Alaska Hawaiian Merger?

No thanks.

The only thing you find attractive is the ability to run 18 days of reserve on in a row in order to get 12 off. That cuts both ways, you could be on 36 days in a row.

Have you looked into the HAL system? Or are you just taking the few things I've said here about the HAL system and deciding no because I think it's better?
It's not the brand so much but the identity that matters. Everyone out here has an Aunti or Uncle that works for Hawaiian. Everyone remembers when they flew on a 717 (or DC9) over to Big Island in 6th grade for their geology field trip. Everybody remembers that giant Hawaiian logo behind the stage at Merrie Monarch. Everybody out here surfs with a guy who is a ramper or mechanic. Everybody has gotten a buddy pass (one time) to take the redeye to Vegas on a Friday night and return on Midnight Madness early Monday morning to be back at work at 8am. Those are the sorts of things that almost 100 years of identity has built up, and hopefully will remain.
Couldn't Air Group run both airlines like IAG runs British Airway's, Air France and Lufthansa, as separate airlines? Only with both Alaska and Hawaiian on the same cert, so that they can whipsaw them against one another?
Mine do too.

“For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.”


“That would be Jesus Christ.”
Evangelical churches in America don’t follow or preach Jesus, just their version of Paul.