team messages about staffing.

Pro tip: if you guys were good at that you wouldn't be heavy equipment operators.

You seem stressed
3 credible threats on downgrades from the MEC and MGMT since February. Also, I'm not stressing about being downgraded. I'm pointing out this is a factual thing that happens at a place of employment where one of the only perks is supposed to be job security. Credible or not it's what MGMT keeps doing. You and two other posters are putting words in my mouth and saying I'm stressed about it. I'm just pointing out that it is happening. But you care so much about junior pilots you'd rather gaslight them and tell them to read between the lines. OK.

So hypocritical to talk about no context. I'm bringing this up because you and a few other posters compare it to pathetic posturing in regards to market dynamics and ticket sales. Zero messaging or factual public statements from anyone at AS about that at all. Exactly the opposite of how this MGMT team messages about staffing.

Pro tip: if you guys were good at that you wouldn't be heavy equipment operators.
Supply some of the “threatening” messages from ALAMEC please. Be specific, and provide links to the mobile versions so I can read them for myself and decide if you’re being dramatic or if it was a “hey we’d like to avoid burning all our time on disciplinary hearings for reserve roulette” sort of thing. Because having been in that job there are occasions where it’s like “please for the love of whatever attendant deity or none of them if one of you tries X and gets caught they will not be nice.”

The MEC threatening the membership is a dumb-ass comms play that is not recommended except in rare circumstances and I doubt this is that. Reminding someone of a contractual responsibility is NOT threatening a pilot.
You know, I had a response typed for this, but I thought better and deleted it. It isn’t worth engaging in anti-Islamic tropes that you and your types hint at.
Anti-Islamic trope? Write what you were going to write.? You do not know my personal life so I encourage you to write it up so I can share with my Islamic family members. I’m sure we will have a laugh at your expense.
Supply some of the “threatening” messages from ALAMEC please. Be specific, and provide links to the mobile versions so I can read them for myself and decide if you’re being dramatic or if it was a “hey we’d like to avoid burning all our time on disciplinary hearings for reserve roulette” sort of thing. Because having been in that job there are occasions where it’s like “please for the love of whatever attendant deity or none of them if one of you tries X and gets caught they will not be nice.”

The MEC threatening the membership is a dumb-ass comms play that is not recommended except in rare circumstances and I doubt this is that. Reminding someone of a contractual responsibility is NOT threatening a pilot.

I never said the message was threatening. I said it was a credible threat of a downgrade. 2 from MGMT in writing. The third case was when someone on the MEC called me and said if they didn't agree to stop reserves from picking up on days off and create an MOU about it MGMT would have downgraded captains. This was after I sent in a DART to inquire exactly why the solution was to stop people from working on their days off. The podcast that @Inverted is referring to was just damage control because the company started assigning premium trips as soon as reserves weren't allowed to pick up. Which I suspect was big goals for a lot of people.

The only times I've heard that I'm getting paid to sit around at home while I am on call for work with the responsibility to stay fit to fly, answer the phone and drop everything I am doing to come in to work within a specific time frame is from a scumbag 135 operator Chief Pilot and the Alaska Airlines MEC.

Oh and also certain pilots who post here.
I just watched one of them carry a map and a smart phone to the front desk at my hotel and ask for directions to the nearest Walgreens. Nice lady told her that there aren’t any in walking distance. Boomer waves her map of downtown ANC and says “ok, but where is it on this map?”

I almost publicly shamed her for having this conversation while holding a smartphone but I was in uniform.
you should have given her t he address of the downtown transit center. Now THAT would be a tourist adventure