Alaska Hawaiian Merger?

I never said the message was threatening. I said it was a credible threat of a downgrade. 2 from MGMT in writing. The third case was when someone on the MEC called me and said if they didn't agree to stop reserves from picking up on days off and create an MOU about it MGMT would have downgraded captains. This was after I sent in a DART to inquire exactly why the solution was to stop people from working on their days off. The podcast that @Inverted is referring to was just damage control because the company started assigning premium trips as soon as reserves weren't allowed to pick up. Which I suspect was big goals for a lot of people.

The only times I've heard that I'm getting paid to sit around at home while I am on call for work with the responsibility to stay fit to fly, answer the phone and drop everything I am doing to come in to work within a specific time frame is from a scumbag 135 operator Chief Pilot and the Alaska Airlines MEC.

Oh and also certain pilots who post here.
I’ll defer to someone who’s spent quality time in the smaller towns, but Juno and Sitka are other-worldly. I haven’t been to the town-side of Ketchikan but it looks incredible as well. I’ve flown over a good portion of the state and find my mouth gaping open all the time.
I got to fly into Sitka when I flew corporate, and that was a blast of a trip. @Rocketman99 even joined on an overnight and showed me some great places.
You know, I had a response typed for this, but I thought better and deleted it. It isn’t worth engaging in anti-Islamic tropes that you and your types hint at.

It has absolutely zero to do with “anti-Islamic tropes”, it’s about your consistent misogynistic, transphopic nonsense.

I’ve been through a prolonged, difficult merger too, and the one thing I learned is that there’s pompous fools who believe they know exactly what’s going to happen and gossip all the time, and everyone resents them for it.

Don’t be that guy.
It has absolutely zero to do with “anti-Islamic tropes”, it’s about your consistent misogynistic, transphopic nonsense.

Playing victim never gets old.

Btw, there was a joke in 2016 when the merger between AS/VX was. I’m sure that’s misogynistic and whatever o-phobic the cool kids like to say these days. I won’t share it given the crowd.

The Pakistani women I know would think you’re disgusting.

This is the moral equivalent of, I have [insert other race] friends!
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Playing victim never gets old.

It isn’t worth engaging in anti-Islamic tropes that you and your types hint at.


Btw, there was a joke in 2016 when the merger between AS/VX was. I’m sure that’s misogynistic and whatever o-phobic the cool kids like to say these days. I won’t share it given the crowd.

Please do! In your heart you know you’re funny.


This is the moral equivalent of, I have [insert other race] friends!

No, it’s evidence that criticizing your attempts at humor isn’t an Islam thing.
He’s a conservative Pakistani. How is his world view and those takes a surprise to anyone?

It’s like Ben Shapiro arguing that his religious beliefs do not effect his opinions on public policy. It’s a total fabrication, you can’t.
It’s like Ben Shapiro arguing that his religious beliefs do not affect his opinions on public policy. It’s a total fabrication, you can’t.
Mine do too.

“For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.”


“That would be Jesus Christ.”
He’s a conservative Pakistani. How is his world view and those takes a surprise to anyone?

It’s like Ben Shapiro arguing that his religious beliefs do not effect his opinions on public policy. It’s a total fabrication, you can’t.

How would you know what I am? And what world view did I share? These are just darts thrown at the board.

I don’t think anyone here knows how liberal or conservative I am when compared to my religious or cultural background.

But! But! All these fine folks have tons of Pakistani friends, and they would all be disgusted by me. Disgusted, they say. :rolleyes:
You have no shortage of time to have 20,000+ posts here and 9000+ on APC. Occasionally in the drivel that you type you let it slip how prejudice you are.

Posts quantities are irrelevant if you aren’t looking at join dates. A joke is not prejudice, but then again you knew that.

Hopefully none of the offended here watch any of Chappelle’s Netflix specials.
That’s fine, stay away. We have plenty of tourists as it is.

As far as the rest of this, if you’re just in here to act like an arrogant nozzle and talk • about a fellow ALPA airline that employs a bunch of longtime contributing members on here, kindly go stuff it.

Everyone is going to be fine in the merger. But, if you want to talk about arrogance, it is arrogant to hear folks disparage what HAL is bringing to the merger and thinking Alaskan is saving HAL....
Everyone is going to be fine in the merger. But, if you want to talk about arrogance, it is arrogant to hear folks disparage what HAL is bringing to the merger and thinking Alaskan is saving HAL....
There is very little of that actually happening. As usual the vocal minority stand out.
Everyone is going to be fine in the merger. But, if you want to talk about arrogance, it is arrogant to hear folks disparage what HAL is bringing to the merger and thinking Alaskan is saving HAL....

I don’t see anyone disparaging them. They are bringing widebodies and international stuff.

A stand-alone Hawaiian is in a world of hurt, just look at their financial picture. Losing money quarter after quarter, year after year. For that matter, Spirit and Frontier are also going to be in a tough spot. It would be nice if their original merger plan comes back alive.

In the end, no one asked for a merger and no one can control the SLI. Although if you want entertainment, read both unions argument for the SLI. And then try to envision unity. I read both Alaska and Virgin. Talk about having a mentality of stabbing the other pilot group. But, they have to. Or else face the wrath of some rogue pilot suing for lack of good representation in a merger.

In the end, who cares. We have zero control as a regular line pilot.
Everyone is going to be fine in the merger. But, if you want to talk about arrogance, it is arrogant to hear folks disparage what HAL is bringing to the merger and thinking Alaskan is saving HAL....

I had to hear it when I was at VX so I know how it feels. While I will make the argument that HA is not in the best financial position, AS is getting an awesome package and I am looking forward to having the pilot group on board.